Page 24 of The Invitation

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Standing, I buttoned my jacket. “Fine. Give me a kit, and we’ll see how this pans out.”

Olivia clapped her hands like it was already a done deal. I gave her a warning glare not to get her hopes up, which she, of course, ignored.

“I have a meeting to get to,” I lied.

Stella stood. She motioned to the crap all over the table. “I’ll put this sample box back together before I go and leave you a copy of the questions that will be up on the website.”

“Sounds good.”

As I went to walk out, Stella called after me. “Mr. Rothschild?”

I turned back to find her again extending her hand. “Thank you for your time. I really appreciate you considering this, especially with the way things started out between us.”

I looked down at her hand and back to her face before shaking. “Good luck to you, Evelyn.”



I couldn’t get over the letter in my hands.

Ten days had passed since my presentation at Rothschild Investments. Like I’d promised, I’d left the sample kit behind for Hudson. The following day, Olivia had called to let me know she made sure he completed everything, and she messaged me over his ratings and completed survey. When the package arrived, I was floored to find it also included a ton of gorgeous graphics Olivia had gotten her marketing department to mock up. She’d even created a few catchy taglines I thought would be perfect on the outside of the custom boxes I still needed to have made.

I’d called to thank her, and we spent almost two hours on the phone talking about all of our ideas. We’d also talked a half a dozen times since then. Her excitement was palpable, but after the last few letdowns I’d suffered with my financing, I was trying not to get my hopes up again—though Olivia made it impossible.

When we’d spoken two days ago, she told me she’d received the perfume I’d created for Hudson. He’d been traveling for business, but she’d placed it on his chair and left him a note, so he’d see it as soon as he returned. Her husband’s father had to have emergency heart surgery, so Olivia was leaving for California for a week, but she’d said she wanted to get together when she got back.

I’d honestly been lulled into thinking Rothschild Investments was a done deal, which was why the letter I’d just read for the second time still shocked me.

Dear Ms. Bardot,

Thank you very much for your interest in working with Rothschild Investments. While your product was impressive, we regretfully must advise you that we will not be able to extend an offer at this time. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sincerely yours,

Hudson Rothschild

Disappointment was an understatement for what I felt. Again.

Still shocked, I reread the letter once more. I didn’t want to call Olivia and ask what had happened since she was dealing with her father-in-law’s health. Besides, Hudson had been the one to sign the letter, and if I had to wait a full week until she got back, I’d climb the walls. So I decided to call Hudson directly. I needed to at least find out what had made them change their minds, because I knew for certain it wasn’t the perfume I’d created for him.

My fingers shook as I punched in his number on my cell. The cheery receptionist answered on the first ring.

“Good afternoon. Rothschild Investments. How may I direct your call?”

“Hi. May I speak to Hudson Rothschild, please?”

“Let me put you through to see if he’s available.”

I held for a minute until a voice I recognized as Helena, his assistant, answered. I’d met her on the two occasions I’d visited the office. She’d been super friendly and loved the idea of Signature Scent.

“Hi, Helena. This is Stella Bardot. Is it possible to speak to Hudson?”

“Hi, Stella. He just came back from a meeting. I think he has a lull in his schedule, but let me double-check if he’s available.”

She came back on the line thirty seconds later. Her voice wasn’t as upbeat.

“I’m…sorry, Stella. He’s on another line. Can I have him call you back?”

Something told me he wasn’t on the phone, and he’d told her to blow me off. But I was upset, so that could have just been my paranoia.

“Yes, of course.”

I left her my business phone number and waited patiently. But no return call came. So the following afternoon, I called and again got Helena. This time when she told me Hudson was unavailable, I blew out a frustrated breath.

“Would you let him know I just need two minutes of his time? I’m sure he’s very busy, but it won’t take long.”

“Sure, I’ll let him know. Is everything okay?”

“Not really.” I sighed. “I received the letter he sent me declining to invest in Signature Scent, and I wanted to ask him the reason. The letter didn’t say, and if nothing else, I want to learn from it.”

Tags: Vi Keeland Romance