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She lifted to him, closer, feeling the hungry licks and firm draws of his mouth build that storm inside her again. Waves of pleasure rushed through her, drugging her senses and building in intensity.

“Duke, that feels so good,” she whispered breathlessly, feeling his fingers moving inside of her, stretching her deliciously.

Moving in and out, scissoring with slow stretching motions that only inflamed her clit further.

It was incredible. It was pulling her into a wicked, carnal maelstrom she hadn’t known existed. She’d never known pleasure could completely burn through her senses like this.

“Duke,” she cried out, shocked, helpless beneath his touch and the pleasure racing through her.

“That’s it, baby.” The roughened sound of his voice, his fingers moving inside her were sending pulsing waves of sensation building, gathering.

The quick flicks of his tongue over and around the aching knot of nerves he was tormenting were killing her with pleasure. The tension gathering in it, clenching her flesh around his fingers and stealing her breath. She could sense the edge nearing, feel the explosion coming.

She’d never felt this while masturbating. She’d never touched the ecstasy she could feel beginning to overtake her.

Then it was gone.

Her eyes jerked open, a protest on her lips that died quickly when her gaze met the lust burning in his as he rolled a condom quickly over the heavy erection jutting from between his thighs.

She was panting for breath, the need for more—his touch, his kiss, his possession was like a wildfire laying waste to her senses.

“Look how pretty,” he groaned, coming over her as he guided the sheathed erection between her thighs, the flared crest parting her folds, throbbing against the entrance of her sex.

Angel looked; she was helpless against that need. Staring down her body, seeing the thick, blunt intruder spreading her folds, glistening with her juices, held her dazed senses captive.

Bending her knees further, her heels digging into the mattress, she tilted her hips, whimpering as the thick crest throbbed imperatively at the entrance, teasing her with the promised invasion.

“Hold on to me, baby,” he ordered gently, his hand covering hers as it fisted in the sheets beneath them. “Let me feel you wrapping around my body as you’re wrapped around my senses.”

Hold him?

No one had ever wanted her to hold them before, had ever asked her to wrap around them. In that moment, she realized how the lack of that had created the barrenness that had filled her before he touched her.

Forcing herself to unfist her fingers, she lifted them, caressing up his arms, stretching beneath him, lifting closer to him, and feeling the broad head of his cock pressing inside her, parting her flesh with an unfamiliar pinching, pleasure-pain.

“So snug,” he whispered as she watched her flesh give way to the flared head of his erection, the crest disappearing inside her.

“Duke!” She struggled not to cry out, and failed.

This was just the blunt head filling her and her body was struggling to stretch for him, clenching and rippling around the intruder.

Her nails bit into his shoulders, heat fractured her senses, eroticism held her captive.

“That’s it, darlin’,” he groaned, the sound of his voice drawing her gaze from the impaling shaft to his heavy-lidded expression. “Damn, baby, that’s so good. Do you feel it? Sucking me inside you like the tightest little mouth.”

It was, she realized. The clenching internal movements were involuntary, each one causing her breathing to hitch as his cock eased inside her.

Angel tried to hold back the desperate mewls that escaped her throat, tried to stop the deep, rippling spasms that tugged his erection deeper inside her, filling her, stretching her, agony and ecstasy. She had no defenses against the sensations tearing through her body, causing her to buck against him, to drive him deeper.

“Do you like that, sweetheart?” he whispered, lowering his lips to her ear, his voice strained as he worked the hard flesh inside her. “Should I stop?”


Angel shook her head desperately. She needed more. Needed more than the teasing increments he was giving her.

“Please.” The room was too hot.

She was too hot.

Tags: Lora Leigh Nauti Girls Erotic