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“For a man with his ass stuffed full, you look terribly relaxed. That tells me that talking is a good thing for you after all.”

Thorne scowled, not wanting to think about how easily Dash turned his world upside down.

“The answer to your question is money. To do what I want I either need start-up money for a business, or money to get a baking and pastry arts certificate, or ideally both. As you know, I make good money working for Sheila, and I have most of my days free to keep baking. I’m working with a friend who’s building a catering business.”

Thorne ate another mini cupcake, his third. “I’m glad you have plans because these should be shared with the world. They’re even better than the cake we had last week.”

Color rose in Dash’s cheeks. “I don’t know about that. But I’m glad you like them.”

“What’s something else you learned to make recently?”

“Turnovers. I just learned how to make really good flaky pastry, and I’ve been trying lots of combinations, even savory ones.”

Dash obviously put all of himself into what he did. Thorne understood that. When he had a chance to win a new contract, he fought hard for it. He might occasionally wish he had time for more than work, but he was passionate about helping others make their companies the best they could be. He began spinning a business plan for Dash, excited about all the possibilities.

“You’re smiling,” Dash said.

“It’s the cupcakes.” No way was he going to admit what he was really thinking.

“Maybe I’ll let you sample my turnovers one day.”

“Maybe right now you’ll do something about this.” Thorne parted his robe and skimmed a hand over his cock.

Dash licked his lips, clearly very interested. “Not yet. Tell me about you. I can’t believe you really don’t do anything but work. Surely you have other interests.”

“I’m on the board at the art museum, and I attend a lot of charity gatherings.” Was that it? When had he stopped doing things just for fun? “I used to sail.”

“That does sound fun. Do you own a sailboat?” Dash asked.

“I used to. After I got my MBA and started working for Symthson, I bought myself a boat, took lessons, and learned how to sail. It was a gift to myself.”

“See? There is another side to you. You lit up when you told me that.”

Had he really?

“What got you interested in sailing?”

“When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was Swallows and Amazons. Did you ever read that?”

Dash shook his head. “No.”

“The four main characters, siblings, are spending the summer at a lake in England, and they have a sailboat. They camp on an island, meet two girls who live on the lake and have their own boat, and all six of them have adventures together.”

“Sounds fun. Did you have adventures on your boat?”

Thorne pondered that. “Not too many.” He and Clint had taken the boat out frequently. They’d had some wonderful afternoons, but Clint had always had to go back to his wife. Then everything ended. “I sold it when I realized I hadn’t taken it out in over a year.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Seven, maybe eight years.”

Dash frowned. “You should buy another and take it out every weekend.”

“I don’t really have weekends.”

“Which is why you’re so tense.”

Thorne leaned forward to refill his coffee cup. Once again the plug reminded him that he’d yet to get what he wanted from Dash.

Dash must have noticed because he smiled. “Finish your coffee and then I’ll finish you.”

“Damn right you will.”

He held up another mini cupcake, a white one, and offered it to Thorne. Thorne reached for it, but Dash shook his head. He moved closer and held it up to Thorne’s lips. “Taste. This one is Italian cream.”

Suddenly, Thorne was aware of the plug again even though he wasn’t moving. He took a bite and then licked his lips to capture all the icing. “Delicious.”

Dash popped the other half into his own mouth, groaning as he chewed. He looked as lost to pleasure as he had when he was riding Thorne’s cock the week before.

“So good,” Dash murmured. “I didn’t make those. My friend Susan did, but I have her recipe.”

“Good.” Thorne realized that implied he’d be getting more. But cupcakes were a one-time thing, weren’t they? Of course, he could have Dash cater an event for him. Those cupcakes would go a long way to lure in more clients. But it would also be next to impossible for him to hide how much he wanted the man. Mixing Dash and work was a terrible idea.

“I’ve got more,” Dash said.

Thorne slid lower on the couch, dropped his head back, and opened his legs. He shifted around, deliberately making the plug tease him. “Feed me another one.”

Dash grinned. “You’re fucking hot all spread out for me like that.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic