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Devil shook his head. “No. Like I told you, I have something to show you—or rather someone to introduce you to. Then we’re going to come back here, and you’re going to eat a good, home-cooked meal.”

“So you’re staying for dinner?”

“I’m staying longer than that.”

“You’re assuming I don’t need to go back to work today. I do have cases to solve that don’t involve you, you know.”

“Give me a chance, Joe. Let me show you some things about my world.”

“That sounds like something I should say no to.”

Devil shook his head. “I promise everything we’re doing this afternoon is completely legal.” He paused and gave me a slow once-over. “What I plan to do to you afterwards might not be.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I’m into some kinky-ass shit.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“And enjoyed it.”

“True. And I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever depravity you have planned for me tonight.”

His wicked grin made me shiver. “Be prepared to not be able to walk tomorrow.”

I needed to think about something else if we weren’t about to fuck. “You know you didn’t have to bring me dinner.”

“I wanted to.”

“Thank you.”

The smile he gave me then wasn’t full of innuendo or arrogance. It was soft and gentle, and it made my heart flutter.

Half an hour later, we were in Weston. Devil turned his car into a long driveway that led to an enormous house, one so far out of my reach it might as well have been a fairy-tale castle with unicorns grazing on the lawn. If anyone doubted how well crime paid, all they’d need to do was look at this place.

“This is your family’s house, isn’t it?”

Devil grinned. “I’m surprised you haven’t already been out here to check it out yourself.”

“I considered it.” I’d wondered what Marchesi secrets I could learn poking around this place. Would I have gained more leverage against him if I’d followed through? That had seemed so important after he’d killed Murphy and left me terrified I was going to lose everything. Now, instead of thinking of ways to keep him from destroying me by exposing what I’d done, I was letting myself get closer to him so he could destroy me with seduction and softness.

“How seriously did you stalk me?” Devil asked, pulling me out of my dark thoughts.

“It’s not stalking. It’s called investigating. I’m actually a police detective, though I know you’d like me to forget that.”

“Fuck no, I don’t want you to forget it. Where’s the thrill in that? Fucking a cop, holding him down, making him do my bidding. That’s fucking hot.”

“Jesus, Devil.” Now I was hard and distracted, and I had no idea what he was about to drag me into. “Why did you bring me here?”

“I told you. I want you to meet someone.”

“Won’t your family know you brought a cop to the house?”

Devil shrugged. “I’ve got you under control, and none of them are here.”

“I’m not under—”

“Yes, you fucking are. Now get out of the car and walk to the door. I’m going to introduce you to Elena.”

“Who is Elena?”

“The fact that you don’t know should show you how good we are at covering our tracks.”

“Fuck, what are you getting me mixed up in now?”

“Just walk to the fucking door.”

My dick loved when he used that stern tone. I pushed the car door open and stood. “I’m not granting immunity to you or anyone else, so whatever you’re about to tell me or show me better not be something I could arrest you for.”

“Can you just trust me for one fucking second?”

“Would that really be wise? A cop trusting a Marchesi?”

Devil grabbed my arm and started to drag me toward the house. When I shook off his hold and walked past him, he grabbed me by the back of the neck, his fingers squeezing my flesh hard. “You can be pissed off at me if you want. I will fucking fight you, and I will win. But if you say one damn thing to upset Elena, you’ll regret it. She’s been through a hell of a lot, and she’s under my protection.”

“Got it,” I said, the words tight. I could tell he was sincere about his concerns for this woman. Why did that bother me? Didn’t I want him to care about people so I could believe he wasn’t a monster?

You’re fucking jealous.

No. There was nothing to be jealous about. No matter what I felt for him, things weren’t going to work between us.

Maybe they would if you’d give it a chance.

I’d have to give up everything.

Would you, or would you just have to compromise?

I put that thought aside as Devil led us into the house.

A woman in a simple black dress and a white apron came to greet us.

“Mr. Devil, I didn’t know you were coming today. Is there anything you need?”

“Thank you, Gemma. I’m just here to talk to Elena. How’s she doing?”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Marchesi Family Romance