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“Yes, baby. Who do you belong to?”


“That’s right. Nobody else gets this. You’re mine.”

I wanted to be his.

He growled, and his hands clutched my hips tightly as he drove in. Seconds later, I felt his hot cum spill inside me. Somehow I managed not to blurt out the words I didn’t think he was prepared to hear, but I knew for certain I was in love with him. There was no more doubt.

He lay over me, pushing me all the way into the mattress. I shivered when he pressed his lips to the side of my neck. I was slick with sweat, my ass full of his cum, totally worn out from his use, but I’d never felt better. There was no way either of us could pretend this was just a convenient way to get off while we were together. It was so much more.

I had a vague memory of him pulling out and cleaning me up, but I was asleep before he joined me in bed again.

When I woke up the next morning, Giorgio wasn’t there. It was only then I remembered Devil must’ve stayed the night since Giorgio had come to bed with me. That meant he’d certainly heard what we’d done. I’d tried to be quiet at first, but once Giorgio was fucking me, I’d completely forgotten. Heat rose in my cheeks, and I really hoped Devil had already left.

I listened carefully, but I didn’t hear anything. I did smell coffee, though, and I needed it badly.

I pulled on the sleep pants and sweatshirt I’d worn to bed the night before.

Cautiously, I opened the door, bracing myself for the awkwardness of seeing Devil again, but only Giorgio was in the kitchen.

“Are we alone?”

Giorgio smiled. “Yes. Devil left a little while ago. I made breakfast for us, and I kept yours in the oven so it would stay warm.”

“You could’ve woken me.”

“You needed to rest, and I had a feeling you might be a little bit embarrassed when you remembered Devil was here last night.”

“Why didn’t you remind me?”

“I couldn’t worry about things like that when I was inside you. And it’s not like he cared. He probably enjoyed it.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Go ahead and eat. Leo and Niall will be here soon.”

“They’re both from your agency?”

“Yes. Niall, Leo, and I are the permanent members of our organization, along with our boss. Everyone else is brought in on an as needed basis.

“Like Devil and his husband?”

“Yes. Joe will be working for us more frequently now. Devil and I just exchange favors sometimes.”

“Was Niall in the army?”

Giorgio shook his head. “He was a hostage negotiator for an FBI counterterrorism team.”

“Wow. That’s… impressive. When will they be here?”

“Soon. Joe called with some new information. It’s time to create a plan to expose Alan and the men he’s associated with.”

“What new information?”

A few seconds passed, and he didn’t reply.

“Don’t leave me in the dark again.”



I shouldn’t have given Lane any more details. I should have told him we’d handle it and remind him to trust me. That’s what I would have done with any other client. But he wasn’t just any client, which was a fucking problem because I was in way too deep with him and it was going to cloud my judgment. That’s exactly what had happened with Thomas. I knew it wasn’t truly my fault he’d died. I doubted any plan we’d come up with would have saved him, but I also knew I’d been reckless and distracted. I could never be one hundred percent sure what would have happened if I’d done things differently.

I also knew I’d been a fucked-up mess from that moment on. I’d been essentially useless to my team until we were extracted. I should sit in on the strategy session, then bow out of this mission, but I still had no idea how to explain to X why I wasn’t fit for this job. Telling Devil about my relationship with Lane was bad enough. I didn’t want anyone else to know.

“Come sit down and eat, and I’ll tell you what I know.”

Lane looked skeptical. “Everything?”

“Almost everything. I still can’t share my friend’s secret.”

“I don’t understand what your friend’s secret would have to do with me.”

And he wouldn’t ever guess. “Just believe me when I tell you it’s nothing bad.”

“That only makes me more curious.”

Lane looked so young. His curly hair was wild and untamed, and his oversized sweatshirt swallowed his small frame. I wanted to pull him onto my lap and hold him. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but Devil had been right. I might be able to face down terrorists without a twinge. I was willing to walk into situations that would send most men running, but when it came to love, I was a coward. I’d been shot at and had walked right back into gunfire, but losing Thomas had hurt worse than any bullet wound.

Tags: Silvia Violet Vigilance Erotic