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I slammed into her, strong and slow, hitting that spot that made her tremble and weep around my dick. She gasped through her orgasm, digging her nails into my shoulders, her head thrown back, her eyes closed.

Watching her come made my release follow seconds later, and I held her as she shook, as we both came back to earth.

Slowly, I slid out of her, hurrying to grab a cloth and clean us both up before laying in the bed next to her. She instantly pressed her bare back into my chest, wrapping my arm around her. The position of that perfect ass threatened to have me start all over again. But her breathing had evened, and her muscles relaxed within my embrace.

For how long?

The question echoed in my mind as I listened

to her sleep.

I’d wanted to tell her forever.

And I wasn’t sure how long I could wait until I officially asked her to be mine.

“Whoa,” Jeannine said, her eyes wide as she surveyed the coffee table in my entertainment room.

“It’s the last item on the list,” I said, motioning to the various candies, popcorn, and ice cream spread on the table.

“What? Binging junk food?” she laughed.

“No,” I said. “Netflix and chill.”

“Oh,” she said, nodding. “I can’t believe it’s the last one.”

I couldn’t either.

A month and a half had passed since Jeannine had let me in, and though I still hadn’t told her I loved her, I was getting closer every day. Each time she gave me a look inside, past her walls, I felt I might be able to tell her without it terrifying her.

But, I’d been enjoying each and every day—loving her, sleeping with her, exploring her, discovering her.

We were insatiable for each other, sometimes going days without leaving the house or putting on clothes.

It was perfect.

I tilted my head, watching as she grabbed her left side as she sank onto the couch, her brow furrowed.

“Feeling okay?” I asked, sinking beside her.

“Hmm?” she glanced at me. “Oh, yeah, we’re fine,” she said, glancing down. “Feeling a little crowded but okay.”

“Then what is this about?” I smoothed the crease between her brow.

She wetted her lips, the struggle in her eyes easily readable. The woman wasn’t used to having someone there to help with whatever she chewed on. She would get used to it though if I had anything to say about it.

“Thinking about the investor banquet,” she said. “It’ll be a few weeks after this one comes,” she said, pointing to her belly. “And I’m just…” she sighed.

“What is it?”

“Opening a fourth location—in the pub-style building I’ve been telling you about—has been a dream of mine since Nine’s became a hit. The owner has fought me for years but—like I mentioned before—is a Sharks fan and is finally willing to sell to me as long as I have a Shark at the banquet. I’m ready to make the building my own, with a little help, if I can a Shark to show up…” she flicked her gaze to me. “And get my investors to say yes.”


“Now I’m wondering if it’ll put too much on me. Split me between too many restaurants and the baby.”

“You won’t be split, Nine,” I said, shifting to face her. “You can give yourself wholly to both.”

“Can I?” She pressed her lips together. “I know I don’t speak about it much, but my mother…she was never there for me. She blamed me for my father leaving when I was a baby. Took it out on me. Constantly told me how much she resented me because she had to give up her dreams to raise me.”

I flinched, grinding my teeth.

“And,” she continued. “By the time I was capable, I left. I ran to Paige’s and never looked back. I’ve never needed anyone since, and I’ve never had a second of regret for not even saying goodbye to her. My own mother.”

She smoothed her hands over her belly, and I placed mine on top of hers.

“You are nothing like her. You could never be. Nine,” I said, tipping her chin so she had to look at me. “You are already an amazing mother. The way you’ve taken care of you both throughout this, for without help for so long…” I raised my hands when her lips parted. “I know you didn’t need help. But, you’re incredible, and I’m beyond proud that you’ve let me be here for you throughout these past months.”

“I’m glad too,” she said, timid, like she was afraid of admitting it.

“You don’t have to give up your dreams. You are the strongest, fiercest, and most loving woman I’ve ever met. You will rock both positions—mom and Michelin star chef. I have no doubts.”

She smiled at me. “Thank you.”

“That’s what I’m here for.”

“That and junk food.”

“Yes,” I said, chuckling. “Now, are all the details for the banquet good to go?” I asked, wanting to be sure she’d talked everything out that she needed. The movie night wasn’t important. She was.

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “Everything is set. Rafael has been amazing. He’ll be blown away when I announce him as head chef once the investors and the owner give me the go-ahead.” She flinched a little, grabbing her stomach, but pressed on. “Bailey has already agreed to watch the baby for the night of the event. There is really only one thing I need…”

I raised my brows. “What is it?”

She bit the corner of her lip, drawing her eyes away from mine. “A Shark.”

I snorted. “You’re joking.”

“Yeah, I know.” She shrugged. “I can ask Gage or Rory. But the owner has singled you out as his favorite. I think meeting you will help him sign the deed over to me. And it would be nice to have you there. But it’s fine…I don’t want to take advantage of your position. And I know we’ve never discussed anything beyond the list and the baby being born—”

“Stop,” I cut her off, once again forcing her to look at me. “How can you think that? I’m here, Nine. It’s not because of a fucking list.” I smoothed my hand over her tummy. “And it’s not because of this miracle either.” She arched a brow at me. “Well, it’s not only because of baby-ball,” I amended. “I’m here for you. If you asked me to get you the fucking moon I’d find a way. Can’t you tell that by now?”


“No,” I said when she struggled to continue. “I get that you have done everything solo your whole life. I know you don’t need me, and I’m not trying to force anything.” I sighed, hating that I was terrified to tell her I loved her. Terrified she’d realize I wasn’t good enough for her, not by a long shot. That she’d say she could never love someone like me. “I’m just saying that…I’m here. For whatever you need. Whenever you need it. And if you’ll let me, I want to keep being here, for as long as you’ll have me.”

A brilliant smile shaped her lips, and she intertwined our fingers. “Warren, I’m so in l—”

A gasp cut off her words, and she squeezed my hand so hard it hurt.

“Nine?” Panic clawed up my throat as I surveyed her. Her eyes clenched shut, her brow drawn together, a hiss between her clenched teeth. “Jeannine?”

She snapped her eyes open, gasping as she practically jumped off the couch. I followed her like a chain connected us.

“I think,” she said between puffs of breath. She glanced from the couch to her leggings to me. “I think my water just broke.”

My eyes widened, and the world slowed to a screeching halt.

Every thump of my heart shook my soul.


Her voice cracked everything back to a normal pace, and I sprinted into action.

“Where is the bag?” I asked, scooping her off her feet.

“I can walk,” she said, but I was already rushing through the house, her cradled to my chest.

“You can waddle, and we’ve got to go!” I said. “Where is the bag?”

She laughed.

The woman actually laughed.

“It’s under the drop station by the door.”

“Fuck, you’re brilliant.” I hurried to the entryway, grabbing the bag and rushing to my SUV. I settled her gently into the passenger seat and then fell behind the wheel, nearly reversing without opening the damn garage.

“Breathe,” Jeannine said as I finally managed to make it on the road.

“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?”

“Yes. Yes, you should.” She cringed, gripping the door handle so hard her knuckles were white. “Fuck me, this hurts.”

I pushed the gas, but kept it within the safety zones. We made it to our hospital in record time, and I was out and around to her side of the car before she could reach to open the door.

“You’re not going to car

ry me inside, are you?” She teased.

“Can I?” I asked, not wanting to steal her independence but desperately not wanting her to walk through her contractions.

“Fine,” she said, flashing me a pained smile while she gripped her back.

I scooped her up again, storming inside the hospital with my heart roaring.

After a quick conversation with the receptionist at labor and delivery, we made it into our room. A flurry of nurses came in and checked Jeannine after they’d had her change into a gown. I paced the room, giving them space while they hooked her up to what looked like way too many machines. Wrapping leads around her belly and placing an IV in her left hand.

“The Shark winces at needles?” Jeanine teased through her tight breaths as the nurses left with promises to be back in a little while as her dilation increased.

I sank into the chair at her bedside. “I’m not overly fond of them.” I reached for her hand. “What can I do?”

“You being here,” she said. “Is everything. Thank you.”

I planted a gentle kiss on her palm. “Thank you for giving me everything.”

She hissed, her grip on my hand tightening to the nth degree. I glanced at the machine next to her bed, noting the oncoming contraction. “It’s a big one,” I warned her.

“Great thanks,” she snapped and clenched down on my hand even harder.

Fuck, the woman was stronger than I knew.

“Breathe,” I said. “It’s coming to an end. You’re doing so amazing.” She’d only groaned, not screamed like I’d seen in all the movies.

Her grip loosened as the machine showed me the contraction was ebbing, and I let out a breath as she relaxed too.

“Damn,” she said. “That is horrendous.”

“You’re incredible,” I said, smoothing back some of her hair. Her forehead was dotted with sweat as she blew out a breath.

“I feel like a car is continuously running over my hips.”

I cringed. “You’re officially stronger than all the Sharks put together.”

“Oh, stop,” she said, but another contraction came, and she went back to groaning.

I felt fucking powerless, watching the pain ripple through her. Nothing more I could do but talk her through it and let her crush my hand.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance