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“You didn’t mention how Nine was,” I said, eyeing Rory.

“She and Katherine are fine.” I’d never seen him look so guilty.

“Don’t,” I said. “I’m glad she went to your place.” I glanced at Gage. “Would’ve been happy with her at yours, too. As long as she and Katherine are safe. Happy.”

“She’s not happy,” Rory said, and I snapped my eyes to him. “Katherine is fine. Perfect, actually. But Nine? She’s a fucking mess, dude. Went on and on last night about how she never wanted to trap you and pin you down when you like to be free. I tried to run interference, but Paige shut that shit down quick. She could tell Nine was in pain, and me speaking on your behalf only made it worse.”

“Thanks, man. Sorry you were in that position.” I sighed.

Trap me? Fuck, is that what she thought?

I bought a ring.

I wanted her to be mine forever.

“It’s fine,” he said. “Just wish I could’ve done something other than bring in a truckload of ice cream.”

I laughed, the motion freeing up some of the tar that had caked around my lungs after last night. The weight lessening, the hope returning.

Just as quickly, it vanished.

What if she hadn’t been talking about me? What if when she was talking about me wanting to be free and not trapped, she really meant herself. We’d both run wild before Katherine, and now that she was here…was Nine missing that? Craving it?

“What are you going to do?” Gage asked.

“I don’t have a clue,” I admitted.

Bentley cleared his throat, and I half expected him to motion over his shoulder to explain a quick exit from the heavy talk. But he didn’t. He stood there, his stick in his hands, and there was something in his eyes…something like understanding and regret.

“I know I’m not up to speed on all the details,” he said. “But I’ve heard enough bits and pieces to paint a picture.” He paused, gauging my reaction like he thought I’d tell him to fuck off. When I didn’t, he continued. “I can tell you really love this chick,” he said. “And that should be enough.”

I raised my brows. “Enough for what?”

“For everything.” He shrugged. “Circumstances shouldn’t matter. Not when it comes to the woman you love. The chance to be with her every single day? Do you know how rare that is? How rare a situation each of you have?” he glanced over all three of us. “We all fuck up, make mistakes. But you haven’t crossed the line where there is no coming back. Not even close. You still have a shot. And if you don’t take it? You’re a fucking idiot.”

I jolted, shock coursing through me at the insight from the rookie.

“Damn,” Rory said, gaping at me. “Rookie just went full blown Oprah on your ass.”

Gage snorted.

I skated to within an inch of Bentley’s space, our helmets almost touching. A tiny bit of fear sparked in his eyes before he flexed, holding his ground, chin held high. “Or,” I said. “He’s not just talking about me.” I challenged, watching as a muscle in his jaw ticked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I was an idiot. Maybe I wasn’t. Maybe I just don’t want every pick-up game to end up being an episode of The View anymore.” He shrugged, but the cockiness didn’t reach his eyes. There was real pain there. Experience. That was where this was coming from, and I actually felt bad for the kid.

“All right,” I said, clapping my hand on his shoulder.

“All right, what?” He asked when I didn’t continue.

“You are,” I said, nodding. “You’re all right, Rookie.”

I skated backward to stand next to Rory and Gage, the three of us all in agreement. The kid had earned his place, me the last one to acknowledge it. “We’ll have to celebrate your initiation later, Rookie,” I said, glancing at Rory and Gage. “I’ve got a banquet to get ready for.”

Gage fistbumped me, then Rory.

“Go get her, dude!” Rory called as I hurried off the ice.

Twenty minutes later I was back in my empty house, searching for my best suit.

Maybe she be pissed if I showed up.

Maybe she wouldn’t listen to me.

But I had to try. Because this pain? This hole in the center of my chest where Nine and Katherine were missing? It was no way to live.

Rookie was right. I’d be a fucking idiot to let her slip through my fingers.

Nine’s was packed for the private event, tons of press snapping photos of all the A-listers as they made their way inside. A few of which I assumed were her potential investors.

Luckily, the bouncer didn’t stop me at the door. Instead, he held it open for me, giving me a thumbs up like he knew I needed the encouragement. More likely he was a fan, either way, I didn’t question it.

I paused once inside, blown away by the transformation she’d done to the place for the event. Her usual setup of cozy tables and booths had been rearranged for a more open plan, allowing double occupancy. Tall, standing tables now scattered throughout the main room, waiters offering guests mini-versions of her specialties on cloth-covered trays. A champagne bar set in the far corner, along with another table lined with food. Music filtered lightly through the place, a background to everyone who chatted or laughed or ate.


The woman was magic.

But I’d already known that.

I scanned the crowd as I weaved through the restaurant, my eyes grazing over suits and sparkly dresses, looking for one particular blonde I couldn’t live without. After a few minutes, I was about to head to the kitchen when I heard her say no.

Snapping my head in the direction of her voice, I spotted her with her arms crossed, tucked into a corner by her actual bar. A tall man was in front of her, asking her something with his cell phone raised like a damn recorder.

One second I was standing among the happily buzzed crowd, the next minute I was there.

Jeannine’s eyes flashed when she saw me over the guy’s shoulder.

“We’ve heard rumors of who the father is,” the guy was saying. “Everything from Hollywood’s hottest bachelor to—”

“I told you I don’t want to comment on that,” she cut him off. “It’s none of the press’s business,” she continued in a professional tone. “And it has nothing to do with tonight’s events.”

“Fair enough,” he said. “Do you care to comment on the rumor you’re tied to one of Seattle’s Sharks?”

She bit her bottom lip, her eyes catching on mine. “No,” she said. “My best friends are married to Sharks. That’s all.”

I felt the words like another blow, but I didn’t flinch.

She was protecting me.

Didn’t want to tie me to something she thought I didn’t want.

Fuck, she really thinks she is trapping me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

My stubborn, fierce, woman.

“Excuse me,” I said, tapping on the man’s shoulder. He spun around, and instant recognition clicked in his eyes.

“Mr. Kinley,” he said, excitement buzzing off of him. “Can I ask you about—”

“Not tonight,” I cut him off. “It’s a party,” I continued, motioning behind us. “Go enjoy yourself.” There was no room for argument in my tone. Lucky for him he picked up on it and made quick work of leaving us alone in the secluded corner.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

“I told you I’d be here.” I trailed my eyes up and down her body, smiling at the way the black dress hugged her curves and showed off her long legs.

“That was before,” she said. “You didn’t have to…”

“I want to be here, Nine,” I said, my voice low, primal, as I stepped into her space. “Don’t you get that?”

“I…” her breath caught as I came within an inch of her body.

“It doesn’t matter if you try and push me away. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made yourself believe that I don’t want this.

Want you. Believe this: I wanted you before Katherine. I haven’t touched another woman since our first night together, that’s how deep you’re in me.”

“All those months while you were gone…”

I shook my head. “No one else. Just. You. And I’m here. I’m right here.”

“For how long?” she asked, the question echoing through my memory.

Bare skin and silk sheets and the smell of her all over me.

The memory was enough to make me growl.

“For as long as you’ll have me,” I said, and dropped to one knee.

Her lips popped into the shape of an O as I brought the ring box out and opened it before her.

“I love you, Nine,” I said, gazing up at her, my heart fucking racing in my chest like I was speeding toward the goal in a shutout. “I don’t know what I was doing before you,” I said. “Before Katherine. But I want this life. Our life. You. Me. Her. Every day until the rest of forever. I don’t want anyone or anything else.” I smiled up at her. “Is that too much to ask?”

Chapter 19


“I choose you,” Warren’s words rocketed through my entire body.

I gasped into my hand, wishing like hell my mouth would work but the words just weren’t there.

“Nine?” He asked when I hadn’t said anything.

I looked down at him, still on one knee, the ring before him.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance