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Dash had the nerve to laugh. “You don’t really want to free yourself.”

“What makes you so fucking sure?”

“Because if you do, I’ll stop and you won’t get to come.”

That was so not happening. “What if I make myself come?”

“You won’t, because I’m in charge, and you’re going to do what I say.”

Just like that, Thorne stopped fighting. Dash was right. He needed Dash controlling him so he could let go.

Dash ran a hand down his chest. “That’s more like it.”

“You can’t go slow forever,” Thorne challenged. He immediately realized his words would only make Dash try harder to do just that.

“I could with anyone else, but with you… What you do to me, Thorne, it’s …” Dash let his head fall back and sucked in a sharp breath. If Thorne guessed right, his cock had just brushed Dash’s prostate.

Dash didn’t say any more, but he did pick up the pace. Thorne worked his hips as much as he could with Dash on top. He longed to turn him over and thrust deep, but he also wanted Dash in charge.

Sweat ran down Dash’s face and chest, dripping onto Thorne, mingling with his own. The sun beat down on them, lighting them up outside the way Dash fucking him was lighting Thorne up inside.

“Thorne. God, Thorne. I can’t hold back,” Dash cried.

“Then come. Please.”

“Yes!” Dash grabbed his cock, jacking himself until he shuddered and cum splattered Thorne’s chest. The sight sent Thorne over the edge. He bucked so hard he nearly unseated Dash. His orgasm went on and on. When he was wrung dry, he collapsed, head hitting the ground with a thunk.

The next thing he was aware of was Dash untying his hands and rubbing his wrists. “Are you okay?”

“I think you scrambled my brains.”

“Seriously Thorne?” Dash looked truly worried.

“I’m fine. Just floating.”

Dash stretched out next to Thorne and put his head on Thorne’s chest. “I wish…”

“What? Tell me.” Did he want to know?

“I wish we could just stay here.”

“We can,” Thorne said. “I could rent a cabin.”

“No, I mean… Never mind.”

“Stay here away from the world, cocooned like this, fucking, drinking, sailing, no responsibilities, no one else intruding,” Thorne suggested.

“Yeah, like that.”

“Me too.”

Neither of them said anything else for a long time.


Dash liked having a plan for his appointments with clients, especially Thorne, since he could hardly think, much less devise an erotic scenario once Thorne started kissing him. But one week after their sailing trip, he showed up at Thorne’s apartment with nothing in mind other than not making a fool of himself and not letting Thorne talk him into staying the night. He was helping Susan the next day, and he needed some distance. He was forgetting exactly what the nature of his relationship with Thorne was far too often.

As it turned out, he didn’t need a plan. Thorne grabbed him as soon as he stepped in the door, pushed him up against the wall and kissed him, hard and desperate. They didn’t slow down until Dash had come hard enough to see stars. He lay there, thinking he should get dressed and leave before he talked himself into staying the night or Thorne did.

Thorne rolled over to face him. “I have a favor to ask.”

Dash tried to hide his concern. “What is it?”

“Don’t look so apprehensive, it’s nothing bad. At least, I don’t think it is.”

“I’m not—”

Thorne’s expression made it clear he didn’t believe Dash. “I’ve asked a lot of you.”

And you’ve paid me very well. Dash kept that thought to himself, considering how weird things had gotten the last time he’d called attention to the fact that he was only Thorne’s rent boy. Did Thorne want him to be more? No. He was just uncomfortable about paying him for anything more than sex. That had to be it.

“There’s an art opening next Friday. My company is one of the top sponsors. I’d like you to go with me.”

“With you with you? Like as an escort? Won’t that be an indication that you’re not as straight as people think you are?”

Thorne considered the question for a moment. “As my friend.”

That was a disaster waiting to happen. “You really think no one’s going to guess what’s up?”

Thorne waved away his concern. “They can guess all they want.”

“So you’ll just talk casually with me, remember not to touch me, and—”

“Forget it.”

The intensely hurt expression on Thorne’s face surprised Dash. He laid his hand on top of Thorne’s. “I don’t want you to out yourself if you’re not ready.”

Thorne closed his eyes, and Dash watched his chest rise and fall. “I’m not ready to stand up and make a big speech about who I take to bed, but I’m beyond caring about starting rumors.”

Dash caressed the back of Thorne’s hand. “Are you, really?”

“Yes.” Thorne looked at him, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and something so painful Dash almost looked away.

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic