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She was going to bust a gut laughing. She couldn’t help it.

He frowned back at her, the dark green of his eyes gleaming beneath that heavy veil of lashes.

“Fuck no!” he exclaimed. “No one’s putting hot wax anywhere near my balls, Angel. You should know better than that.”

He wouldn’t lie about it, but there wasn’t a single curl down there, and she’d seen enough men naked in her line of work to know that portion of their anatomy could rival any woman’s when it came to the thick mat of curls they carried there.

“I use that damned girly-assed hair remover.” He chuckled then. “Works wonders.”

“Why?” She couldn’t help but touch him, wondering why she hadn’t paid attention before.

A groan rumbled in his chest as she cupped the heavy weight, her fingertips rubbing against the rougher texture of his sac.

“Damn, baby, you’re killing me,” he groaned, his thighs tensing as she caressed him.

“Tell me why?” She laid her lips against his chest, tongue peeking out to taste his flesh as she began to lay teasing kisses down a slow path lower.

“Why?” He breathed out, his voice rougher now. “Because the drag of my mission pants are hell if I don’t. And you know I don’t wear briefs.”

No, he did not. But she knew Ethan had once stated he didn’t either. And she knew Tracker and Chance didn’t. They said the briefs could become uncomfortable in the snug pants they wore on missions.

“I like it.” She blew a little breath against the head of his cock as she kissed her way closer.

“You don’t know a difference,” he pointed out, groaning again before he could finish the sentence. “At least, you better not.”

She smiled but refused to say. Her fingers played against the rapidly tightening sac and heavy spheres they contained. Cupping, rolling against them, memorizing the feel of them as she kissed her way to his thigh.

“Not a good idea.” His fingers suddenly clenched in her hair. “I don’t have much control right now, baby.”

“Poor baby.” Her lashes fluttered at the little sting as she tugged at his hold, moving to her destination despite the pressure against her scalp. “Keep pulling my hair like that and I might lose mine pretty soon.”

She loved the feel of his fingers tugging at the strands while they touched. The sting and release, the little pain mixing with the surfeit of pleasure.

“You like that?” He sounded as though he was pushing the words past clenched teeth.

“I do.” She gasped at the sharper little sensation that was there then gone as he pulled and released. “Oh God, Duke. I really like it.”

She nipped at his thigh as she moved between his legs, needing to pleasure him, to show him the same hunger that he always showed her. A hunger she fought, one that terrified her at times, but one she couldn’t keep ignoring.

“Angel, sweetheart,” he groaned, the warning in his voice clear as she lowered her head and licked over the slightly ridged flesh of his testicles. “We’re going to get critical here. You know I’ll get nasty. Especially this morning. Come up here and let me fuck you nice and easy . . .”

A gentle nip to the flesh she was caressing with her tongue had his whole body stiffening. His cock jerked and just as quickly his hard, broad fingers gripped the base firmly.

“Oh, that looks so hot,” she whispered, staring up at the sight, letting her lips caress the flesh as she watched him hold the heavy shaft.

His cock was fully engorged, bisected with heavy veins, the flared head darkened to a purplish hue.

The hand still locked in her hair tugged and released, and as she watched, he stroked up the heavy shaft and back down with a firm grip.

“Keep playing, baby,” he urged her with silky warning. “I can take the heat if you can.”

She could feel the heated, dazed fascination beginning to overtake her senses. Everything she’d ever read, seen, or been told merging in her mind in her desire to pleasure him, to see if he could indeed take the heat. She knew she couldn’t, but she was sure as hell going to try.

“Suck at them,” he ordered, his voice hardening as he used the grip on her hair to urge her head lower. “Let me feel it.”

She whimpered, lips parting along the side of the tense sac, sucking one of the spheres inside her mouth, her tongue measuring it, lashing against the flesh covering it, then probing with a firm caress.

Repeating the caress to the other side she could

Tags: Lora Leigh Nauti Girls Erotic