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feel her juices spilling between her thighs, dampening her folds, preparing her for him.

“That’s it, pretty girl,” he groaned, his hips lifting in response, his fingers stroking the fierce stalk above her. “That sweet, hot little mouth. Now come up here.” He tugged at her hair again. “Suck my cock just a little bit, baby, while you keep driving me crazy there with your fingers.”

His hold tightened in her hair, dragging her up his body, her lips trailing, tongue stroking along the iron-hard shaft until she reached the flared, helmet-shaped crest. A tiny pulse of pre-cum beaded at the slit as the head flexed, drawing her tongue first.

She lapped at the bead of moisture, relished the salty man-and-storm essence of it before rolling her tongue over the sensitive crest.

She moaned as he pushed the thick head against her lips, parted them, and slid inside. It was so damned arousing, the way he was holding her, the pull of her hair, the submissive quality of the hold, and the feel that he was taking her mouth.

She swirled her tongue over the wide head, aware of his body tightening further, and the hoarse groan that filled the air.

She could barely breathe for the erotic excitement building inside her as he filled her mouth with the head of his cock and her senses with pleasure.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he rasped. “Suck my dick as deep as you can. Deep, Angel. Fuck, you make me crazy.”

• • •

Duke knew he was losing control. He ground his head into the pillow, fighting to breathe as he watched her, her gaze slitted and staring up at him as he held his cock up to her hot little mouth.

She sucked him in tight drawing motions, her tongue rubbing against the underside, her fingers cupping and playing with his balls in sensual enjoyment. And it was killing him.

Darts of fiery sensation lashed at his cock, his balls. Up his fucking spine. Every part of his body was being assaulted by ghostly lashes of pleasure that were damned discomfiting but too good to stop.

His balls were painfully tight now as she cupped them, her thumb rolling over them, stroking the tight sac with such wicked enjoyment she had him ready to cum from that alone.

The sight of her mouth stretched around his cock as she drew on the sensitive head was like a shot of gasoline to fire. She was going to melt him with her touch. He could feel it coming.

She was loving it, too. She sucked the head of his dick, tongued it. Her cheeks hollowed as she drew on it, and her face flushed that pretty peach pink that drove him insane with lust.

His fingers tightened on the base of the wide shaft, a groan tearing from him.

She was working the head of his cock with such innocent, erotic enjoyment it was killing him.

“That’s it, baby,” he groaned, watching the pleasure she derived from the little endearments increase the look of sensual enjoyment in her expression. “Fuck, I love your mouth on my dick. So sweet and hot . . .”

Using his grip on her hair he pulled her head back, watching her eyes darken as he held her lips poised at the tip of his cock before pulling her back down, pushing deeper inside the suckling heat of her mouth.

He did it again, watching, feeling any chance he had at maintaining his sanity unraveling with each moan that vibrated around the sensitive head each time he thrust inside her again, taking her mouth as deep as he dared.

“Ah damn, that’s good.” He could barely breathe. His entire body was strung tight, his scrotum taut, tortured with pleasure as she cupped and caressed it. And he was going to fucking die if he lost her, he thought, because he knew this was something he’d never find again.

• • •

She was in too deep, and Angel knew it. Knew it, but couldn’t help giving herself to the overwhelming need to pleasure him, to mark his body, his senses, as he’d marked hers.

Each time his groans whispered around her, or his body tightened, each sign of his shaky control only increased her enjoyment. The sight of his body glistening with sweat, his muscles tightening as he fought to hold back, only made her hotter, wilder.

Taking as much of his cock as possible before easing back to suck and tongue the head, she murmured her enjoyment of him. His hand tightened in her hair, the other clenched around the base of his cock to hold back his release.

“Keep teasing me,” he warned her. “I lose myself to this, baby, and you might regret it.”

Regret it? Oh, she didn’t think so. She wanted him to lose himself, wanted to feel him taking his enjoyment, becoming lost in it as she always became lost in his touch.

• • •

“Angel, baby.” Duke felt sweat trailing down the side of his face, felt the warning tightness at the base of his spine and knew he was quickly losing control.

“Suck it, Angel,” he groaned. “Work that hot little mouth on my dick. Fuck. You’re killing me.”

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