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His hips canted once, then twice, both of them gasping at the increased sensation until desire for him took over even the soul-deep emotion and she had to move.

Baz’s eyes closed for a second, the rictus of pleasure on his face telling her better than words could how much he was enjoying her riding him.

Then his eyelids opened, revealing a gaze almost black with pleasure, and his hands came up her body to cup her breasts. He kneaded the modest curves, expertly playing with nipples already engorged with blood and sensitized by his earlier touch.

Randi shifted her angle and suddenly his big sex was caressing that spot inside her that sent jolts of ecstasy throughout her body. Bliss coiled tight inside her, waves of pleasure emanating from her womb until she knew her climax was imminent.

“That’s right, mi amor.” He thrust up against her, increasing Randi’s pleasure. “Move just like that.”

She wasn’t about to stop but didn’t have the breath to tell him so. She found her breath a moment later, though, in order to let loose a scream of ecstasy when one of his hands slid down her body until his thumb could brush against her swollen clitoris. Just like that, the pleasure inside her detonated, explosions of bliss making her muscles contract. Her heart beat so fast she could barely breathe, and her cry of completion choked off by more of the same.

He kept moving under her, even as she fell forward against him, his thumb prolonging her moment of annihilating pleasure.

Still hard inside her, Baz stilled, his hands locked onto her thighs so she couldn’t move, either. “So good, mi cariña.”

“You didn’t come.”

His smile was all sexy, confident male. “I am not finished with you yet.”

“What?” She felt finished.

But then he moved under her, sending jolts of electric bliss sparking along her nerve endings, and she thought, maybe not.

The expression on his handsome Spanish features was nothing short of devilish as he rolled them, his shifting body inside her sending more aftershocks through Randi.

He kissed her for long minutes, but then he withdrew from her body completely.

She protested until he moved down her body to bury his mouth between her legs. As his tongue flicked out to barely touch her clitoris, she found herself panting with renewed pleasure. He kept the touches featherlight for several minutes until she found her body moving to meet the tantalizing caresses. Then he increased the pressure, his finger pressing up inside her even as he nibbled against her swollen bundle of nerves.

Baz showed her that when it came to giving pleasure with his mouth he was a master, drawing forth a second, even stronger, climax from her before he surged up her body to push inside her again.

Tears ran hotly down her temples as the pleasure and the emotional intensity of their physical connection overwhelmed Randi.

He brushed at the wetness with his fingertips. “You are mine, hermosa. Made especially for my body to connect to yours.”

She couldn’t think of anything to say; she was too raw from what was happening between them, but she wouldn’t have denied his claim if she could make her brain-to-mouth function work.

He plunged in and out of her, finally losing his vaunted control, driving them both higher and higher, words of praise in his native tongue dripping from his lips.

Her throat raw from screaming, Randi climaxed for a third time, this time taking him over the precipice of pleasure with her, his hoarse shout triumphant.

He kissed her possessively, intense passion coming through the way his lips moved so adamantly over hers. After long moments of him telling her a story with his lips against hers, the kiss gentled until finally, he broke the connection, pulling carefully from her body.

“I must take care of this.” He waved his hand toward the condom now covering his semierect sex.

She couldn’t even work up the energy to move a single finger, much less shift her body. “Okay.”

He came back to the bed and lifted her into his arms.

“Where are we going?” she asked, her postcoital lethargy making her not really care what his answer was. She found a secret part of herself that thoroughly enjoyed his caveman tendencies and not a single bit of energy to protest it.

“My bed, where you belong, mi amor.”

That was the second time he’d called her that. His love. She knew he didn’t mean it the way she wanted him to, but his use of it now... It meant something. Didn’t it?

True to his word, he carried her naked body out of the room and down the hall to the room next door. She should have guessed he would be so close by. If anything, his private suite was even more decadent than the one she’d been assigned.

She took in her surroundings with sleepy eyes as he carried her through to the bedroom and then maneuvered into his bed, climbing in with her and wrapping her in his arms.

“I shouldn’t be tired,” she slurred. “Slept on the plane.”

“I’ve worn you out.” Pride infused his voice.

She couldn’t take him to task for it. He was right. Randi let her eyes slide shut and snuggled into Baz’s body. She would work on shoring her defenses against him later.


THE FOLLOWING DAYS settled into a pattern.

Randi and Baz shared breakfast each morning before he left for his office. Then she spent a few hours answering emails and going over things for Kayla’s for Kids that weren’t impacted by the time difference.

Somehow Mr. Billionaire Business Mogul had managed to work short days for the entire two weeks Randi had been there. He came back to the hacienda for a late lunch, which Randi waited to eat with him. Afterward, he took her sightseeing, introducing her to his favorite places in and around Madrid as well as full-on tourist traps.

She was totally entranced by the Royal Palace. No wonder he considered his hacienda just a home. Spain’s palace in Madrid was the biggest royal palace in Europe, its Sabatini and Campo del Moro Gardens beyond beautiful. She wanted to go back before she left Madrid, but then she would really enjoy revisiting Almudena Cathedral, the Prado Museum and the Alcalá Gate again, too.

In the evenings they each spent another couple of hours working, when their contacts in North America would be awake and at their own desks. Afterward, they had a late dinner, sometimes in the glamorous hacienda dining room, sometimes at Michelin Star restaurants, and a couple of times they had amazing food at hole-in-the-wall eateries she would never expect Baz to frequent. But always, always, they ended up back in Baz’s bed, making love into the wee hours of the morning, their passion never waning.

Every day the life she was living in Spain became more and more the life she wanted to live. And that was a very dangerous mind-set.

Two days before she was supposed to fly home, Randi went looking for Baz in his office. He’d set her up at a beautiful desk in the Casa Clavel library. Filled with books and populated with furniture his family had collected over the centuries, the room was rich with history. And she loved it. Baz’s study was through a connecting door, and Randi liked how close he was while they worked together in the evenings, too.

He was on the phone, so she sat down to wait until he was done, more than a little confused by the two phone calls she’d just had.

Baz’s dark gaze flared with pleasure at the sight of her and he smiled when she sat down, putting a finger up to tell her he would only be a minute.

She nodded, smiling back, for once doing nothing to hide or suppress how pleased she was to be near him.

His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth dropping open in shock. He had to visibly collect himself before he ended his call with an abruptness that surprised her.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” He stood up and came around the big, ornate desk that he’d told her had been a gift to one of his ancestors from King Carlos III.

Baz m

oved close to Randi like he was irresistibly drawn to her.

She knew the feeling. It was all Randi could do to stay in her chair. “I’ve just had a couple of very interesting calls.”

He cocked his head to the side like he had no idea what she was talking about.

“I was going over the final purchase details for the new facility with the broker.”

“Sí?” Still, Baz looked like he had no idea where this was going.

“He was confused about the gift of the furnishings to the shelter. In fact, he said we were paying for them, which I knew we weren’t doing. Or at least I thought I did.”


“Yes, oh. Apparently, there is a special account that has been set aside to pay for the furnishings as well as any renovations that need to be made on the facility.”

Baz shrugged. “Kayla’s for Kids is a more than worthy endeavor.”

“So, you did donate the two million dollars sitting in that account?”

“I did.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to refuse the gift because you were angry with me.”

“It was for the shelter, not for me. You must have realized I would appreciate your generosity.”

“I didn’t want you to appreciate my money.”

No. Baz wanted Randi to appreciate him. And the way she’d smiled at him when she came into the study had so shocked him, he’d cut off a business call to find out why she’d done it.

She gave in to the need to stand up and walked over to him, initiating contact like she never did, stepping into his personal space, placing her hands on his chest. “You’re a really amazing guy, Basilio Perez.”

“Because I gave the shelter some money?” he asked, not sounding particularly happy by that thought.

She leaned up and kissed the underside of his chiseled jaw. “Because you kept it a secret, because you didn’t use it to try to get on my good side.”

His arms came around her and he dipped his head and kissed her full on the mouth, his tongue playing with the seam of her lips before he lifted his head to say, “I’m very glad I finally did something right.”

“You did more than one thing. You’re paying for the new shelter liaison. Kayla said she’s not coming out of the shelter’s budget, but that she has a two-year contract.”

“I would like to accept your appreciation, but hiring Mrs. Patel was purely selfish on my part. I wanted you to be free to travel with me when necessary. To perhaps even relocate here.”

Her heart nearly exploded in her chest. “You want me to move to Spain?”


“But why?”

Tags: Lucy Monroe Billionaire Romance