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“No, old men like me don’t fall asleep when we sit down, we rest our eyes.”

“Ha!” Dash slapped his thigh and encouraged him to scoot over. “I bet I can find a way to keep you awake.”

Thorne scrubbed a hand over his eyes. “Where do you get this stamina?”

“It’s a job requirement.”

The silence that followed was suffocating. Thorne didn’t know how to respond. From the look on Dash’s face, his words had startled him back to reality like they had Thorne. Had they really forgotten that Dash was there because Thorne had hired him?

Dash grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. “You do have a Netflix subscription, right?”

Thorne nodded. “I don’t know why. I hardly ever use it.”

“Let’s put it to good use now.”

Thorne lay back against the arm of the couch, and Dash stretched half on top of him, using his chest as a pillow. Thorne let his eyes drift shut again as Dash scrolled through movie choices.

“Oooh, Footloose. What about that one? I’ve been wanting to see it again ever since watching Guardians of the Galaxy.”

“What? Why?”

Dash sighed and shook his head. “Does this mean you haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy?”

“Um…I don’t even know what it is.”

“Where have you been? Groot? Rocket? Beefed-up Chris Pratt? Seriously?”

“Is it on Netflix?”


“We’ll rent it then.” Thorne grabbed the remote. He exited Netflix and clicked on iTunes. He could feel Dash’s impatience as he painstakingly typed in the letters to search for the title.

“You can do that on your phone, you know.”

“Whatever.” The movie popped up on the screen. “See, there it is. Back in the olden days, we had to drive to a video store to get a movie. You kids have it easy.”

“Quit with the old jokes. Anyone that can do what you did last night is nowhere near old.”

Suddenly Thorne didn’t feel quite so tired. “Maybe when this is over, I’ll do it again.”

“Mmm. I like that plan.”

They started the movie. Dash gave a brief explanation, most of which Thorne failed to understand, but eventually he started to get into it. And yeah, Chris Pratt was surely looking fine. But Thorne was more entertained by Dash’s ability to quote the lines and his emotive reactions to everything whether it was sad, funny, or worthy of whoops and cheers.

After an intense scene, Dash caught Thorne staring. “What?”

“You. You’re so…fun to watch.”

“Are you laughing at me?” Dash pouted.

“No, I’m enjoying you.”

“Good. But what about the movie?”

“It’s fine. You’re better.” Thorne slid his hand into Dash’s hair and pulled him down for a kiss.

BY THE TIME Dash pulled back for air, his breath was ragged. “Whoa.” He grabbed the remote and clicked off the movie.

“We didn’t see the end,” Thorne teased.

“We’ll see it later. I don’t care about movies now.” He tugged at the hem of Thorne’s T-shirt. “Off.”

Thorne grinned as he sat up and yanked the garment over his head. Before he could say or do anything else, Dash shoved him back down, hands skimming over his chest.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Dash murmured. He replaced his hands with lips and tongue. He teased Thorne’s nipples and then nibbled at his collarbone. “Bed?”

“Not sure I can move,” Thorne answered.

Dash stood, pulled off his own shirt and then shucked the rest of his clothing. He wrapped a hand around his cock and stroked himself. “Would you move for this?”

Thorne smiled up at him. “I’m starting to feel a little inspired.”

Dash kept going, his hand moving faster, his grip tightening. Thorne sat up and reached for him, but Dash backed away. “Come with me.”

Thorne did, and the next few hours passed in a tangle of rough thrusting and sweaty flesh.

“What next?” Dash asked as he lay on his back, recovering from his second orgasm.

“A nap,” Thorne suggested.

Dash started to protest, but he could tell Thorne was already drifting off. So he rolled over and spooned him. “This has been a great day.”

“The best.”

“Any withdrawal symptoms from not working?”

Thorne laughed. “Not a fucking one.”


“I would be if I wasn’t with you.”

Dash’s heart skipped a beat, the words sinking into his skin, warming him. He was tired, too tired to fight what he was feeling. “Earlier when I said that about my job, I—”

“Don’t.” Thorne’s tone was firm.

Dash didn’t say any more. Had he read things wrong?

Thorne put a hand on top of Dash’s. “It’s enough that you’re here.”

Okay, maybe he’d read Thorne right after all.

Thinking the best response was simply to hold Thorne tight against him, he did just that and fell asleep to thoughts of a day spent like this one, except Thorne wasn’t paying him; they were on a date.

Don’t get your hopes up, his conscience tried to scold him.

He told it to shut the fuck up.


Riley’s phone rang as he was making himself a late breakfast. After his weekend with Thorne, he’d needed to sleep in. He glanced at the screen. It was Marc. He must be up early unless he hadn’t gone to bed yet. It was just after six a.m. on the west coast.

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic