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“Never. ”

“Put it back. ”

His tongue licked down the soaked slit of her sex, licked and stroked as he shifted between her thighs, his shoulders bunching before she felt the cooling application of more of the lubricant against her rear.

“Mac, what are you doing to me?” she cried, feeling the entrance open as a finger slid inside her. “You’re killing me. ” It retreated, worked inside her again, then another joined the first. “Please, Mac. ”

A second later her hands slapped to the mattress, her fingers curling into the comforter as she felt the heavy pressure of whatever toy he had promised to use on her. He was working it inside her slow and easy stretching her, creating a burning pleasure/pain she couldn’t process in her fractured mind.

“There you go, sweetheart,” he crooned as the tender opening continued to stretch, the pressure building. “All of it, Kei. So sweet and tight. Just let go for me. Close your eyes, baby, and just let go for me. ”

She screamed as she felt the pressure increasing, only to feel a slight easing as the toy became lodged inside her. She knew what it was. She had seen the exotic toy, tapered at the tip, widening to the bottom before it indented to create a natural lock inside the anus. The butt plug was supple and smooth rather than hard and cold as she imagined when she had seen the pictures, but there was no doubt what he had used on her.

“Perfect. ” His voice was harder now, deeper as he moved away from her. “Let’s get that shirt off. I want to see your pretty nipples, Kei. ”

The shirt was pulled from her body and then she realized that sometime in the laundry room she had ripped the buttons from his shirt. It was only hanging on him as he stood to his feet and shrugged it off.

He undressed quickly, tossing his clothes aside before he stood staring down at where he had placed her across the bed.

“Fucking you is going to be like taking you the first time all over again. ” His expression was darkly sensual. “You’re going to be so tight. So hot. ”

She was so insane, because that carnal intensity in his voice was making her womb clench in heavy hunger as he came over her.

“Why now?” she whimpered. “Why are you doing this now?”

“Because you’re ready for it. ” His lips touched hers. “You weren’t ready before, were you, sweetheart? You’re ready now. ”

“No. ” She shook her head. “I’m not ready—”

“So ready,” he whispered, his tongue licking over her lips, making her taste herself, taste the wildness of her own response to him.

“Mac, I’m scared,” she begged.

“You’re not scared, Kei,” he argued with a sexy quirk to his lips as he drew back. “Wary. Restless. Uncertain. Admit it. You know I won’t hurt you. You know that anything that happens between us I’ll only love you for. No matter what it is, Kei. No matter how it is. ”

She jerked as he tucked the head of his cock between the folds of her sex. Jerked and shuddered at the sensation of largeness pressing into her.

“This is what it’s like,” he whispered devilishly, bracing his knees against the bed as his powerful arms held his weight above her. “Just like this, Kei. ”

“Like this” was killing her. Her eyes widened as he began to work his cock inside her, stretching her in ways she had never known before, making her more and more aware of the toy in her rear.

“You feel it, don’t you, sweetheart?” The dark croon fed the eroticism driving her now. “How much tighter, how much hotter it makes that sweet pussy. Pleasure bordering pain. ”

Her hands braced on his chest, her nails raking against his flesh as he worked deeper inside her. She couldn’t stand it. Pleasure and pain were blooming inside her with equal force as her cries tore from her throat.

She wanted it to stop. She wanted it to go on forever.

“Take me, Kei,” he groaned, his hips flexing. “Take all of me now. ”

She screamed out his name as he plunged inside the last inches.

Keiley stared up at him, dazed with an extremity of sensation, fighting to adjust to the width of his cock inside the tightened confines of her vagina. In her rear, her tissue spasmed around the toy as she felt Mac’s erection throbbing inside her.

“God. You’re so fucking tight. ” He grimaced as he flexed within her, his hips shifting, causing his cock to stretch her further. “Put your legs around me. Come on. ” He lifted one leg, guiding it to his hips before he lowered himself to his elbows. “Now. Now scream for me. ”

She screamed. She begged. As he began thrusting inside her, his strokes hard and relentless, driving her through sensations and a pleasure that bordered on insanity, Keiley screamed his name. She pleaded for release. She could feel it just a breath away as he drove her from one peak to the next, steadily building an ecstasy that when it exploded inside her left her writhing beneath him as he poured himself inside her.

And it still wasn’t enough. She needed more, needed something she couldn’t describe, couldn’t understand. And Mac wasn’t nearly finished, either. He turned to his back without releasing her, encouraging her to ride him to take her pleasure as one arm wrapped around her, the other gripping the toy in her rear and sending her into cataclysms of rapture.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic