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The kiss caught her off guard. It was like Mac used to kiss her. Without apology. Without asking. Without the natural gentleness that came with three years of marriage. It was the kiss of a man who made no apologies for his desires and no excuses.

“You like that, don’t you, Kei?” Mac whispered. “I see how he’s kissing you. You like having your lips taken. ”

She couldn’t deny it. She couldn’t affirm it. She was too busy fighting the response that threatened to swamp her.

“Don’t fight it, sweetheart. ” Mac’s voice was a low, rough growl of rising hunger. “Let me see your pleasure. Your need. Give in to it. ”

She whimpered as Jethro nipped at her lips, stroked them with his tongue, and pushed his fingers into her hair to hold her head in place. He was restraining her movements, but not her response. Where it welled from, she wasn’t certain. From some dark inner part of her soul that reveled in the extremity of taking another man as her husband egged her on. In letting her own sensuality free, letting it rule rather than being concerned with how he might look upon her for being ruled by it.

Her arms wrapped around Jethro’s shoulders, her fingers playing with his longer hair, pulling at it, tugging his lips closer as her tongue touched his.

As though she had struck a match to gasoline, Jethro’s response exploded over her. His muscles tightened and flexed, his cock jerked against her hip, and one long leg tangled with hers.

Suddenly the flaming need was whipping around her, through her, over her. Her lips parted further, taking his kiss and returning it, drawing it into her before giving it back.

Lips and tongues battled in a dance of erotic fervor. Hands stroked sensitive flesh. His were broader, cupping her breasts, tweaking her nipples, hers smaller, stroking up his back, tangling in his hair, feeling the muscles shifting in his shoulders.

Her nails scraped over his flesh, and he groaned in response. His lips tore from hers, stringing heated kisses down her neck as she arched and silently pleaded for more.

She forced her eyes open as Jethro’s lips moved to her breasts, only to whimper in rising heated desire. Mac still stood by the bed, slowly stroking his cock, his gaze dark, his expression clouded with pleasure and approval. With a surfeit of love as his gaze met hers, and wicked, carnal knowledge, his eyes dropped to where Jethro’s tongue was slowly curling around her nipple, sending a whiplash of naked fire to flay her nerve endings.

God help her, just as he wanted, she was coming undone.

Mac watched as Keiley’s eyes began to glaze over, then dropped to where Jethro ministered to her nipples with seductive abandon.

Broad male hands cupped her breasts, lifting first one, then the other to the wicked lash of his tongue, then to his suckling mouth. Her nipples darkened, becoming cherry in color rather than the innocent pink of pre-arousal.

The delicate tip disappeared into Jethro’s mouth as his cheeks began to draw deeply. Mac knew what pleased his wife, just as he knew from watching his friend repeatedly how he tormented tender, sensitive nipples.

His tongue was lashing at it. Keiley jerked with each flick of a tongue against her highly sensitive nipples. She was trembling now, shuddering, her nails creating indents in the hard muscles of Jethro’s naked, tense shoulders.

Moans slipped from her lips as Jethro began to slip down her torso. He strung kisses along her perspiration-slick flesh. Tender skin that shimmered with life and moisture. His tongue licked over the lightly salty essence of her, causing her to shudder as her hands pushed him lower.

Mac grimaced with rising hunger, his hand tightening on the shaft of his cock at the sight of Keiley pushing Jethro to the soft folds between her thighs.

She loved having her pussy licked. She kept the soft curls that shielded it trimmed to the perfect length so they were still soft, yet didn’t impair the pleasure Mac found in going down on her.

Jethro would appreciate that, though Mac knew that eventually he would press her to have the plump little mound waxed. Something Mac had put off, waiting, he knew, for Jethro’s arrival.

Jethro eased lower, spreading her thighs wider, wedging his shoulders between them and revealing the glistening curls to Mac’s gaze.

His friend’s eyes lifted, a question in them. Mac grimaced in rising lust. Watching this, having the chance to watch Keiley’s pleasure, knowing that the intensity was greater for the extremity of the act, had his own pleasure spiking higher.

He could watch her. Gauge her response. See her coming apart and know that the pleasure she was receiving was greater than any he could give her alone. He wasn’t sharing her. He was giving to her.

He nodded slowly to Jethro, finally answering the question in the other man’s eyes. They had done this so many times before that Mac felt a shimmer of amusement that the other man would ask permission to continue at this point.

But once that permission was given, Jethro didn’t hesitate. With his thumbs he parted the soft folds, revealing the glistening pearl-pink flesh saturated with sweet female syrup. It was thick, sweeter than candy, slick, and Mac knew that the fresh, soft scent of it would make Jethro crazy.

The other man loved eating pussy. He loved the taste, texture, and exciting heat to be found only between soft thighs and aroused folds.

His head lowered, though he was careful to make certain Mac could see every lick, every promise he gave to the trembling flesh.

Keiley’s clit was swollen now, glistening nearly red with the aroused fervor whipping through her. Jethro rimmed it slowly, then closed his lips over it and suckled with delicate greed as one hand moved lower.

“Oh God! Jethro!” Keiley cried out, her head whipping from side to side before her eyes suddenly jerked open and she tensed, her eyes moving to him.

As though she had just realized she had screamed another man’s name.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic