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Jethro didn’t ease in his caresses. Mac watched the battle on her face, the fight to stare back at him versus the need to close her eyes and let herself fly.

“Let go,” he whispered, moving closer to her, kneeling on the bed to touch her cheek, his thumb whispering over her lips. “Let me see you let go. It doesn’t matter whose name you scream, baby. We’re both here. ”

Her hips jerked, arched. Mac gritted his teeth against the hunger tearing him apart. He knew what that meant. Jethro’s fingers were filling her, stroking inside her, fucking her with slow, sweet strokes as she began to shake with the need to release.

“I know what he’s doing to you,” he told her as she stared back at him, helpless. “He’s fucking that tight pussy, his fingers filling it, burning with the grip you have on them. ”

Her lips parted with breathless pleasure as he glanced down her body once again. Jethro’s eyes were closed, his tongue dancing around her straining clit, licking, drawing the heated syrup to his lips until it clung to them with glistening sweetness.

Mac lowered himself to the bed, his arm going beneath her neck, holding her head to his chest as he continued to watch. Watched the sweetest pussy in the world as it creamed for Jethro’s mouth. Watched as her clit disappeared inside the other man and, seconds later, she screamed his name, jerking, writhing as Mac held her to him, feeling her orgasm ripping through her.

“I need her. ” Jethro jerked to his knees and tucked his cock against the fragile folds of Keiley’s slick flesh.

Jethro pressed her legs further apart, opening the plump lips further to reveal the dark pink flesh hugging the tip of his cock.

With one arm Mac held Keiley close as he stroked his own dick with his other hand. Son of a bitch, he was going to be lucky to last until she came again.

He was going to be lucky to last until Jethro buried fully inside her.

He was working his cock in, the head disappearing, then reemerging, slick and glistening with her inner juices before disappearing again.

Keiley’s sharp little teeth bit into his chest as he watched Jethro wedge inside her a little deeper with each stroke.

“Ah God. She’s so fucking tight. ” Jethro breathed roughly. “So hot. So tight. God help me. ” He impaled her farther, pulled back, the sweet juices clinging to his cock like threads of damp satin before he penetrated once again.

It seemed to take forever. With each stroke inside her Mac’s fingers tightened on his cock, stroking it, feeling the blistering heat of her pussy through memory alone.

Jethro felt his soul rocking. He stared at where he was penetrating Keiley, barely half-impaled, and he was ready to release. He could feel the pre-cum welling from the head of his cock before he suddenly stilled. He stared at the naked length of his erection that he had yet to bury inside her before his gaze jerked to Mac.

The knowledge that he wasn’t wearing a condom was in the rueful, amused glimmer of his friend’s eyes.

Jethro swallowed tightly. God, if he had to pull free and sheathe himself, lose the feeling whipping through his dick, he would die.

“I’m protected,” Keiley said breathlessly. “I won’t get pregnant. ”

His hips jerked, driving full-length inside her as he felt agonizing, clenching pleasure tighten his balls and rip up his spine.

“Ah, fuck!” he groaned.

He was doomed. Dead man walking.

He shook his head, fighting against the incredible power of the pleasure rocking him to his soul.

“It’s like being inside a dream, isn’t it?” Mac rasped softly. “A wicked dream so hot, so searing,. that you know if you wake up you’re going to die. ”

Jethro’s hands tightened on her thighs as he fought to breathe through the rippling, clenching pleasure racing from his cock to his chest.

Beneath him, Keiley was arching, screaming his name, her juices heating her pussy until he swore they would both combust from the pleasure of it.

As good as it was, as shaken as he was, he couldn’t stay still. He jerked back, impaled her again, watching as the plump folds of her pussy parted, then closed around his cock, feeling the viselike grip of her inner muscles stroking over him.

Then he was moving, thrusting harder, coming over her as Mac eased back, pulling her into his arms, feeling her nails biting into his flesh as he began to pump inside her.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, her hips arched, her pussy tightened—ah, God, she was so tight—and a second later he felt heaven. He felt her lock down on him, tiny muscles clenching and stroking his cock as he buried himself inside her over and over again. Felt the tight little channel pulse, clench, then explode around him.

He meant to pull out. He meant to hold back his own release to spill to the blankets, but she caught him off guard. Screaming his name, her arms tight around him, her hard nipples searing his chest as her pussy burned along the length of his cock.

Before he could catch himself, he was spilling inside her. Pumping hard and desperate as spurt after spurt of semen filled her willing flesh.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic