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Fire and ice licked over her body, her cries intensifying as the flood of sensations rose, drowning her in such sharp, brutal pleasure that she wondered how she could possibly survive it.

“Please what, sweetheart?” he crooned, his voice growing thicker, his body tightening between her thighs. “Please stop? Or please give you more?”

She was on fire. Every cell in her body was burning, needing. “Please, Duke, please . . .”

His powerful body tensed further, thighs bunched.

Angel’s breath caught as he eased his hips back, nearly pulling free of her only to thrust forward, hard, fast.

His lips covered hers, swallowing her scream and each one that came after as he began pumping inside her, his cock sinking deeper, stretching her further with hard thrusts.

Oh God, she needed this, needed him. Her knees lifted to clasp his hips, opening herself further to him, feeling the next powerful thrust bury him fully inside her, his cock throbbing, pulsing within the tight grip her body had on him.

Angel went wild beneath him.

There was no experience to dictate how she moved, and Duke groaned in reaction as her hips lifted, writhed. Her knees tightened at his hips, her head arching back, tearing her lips from his, gasping for air.

“That’s it, baby,” he urged her, the dark rasp a sound of pure male hunger. “Work that sweet pussy on my cock. Keep sucking me in. Fuck yes . . .” he hissed as she felt herself beginning to unravel.

She was shuddering, tremors attacking her body as his thrusts increased, driving his erection to the hilt with each inward plunge. The guttural sound of his voice at her ear, his lips brushing the lobe, his body caressing hers, stroking against her as the intensity of the sensations built with each thrust inside her.

Angel was lost in the driving sensations, in the intensity of the pleasure-pain of each stretching, filling stroke of his cock as he fucked her with increasingly forceful thrusts.

She couldn’t survive it.

She could feel the spiraling sensations beginning to tighten through her body. She fought to breathe, to find a center, something to hold on to to keep herself, her senses somehow grounded.

“Hold on to me, baby,” he groaned, suddenly seeming to surround her, his larger, powerful body sheltering. “I have you. Just hold on to me.”

Hold on to him.

He’d led her this far, filled her senses with the most incredible pleasure and now he was giving her his strength to survive the coming explosion.

“Duke!” She cried his name, her arms and legs tightening around him, the quickening thrusts between her thighs increasing the sensations, increasing that storm building in her senses. “I don’t know how!” she gasped, the lightning arcs of white-hot pleasure building in her clit, in the sensitive channel he was possessing.

She was being consumed.

The storm building in her senses was converging, the tension increasing, pulling her deeper inside the unfamiliar bands of physical sensation as they mixed with all the emotional needs that rose with it.

She couldn’t control it.

She couldn’t survive it.

“That’s it, love,” he encouraged her as she lost her hold on reality. “Let me have you, darlin’. . . . Give it to me, baby. Come for me. . . . I’ll hold you. . . .”

He would hold her.

He was holding her.

The sensations whipping through her, pleasure and pain, brilliant arcs of overwhelming ecstasy exploded inside her. And exploded, and exploded . . .

Angel lost herself as the converging sensations clashed in a white-hot orgasm that stole her breath and her reason. But he was there to hold her in place, even as he gave himself to his own pleasure, his own release. Still, he held on to her as she unraveled completely in a physical release she refused to admit had somehow changed her.


Angel could feel herself unraveling from the inside out and she knew if she didn’t get a handle on it she’d end up regretting it. Slipping from the bed as Duke dressed she hurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Leaning back against the door, she closed her eyes and drew in a hard breath.

Oh Lord, what had she done?

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