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“Semantics.” Lexi takes another hit. “I can’t wait to be done with high school. It’s such a waste. I don’t need a diploma to do what I want to do.”

“You need one to go to college,” Georgia points out.

Lexi rolls her eyes. “Maybe I won’t go.” She shrugs, making Georgia and me laugh. We all know Lexi is all talk. She’s a daddy’s girl through and through, and Tristan Scott has made it clear a college education is important, which means Lexi Scott will be getting one, whether she likes it or not.

“Go where?” a male voice booms, making us shriek in shock. Lexi tosses the joint off the balcony, and I jump to my feet to make sure my parents aren’t down there. When I see the coast is clear, I spin around and fly into Ian’s strong arms.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up, twirling us around. The fresh scent of his cologne has me sighing in contentment. I haven’t seen him in person in over five months, since Christmas. Sure, we video chat and message, but nothing is like being in his arms.

I pepper kisses all over his face while he walks us into my room. He sits on my bed, leaning against the headboard, with me straddling his lap. Lexi and Georgia follow us in, but don’t sit, instead heading straight for the door.

“You guys don’t have to leave on my account,” Ian says, his brown eyes never leaving mine.

“Yes, they do,” I tell him, making them laugh. My time with Ian is limited, and I can see Lexi and Georgia any time I want.

“Yes, we do,” they agree.

“We’ll see you tomorrow at the graduation,” Lexi adds.

The second they’re out of the room and the door is shut, my lips connect with his and butterflies tickle my belly.

“I’ve missed you,” he says once we separate.

“I didn’t think you’d be able to make it.”

“I made it.”

“I can see that.” I kiss him again.

Ian pulls me off his lap and moves us down the bed so we’re lying on our sides and facing each other. “I couldn’t miss your big day.” He moves a wayward strand of hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. “I put in for it months ago, but I wanted to surprise you.”

“I’m surprised.”

“Good.” He pulls me toward him and kisses my cheek.

“I can’t believe you’re really here,” I say, shocked and excited that Ian was actually able to make it to my graduation. “How long are you here for?”

“I have to be back Sunday night.”

Ian was one year ahead of me. We met my freshman year in Algebra II. We hit it off immediately and he asked me out. I knew the first time we kissed, Ian was the one, and four years later, we’re still going strong, despite the distance between us. When Ian graduated last year, he signed up to become a Navy SEAL. It’s a grueling program that can run anywhere from a year and a half to two years. Most don’t even make it through, but he’s already made it through boot camp, BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition SEALS training), and is in the final stage—SQT (SEAL Qualification Training). If he makes it through SQT, he’ll officially be a Navy SEAL, and shortly after, he’ll leave for his first deployment. Ian has wanted to become a SEAL his entire life. His father and grandfather were both Navy SEALs.

“Are you staying with your parents?” I ask, running my fingers along his shaved head. Every time I’m around him, I find myself having to touch him in some way, knowing when he leaves it’ll be months before I get to touch him again.

“Yeah, Mom asked if you want to come over tonight for dinner since we’ll be here tomorrow night for your graduation party.”

“Of course.” I kiss his cheek then trail more kisses along his jawline and neck. “But right now, I need you inside of me.” I reach for the button of his jeans, but he grabs my hand and stops me.

“Your dad is right downstairs.”

“So, we’ve snuck it plenty of times, and in case you forgot, I’m eighteen years old.” I roll him onto his back, and when I straddle his hips, something hard pushes against my leg. “Are you happy to see me?” I joke, getting off to see what it is.

Ian laughs and sits up. “I am, but that’s not what you felt.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small red box.

“Is that… what I think it is?” My heart picks up speed at the thought of Ian proposing.

“Maybe.” He smirks playfully. “First, tell me again about our five-year plan.”

I want to snatch the box out of his hand and open it, but instead go along with his little game. “Fine.” I huff, making him laugh. “Our five-year plan ends with us married. The end.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance