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The slight thrusting of the plug inside her in time to Mac’s heavy thrusts between her thighs was too much. Weak, soaked with perspiration, and confused by the brutality of the pleasure driving her, she could only lay against his chest and let the orgasms tear through her. They were violent. Shaking through her, shuddering inside her until finally, with a muffled male cry, Mac was pumping his seed furiously into her swollen flesh as his arms held her tight to his chest.

Satiation was all-consuming, just as the hunger had been. She lay against him, quiet, feeling her heartbeat ease to a more normal rate as Mac finally lifted her from his chest to the bed.

“Okay?” He leaned over her, smoothing her hair from her forehead as he stared down at her in concern.

The sex warrior had eased from his expression, leaving the husband she knew in its place.

“No. I’m dead,” she muttered. “Go away until I can think again. ”

He chuckled at that, moving to her hips as he turned her slowly to her side.

“What are you do—,” she gasped as he eased the toy from her, shuddering with a whiplash of pleasure she shouldn’t have had the energy to feel.

Then he was leaving the bed and padding into the bathroom. Seconds later she heard water running and sighed at the wishful thought of a shower. She was sweaty and weak, and the thought of dragging herself from the bed was only a distant wish.

“Come on, wildcat. ” The next thing she knew, Mac was picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom.

“I’m drained. ” She cuddled against his chest. “Just let me sleep. ”

“In a bit. Let’s get you showered up first, then you can sleep all night. ”

She pouted as he set her on her feet beneath the warm spray, but the feel of the water sluicing over her exhausted flesh was just too damned good to bitch over it.

“Let me take care of you now, Kei. ” He pulled her against him once more before soaping a washrag and beginning to wash her gently. “I’ll take care of everything. ”

It was beginning to occur to her that perhaps he was a bit more of a control freak than she had ever imagined.

“We’re going to have to talk about this,” she warned him.

“In the morning,” he promised. “Tonight, just rest. Just let me hold you tonight. ”

There was no request in his voice. It was a demand, and her lips twitched.

She sighed. “I was right about you. ”

“How’s that?”

“When I first met you, I told one of my coworkers you were like one of those storms that come up at sea all of a sudden. Powerful and wild. I don’t know if I can keep up, Mac. ”

He turned her, staring down at her with dark, wary eyes.

“I’m not asking you to keep up,” he finally said softly. “Just let me hold you through it. Unlike the storm, Keiley, I know what’s precious to me. I promise not to let you drown. ”

“What if I can’t give you what you want?”

A small smile tipped his lips. “I have no doubt you can give me exactly what I want and more. But if you need space, if you need time, we can discuss that. ”

They could discuss it? She tried to frown, but she was just too damned tired.

“And we will discuss it,” she told him. “As soon as I find my mind again. I think you just blew it away. ”

“I’ll help you find it. ” He kissed her head gently. “That and so much more, sweetheart. More than you could ever imagine. ”


She still couldn’t find the dress and she didn’t have time to search the rest of the house for it. Not that she would have had time to wash it before the meeting anyway.

When Keiley awoke the next morning it was much later than she had intended, leaving her only a few hours to dress for the meeting with the charity committee and head out the door.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic