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Was that question as random as Thorne thought it was, or was his brain just sex-addled? “What?”

Riley grinned. The bastard loved throwing Thorne off balance. “It made me want to know more.”

“About the characters? There’s a whole series: Swallowdale and Winter Holiday and—”

“No, about the little boy who fell in love with the story and wanted his own sailboat.”

Thorne frowned. “That little boy wasn’t all that interesting.”

“He is to me. I want to know all about you, Thorne.”

Thorne wasn’t sure he liked the direction this was going. “I think you already know quite a lot.”

“I know your body. I know how hard it was for you to relax and let yourself enjoy life. I know that relationships are difficult for you, friendships and romantic ones. I know you love art and British TV and cake, but I want more. I want to know everything.”

Riley’s passion as he spoke had Thorne breathing hard. How the fuck did Riley make him horny so easily? “You might be bored to tears, but I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. First, though, I should tell you about my project.”

Riley smiled. “I’d like that.”

Thorne took a deep breath. You can do this.

“What’s wrong?” Riley laid a hand on his leg.

“I’m a little nervous. How’s that for honesty?”

“I appreciate it, but you don’t need to be nervous.”

“I’m not sure how you’ll feel about what I’ve been working on. I knew you might be pissed about the building—Susan warned me not to make an offer on the building without consulting you—but nothing is finalized and you had said you’d let me help, or that’s what I heard anyway. Was I wrong?”

Riley shook his head. “No, you weren’t.”


“You weren’t wrong about what I said, but I only grudgingly accepted the money and pretended it was okay because I was uncomfortable letting you help. I wanted the business to be my thing. I wanted to be as good at something as you are at your job, and I didn’t want to feel like I was getting paid to be with you.” Riley’s eyes widened after those last words, as if he wished he hadn’t said them.

All the pie Thorne had eaten seemed to have solidified in his stomach. “Riley? You can’t really think—”

“I don’t. I was just being stupid.” He sighed. “Being in love isn’t easy.”

Thorne smiled. “It’s not, but it’s worth it.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. Every single minute. So tell me what you’ve done this time.”

Thorne glared at him. “Cooking is your passion, right? It’s what you most want to do.”

“When I’m not doing you.”

Thorne rolled his eyes. “Business consulting is my passion. I truly love what I do. So I…started working on a business plan for you.” He held up his hand before any anger could come barreling toward him. “All I have are suggestions. These plans are meant to be a partnership. The owner is in control, and the consultant advises him or her.”

“Thornwell Shipton, you do not let your clients contradict you.”

Fuck. Riley knew him too well. “With you I would. I like you in charge, remember?”

Riley snorted. “Show me the plans.”


“Like you said, this is your thing. I’d be an idiot not to at least listen to what you have to say.”

They talked about focusing their line of products, their brand, business hours, and marketing. Hours later, Thorne stretched and turned toward the window. The sky was getting dark. “Whoa. What time is it?”

Riley looked at the clock. “It’s six thirty.”

“I had no idea we’d get so carried away with this.”

“I’m glad. Thank you for sharing this with me,” Riley said.

“You’re welcome.” Thorne’s stomach growled.

“I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re hungry. I’ve got to run to the store to get the things I was going to make for you.”

“You don’t have to—”

“I want to.”

“I have one other suggestion for the business.” Thorne was too anxious to put it off. He wanted to hear Riley’s reaction.

“What is it?”

“Did you come up with a name?”

“No, not yet,” Riley said.

“What about A Dash of Perfection?”

“Oh my God.” Riley grabbed his phone and tapped the screen a few times.

Thorne stared. “Does this mean you like it or what?”

Riley held up his hand, making Thorne wait.

“Susan?… A Dash of Perfection for the bakery name. What do you think?”

Thorne couldn’t hear what she said, but Riley’s goofy smile indicated it must be good.

“I thought so too… No, Thorne thought it up.”

Riley looked at him. “She says to tell you it’s just right.”

Thorne couldn’t believe how much they loved it.

“So you think we should go with it?… Yeah, me too… I will… Okay. Bye.”

Riley hung up the phone.

Thorne had thought the name might be ridiculous, or that he wouldn’t want a name Thorne had picked. He’d never expected—

Riley grabbed him and kissed him, hard, fierce, like he was trying to consume him.

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic