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A roaring sound echoed in his ears. His blood thickened in his veins. "What did you say?"

"Cara's doing a scene. Look, bro, I have to say this or I'll regret it. She loves you. I saw it clearly at dinner -- it's all over her damn face when she looks at you. If you still have feelings for her, let her know. Claim her tonight as your submissive. Life's too damn short for regrets or fear. Got it?"

"I gotta go."

The idea of another man's hands on her caused a primal rage to beat in his body. Private lessons with Paul was one thing. A public scene where a crowd watched his woman get naked and pleasured by some other Dom was not going to happen. Not with the woman he loved.

He had to get over there. Now.

Rem grabbed his phone and wallet, driving over to Chains in record time. He put his hand up in a brief greeting as he raced past Liliana at the front desk. The club was packed. The raw, throbbing music hit his ears as hard as the scent of leather and sex hit his nostrils. Rem made his way past the large dance area where writhing couples twisted and turned in a parody of sex. The lounge was a comfortable, open space with leather lounges and chairs, and erotic paintings hung on the red walls. He stopped at the crowded bar and motioned over to Easton, the bartender.

"Where's Paul?"

Easton jerked his head toward the private rooms. "Prepping for a scene." Easton was a perfectionist with a drink, knew who everyone was and where they were, and one of most popular Doms at Chains. He wore jeans, a cut off tank that emphasized roped arms, and his dirty blonde hair was tied back. He rarely dressed the part, preferring to filter his methods of control in ways other than clothes. "You okay, man? You look stressed."

"Nothing a good fight won't cure," Rem muttered under his breath. "Thanks."

He tore past the corridor, where various erotic scenes played out behind glass, and checked the Royalty room where Paul preferred to prepare, flinging open the door.

"What the hell-- Rem?"

His fingers clenched. His nostrils flared with hot anger, and he shut the door behind him, grabbing for control. "Where is Cara?" he asked in a low voice.

Paul flinched, but he kept calm. "She's getting ready in the women's locker room. Summer is with her."


"Rafe's Mistress."

"I know who Summer is, I'm just confused why she's in there with Cara helping her prep for a scene that's not going to happen."

Paul tightened his lips. "Calm down, Rem. Listen, Cara told me what was going on between the two of you, but she's trained for this and wants to do her first public scene. As a member here and Dom, you're welcome to step in and do the scene with her. Is that what you want?"

"She's not ready for this! Shit, I think she's only pushing herself to prove something to me."

"Maybe she just wants to prove it to herself," Paul said mildly.

"She doesn't know what she wants."

"I think she knows exactly what she wants. And so do you."

"Fuck you!"

"No thanks." Paul's delighted grin made him want to pounce and rage, but Rem knew the man was only trying to get him to admit the truth. The truth he'd known from that very first night she walked back into his life. "She's under my protection. I'm responsible for her well-being and she will be doing this scene. With or without you."

He strode over and got in Paul's face. Dropped his voice to a growl. "Cara is no longer under your protection. Get it? She's mine. She belongs to me, and I will be the one doing this scene with her."

Rem had to hand it to the Dom. Paul pushed him right to the edge. "Why? Convince me you're able to handle her better than I can."

"I love her, asshole!"

Paul grinned wider. "About damn time. She's set up for room 3. It's a sensation play scene -- all the instruments are ready and on the table. She's got ten minutes. Need anything else?"

Rem pulled his shit together and turned his back. "No. I'll beat the crap out of you later."

Rem slammed the door on Paul's echoing laughter.

He weaved his way through various couples, nodding to a few, and reached the women's locker room. The truth shimmered in front of him. In a way, these last few years without her had been necessary. She'd learned to spread her wings and fly alone. And he'd learned not everything was always under his control, and love was bigger than past pain.

They'd both grown stronger apart, but together they were unbreakable.

It was time to claim her.

He knocked, and Summer peeked her head out. "Hi, Rem. I won't let you break down the door. Are you finally ready to admit she's more than a friend?"

He narrowed his gaze in warning. "You're just as meddlesome as my brother. Just because you wear black leather and hold a whip doesn't mean I can't take you on."

Her red lips widened into a smile. "Try me."

"I need to talk to her."

"Fine. You can come in and I'll stand guard." She strut out in a cat suit with a nasty looking flogger. "You have five minutes."

"You just met her. Why are you so protective?"

Summer winked. "You love her. Now she belongs to us."

A strange shivered bumped down his spine. He pushed inside and locked the door behind him.


His eyes widened. Words jolted in his head, but none seemed able to come from his lips. She was -- simply -- breathtaking.

From her bright red hair framing her beautiful face, to her green eyes softly glowing as she looked at him, Cara was a Dominant's dream come true. The black lace top barely covered her straining breasts, and the tiny band of lycra stretched tight over her full curves, presenting her like a delicious present. Her feet were bare.

But it was the naked look of vulnerability that jolted him to the soul.

She loved him. It was carved out in the lines of her face, the longing in her eyes. It beat from every pore of her body, and the connection that always hummed between them surged to life, and exploded. It was time he show her just how much he loved her back.

"You don't have to do this scene," he said. "You already proved yourself. I don't need you to

do a public display you're not ready for just to show me you can. You already submit to me completely, Cara. Do you understand?"

Her lower lip trembled. "I want to do the scene. I love this lifestyle, Rem. And I want it with you, more than anything. If you can ever forgive me."

He took a step forward. "I do. I understand so much more now, sometimes I have a hard time forgiving myself."

She shook her head hard, and the silky strands danced in the air, then settled against her cheeks. "No. If we do this, we start fresh. We're never going to be the people we were before, and I don't want that."

"What do you want? Because I sure as hell am done being just your friend."

Cara smiled at him. Her eyes shone with the wetness of tears. "You. Me. Us. Everything you have to give. Everything I can give."

"So do I." Rem took a step back, finally realizing what he needed to do. For both of them. The idea presented itself so clearly, an opportunity to move forward with a new trust. He dropped his voice to a strong, deep pitch. "I'd like to scene with you, Cara. From now on, there will never be another man allowed to touch you, instructor or not. Understood?"

She shook, and her pupils dilated. Good. She knew they were about to move into scening, and the rules now applied. Her body peaked, ready to play. Rem knew the simple traditions of speaking in a different voice was like the flick of a switch.

Cara was fully lit up, and ready to follow him.

"Yes, Sir."

"Very good. You will come with me to the stage, and I will present you to the audience. Tell me about the scene Paul prepared you for?"

"Sensation play, Sir. I'm to lie on the table while he demonstrates how various instruments causes pain or pleasure."

"And were you allowed to orgasm?"

"Yes, Sir."

What is your safeword?"


"If you begin to panic, you say the word yellow and I'll slow down. Are you ready, Cara?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Give me your hands"

Rem would normally chain her wrist and guide her to the stage, but he hadn't prepared. Instead, he bound her by his will and command, which was even more powerful. His fingers wrapped firmly around her delicate wrist.

"Follow me. Head down. Let's begin."

"Yes, Sir."

Rem led her out, nodding to Summer as they passed the crowds waiting for the public scene to begin. He walked into Room 3. The room was equipped with a padded table, a couch, blankets, bottles of water, and an open cabinet full of interesting equipment guaranteed to get his woman off.

Tags: Jennifer Probst Steele Brothers Trilogy Erotic