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“We’ll split it.”

Riley noticed the tension in Thorne’s jaw. He hated not paying for both of them, but Riley needed them on equal ground even if Thorne could have bought everything on the menu and never noticed the expense.

After they paid, they exited the restaurant together and walked toward Thorne’s office. The atmosphere was more awkward than it had been the night before, possibly because it felt like they were both holding their breaths, unsure where to go from there. Riley shivered as cold wind seemed to cut right through his coat. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he neared the spot where he would have to let Thorne go with so many things still unsaid. He pulled it out and saw a text from Marc. Lunch over? Needing a Rudolph fix? Bring your man.

As much as Riley loved the idea of curling up on the couch watching Rudolph—or any Christmas special for that matter—with Thorne, he knew Thorne had to get back to work. He also knew Marc had ulterior motives. Since the Say Anything evening, he was all for Thorne and Riley getting back together.

Riley shoved the phone back in his pocket. They were across the street from Thorne’s office now. He only had a few seconds to decide what to do.

“So, do we keep going slow?” Thorne asked.

Was that what Riley wanted? No, he wanted to shove Thorne up against the tree behind him and take him rough and hard, but that was clearly out of the question. “That’s probably best.”

Thorne nodded. He glanced around as if checking out the environment. “I would kiss you good-bye but…” He shrugged and leaned in to give Riley a quick brush of his lips across his cheek. Riley moaned as Thorne pulled back, needing more.

At that moment, he realized snow had begun to fall, tiny flakes that glittered in the weak sunshine. “It’s snowing.”

Thorne smiled. “I didn’t believe it would.”

December snow was rare in Atlanta. Riley had a crazy thought that it was a sign. “I know you’re supposed to be at work, but do you want to come back to my apartment and watch Rudolph?”

Thorne frowned. “The Christmas special or does that imply something kinky I’m not aware of?”

He laughed. “No. Marc and I are suckers for Christmas shows. He asked if I wanted to watch one this afternoon and, well…”

Thorne pulled his phone from his pocket and held up a finger, silently asking Riley to wait. He tapped the screen and brought it to his ear. “Lauren, please cancel my meetings for the afternoon…Yes, I know he’ll be pissed. Send Jack.”

Riley continued to listen to the one-sided conversation.

“Right, that’s a terrible idea. Send Sandra…Something vital’s come up…No, I’m fine…Really, very fine…I’ll stop by around five, so you can brief me on anything then. Don’t disturb me for the next few hours unless the building is burning down.”

Riley stared at him when he ended the call. Had he really just cancelled an afternoon of meetings?

“I didn’t think you’d say yes.”

“For you, I’ll always say yes. You’re the one who taught me that some things matter more than business. A lot of things, actually, but people I care about in particular.”

Riley smiled. “Come on, let’s go.”

MARC HAD THE DVD cued up when they arrived. “Hey, Thorne.”

“Hello, Marc.” Thorne’s voice was formal, reserved. How did Thorne feel about Marc being there? Was he wondering if Marc and Riley… But Riley had sworn there’d been no one, and Thorne wouldn’t doubt him, would he?

Riley and Thorne settled on the couch, and Marc sprawled in a comfy chair, legs flung over one of the arms. He spent as much time watching them as he did the TV. And the look on his face said he thought they were the cutest fucking thing he’d ever seen.

Riley finally threw a pillow at him. “Pay attention. Hermey’s about to do his pig impression. It’s your favorite part.”

Thorne laughed. “His acting skills are unparalleled.”

Marc’s mouth fell open, and Riley turned to Thorne.

Thorne arched a brow. “Did you seriously think I never watched this?”

“I figured you’d seen it as a kid, but not that you’d have a favorite part.”

Thorne shrugged. “I like Christmas.”

“You like working,” Marc said.

Thorne smiled and glanced at Riley. “Not as much now.”

Riley wrapped an arm around Thorne and snuggled closer. Thorne sighed, relaxing against him. Riley knew then that he wasn’t going to let Thorne go. He assumed Thorne would spend Christmas Day with his family, and Riley had promised to have dinner at Susan’s on Christmas Eve, but he wanted to spend at least part of the holiday with Thorne, watching cartoons, eating too much and… Could he really wait five more days to be inside Thorne again?

Yes, because he wasn’t going to rush things. He needed Thorne, but that need was deeper than lust, deeper than anything he’d felt before. Thorne had screwed up, but Riley still loved him. It was the season of forgiveness, and he was ready.

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic