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“Me?” She stared back at him in surprise. “How do I terrify you, Jethro?”

“Because I’m used to rejection,” he said harshly. “But if you turned away, I don’t know how I’d survive it, Keiley. You’re like a light where there was no light before. If I get used to it, then going back to the dark—” He swallowed tightly.

“Would hurt,” she said softly. “And hurting sucks, doesn’t it, Jethro?”

“Hurting makes me crazy, Kei,” he snarled, his arm sliding around her back and jerking her to him. “Do you understand me? Decide later that it’s not love and I’ll be worse than that fucking stalker you had on your ass. ”

She shook her head as a tear slipped free. “Don’t leave us, Jethro. My back gets cold at night. I need it warmed, too. And my heart wouldn’t be full without you now, don’t you know that?”

He drew in a hard, ragged breath, his gaze turning fierce, dominant.

“I can’t breathe without smelling you, without wanting you. Three fucking years I waited, Keiley, and in one week you’ve chained my soul to you. In three years, I wouldn’t be able to let you go. ”

“Then don’t let me go. ” She pressed closer, dragging her hardened nipples over his chest, feeling the heat and controlled power of his arousal as his cock brushed against her belly.

Her hands slid into his hair, tangled around the strands, and pulled him forehead.

“Love me, Jethro,” she whispered against his lips. “Just love me. ”

One arm locked hard around her hips, lifting her against him as his hand gripped her thigh, guiding her leg around his waist. This wasn’t the smooth, practiced lover she had come to know. As his lips bore down on hers, his erection nudged between her thighs, found her slick and wet, and drove home.

Sensation exploded through her. The sudden burning pleasure clawed a scream from her throat and sent her pulse racing with an overload of pleasure. As his cock buried in her to the hilt, his tongue plundered her mouth, her lips, tangled with hers and licked at the sudden passion that blazed from her.

Colors burst behind her closed eyes as he began to thrust. Pushing her against the wall, his hands clamped on the cheeks of her rear and he began driving inside her. Deep, desperate lunges that drove the breath from her lungs and reality from her head.

She held on tight and let the pleasure have her. She let Jethro have her. The hard thrust of his cock inside her, his lips ravishing hers before moving to her neck, to the rounded tops of her breasts.

His breathing was rough, ragged, matching hers as she tightened on him, feeling the pleasure washing over her, through her.

“I love the feel of you,” he snarled as he buried his lips in the side of her neck. “The smell of you. Sweet taste. ”

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded, her arms tightening around his shoulders as his hips moved harder, driving his erection deeper. “Oh God, don’t stop, Jethro. Never. ”

“Never. ” He nipped her neck, drove inside her harder, faster, stretching her, burning her until the conflagration of sensations began to ripple in ever-widening circles, tightening her womb, her clit, driving into her soul until she screamed out with the fiery explosions that ripped through her.

A harsh male growl left his lips as two powerful strokes sent Jethro into his own release, his semen pumping furiously into her, branding her, marking her as his as well and sealing her to him.

When it was over, she lay limply against his chest, just trying to catch her breath as her eyes opened.

And there, framed in the doorway, was Mac, his gray eyes glittering in hunger as he winked back at her with wicked lust and heated love.

“Better shower,” he told them both huskily. “I heard Victoria and Robert are on their way here. You know how the old girl hates to be kept waiting. ”

Jethro let her go slowly, his lips pressing to hers as his eyes opened, the blue glittering with love and laughter rather than the dark shadows and pain.

“I think we need more land,” he said then. “If Mac and I work hard enough, then we might not wear you out. ”

“You’re staying?” she cried out, staring back at him as the tight knot of pain in her chest began to unravel.

“I think I better. ” He shook his head in mock sadness. “Mac spoils you worse than a Christmas puppy. Someone has to have control. ”

“Give me another week, you’ll spoil me, too. ” She wrapped her arms around his neck, though her eyes met Mac’s again and she saw the warmth there, the approval. Hell, she saw joy.

“I love you both,” she whispered, her voice rough as Jethro eased back and Mac stepped into the circle.

One arm around his neck, the other around Jethro’s, their arms surrounding her, their heat filling her.

She was selfish. She didn’t want a third, she wanted a whole. And it was here, in her arms. Two men and a future filled with promises.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic