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“Clients taking it out of you?” Marc asked, his tone lascivious as usual.

“Sucking me dry every time,” Riley returned.

“Oh, poor baby. Soooo, tell me about Thorne.”

“You already know what he’s like.” Riley winced. He hadn’t meant his comment to sound as snappy as it did.

“Uh-oh.” Riley could hear the smirk in Marc’s voice.


“That tone. What does that mean?”

That I don’t like to think about you fucking him; that I’m…in trouble… “Nothing. What tone?”

“That one. I’m supposed to be the one who gets snippy. Dash is all cool and fun and smiling.”

Riley snorted. “You know that’s not true.”

“That’s how you are when you’re with clients. Right until you nail their asses and have them begging.”

As frustrated as he was, Riley had to laugh. “Fine, that’s my style, but this is real life. You’re not a client.”

“I wouldn’t mind being one. You’re damn good at what you do.”


“So, Thorne…”

“He’s a great tipper.” That was a safe enough comment.

“And so hot when he gets fucked,” Marc practically purred.

Act normal. “Yeah, he’s hot, okay? Just like you said.”

“What are you hiding?”

He hated how well Marc knew him. “Nothing.”

“Riley Dashwood, you like him.”

“Of course I like him. You know I can’t take clients I don’t like. I’m not as good at faking it as you.”


Riley knew Marc wasn’t the least bit hurt.

“I do pride myself on my acting skills, but you know I’m far from indiscriminate,” Marc added.

“I’d never accuse you of that. You just don’t mind fucking assholes if they’re hot. In fact, I think you like it.”

“Thorne can be an ass, trust me.”

“Yeah, but it’s kinda cute.” Fucking fuck, why did I say that?

“Cute?” Marc practically cackled. “Oh dear God, you’re worse off than I thought.”

“What do you mean?” Riley knew he couldn’t get away with feigning ignorance, but he had to try.

“You’ve fallen for him.”

Riley refused to think about how accurate Marc’s assessment was. “Hardly; I just like how he’s all bluster.”

Mark sighed. “And such a fun power bottom.”

“Did you ever get him to truly surrender?”

“No, I don’t think he’s capable of that.”

Riley was secretly thrilled. He wanted to be the only one who could get that from Thorne. “Did he ever want anything but sex?”

“Nope. It’s strictly fucking with him.”

Riley wasn’t going to reveal that he’d managed conversation and dinner. “Well, the money’s good no matter what he wants.”

Marc whistled. “His tips are out of this world.”

“He’s been very good for my tuition fund.”

“I thought he would be. But remember this is a job, not a date.”

Marc’s warning made Riley’s stomach flip-flop. “I’ve managed just fine since I started this job. It’s not like I didn’t already understand how to enjoy sex for sex’s sake.” Riley had done his share of one-nighters, club hook-ups, even back-alley blowjobs. He’d met Marc in a club in fact. “Remember how we met?”

“Mmm. I do. I saw you and knew I had to have you.”

They’d fucked like wild animals, and it had been hot as hell, but it was just sex. Riley wasn’t looking for anything more, so distancing himself from clients hadn’t been a problem. Until Thorne. But he could handle it. He only needed to work for a few more months, anyway.

“So how’s the baking life?” Marc asked.

“Great.” Riley was thankful that Marc’s ADD brain never stayed in one place for long. He was like a sparkly hummingbird, but one with a sharp beak that could hold you down and make you do his bidding. He got why Thorne had enjoyed him, but Riley was a better fit to give Thorne what he really needed.

Not that Thorne had asked Riley to “fix” him. Riley shook his head. Maybe he should be a fucking therapist. He couldn’t stop himself from wanting to help people. It was his nature, and plenty of clients were looking for a counselor or at least a confessor. With Thorne though, Riley’s instincts might just lead him to heartbreak.


THORNE WATCHED AS Dash rolled his shoulders, letting his jacket slide down his arms. The garment dropped to the floor. Rather than pick it up, he kept moving toward Thorne, undoing the buttons at his cuffs. “You ready to find out what I’ve got planned for you?”

Thorne had to swallow before he could speak. “I thought you were all about taking things slow, building anticipation.”

Dash unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing his smooth, tanned chest. “Who’s rushing? I’m just getting comfortable.”

“What do you…” Thorne paused to watch Dash remove his shirt.

“Did you forget your question?”

“What question?” Thorne didn’t want to talk anymore. He wanted to touch.

Dash unfastened his pants, revealing the gorgeous V of skin that pointed toward his cock. It begged for attention, making Thorne want to sink to his knees so he could lick, suck, and nibble.


He glanced up. “What?”

Dash had a very satisfied look on his face. “Whatever you were thinking, just do it.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic