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I glance at Blake. “Let her do what she can do.”

I grind my teeth and release her and she immediately eyes Blake. “Where is Ed right this minute?”

“He just arrived at the Walker facility.”

“Then he had better accept my damn call because he should have stopped this from happening.” She glances over at me. “I got this. You saved me, Adrian. I’m going to save you.”

Only she can’t save me. That sin will haunt me for the rest of my life. And hers, too, if I’m selfish enough to stay in her world.Chapter Twenty-OnePRI

“I need a minute,” Adrian says, and then he leans on the island and stares at Savage. “If you let her do something stupid and get hurt, I swear to you, man, you think you’re an assassin? I will be your assassin.”

He’s upset, a pulse of dark emotions radiating from him, but it’s me he’s worried about. I don’t know one other person in my life who would put me first in milder situations, let alone one of this magnitude.

And for once, Savage doesn’t snap back. “I’ve got her back,” he says simply. “And yours.”

And when Adrian’s gaze slides to Adam, Adam concurs, “Make that two of us.”

“Three,” Lucifer says.

“Four and a whole lot more,” Blake adds.

Adrian draws a deep breath, pushes off the island, and doesn’t look at me. He just heads toward the stairs. I’m already dialing Ed. He answers on the first ring. “I need an all-inclusive immunity agreement for Adrian Mack and I need it now.”

“I already know about Adrian Mack,” he says. “Chicago is pressing murder charges.”

“Aside from the fact that he has immunity while undercover—”

“Not as much as he did a few years back,” he interrupts. “Not in the world we live in today and you know it.”

“He’s willing to testify on national television. His life will never be his own again, so don’t counter with that, Ed. You should have already told Chicago this is bullshit. He’s our star witness. Claim him.”

“Murder, Pri. This is not a small charge.”

“The Chicago team handling this is dirty,” I say. “Waters got to them and this is all about discrediting our witness. I need the agreement for Adrian. And I need you to call Chicago and make this go away.”

“I’m not dirtying myself up for a killer.”

“A killer?” I demand, adrenaline surging through me, all but making my hands shake. “He’s an FBI agent, a hero willing to give up his life to take down a monster. And I thought we were on the same team. I thought we all wanted Waters.”

“I’m not giving him the agreement,” he snaps. “Not until I see how Chicago plays out.”

“Then he’s not testifying,” I say. “You get that, right?”

“Then I guess you’d better get to work making the case otherwise.”

Unease curls inside me. This doesn’t feel right. “What don’t I know?”

“You know what I know.”

“He’s a member of Walker.” I hit the speaker button.

“I don’t give a fuck about Walker,” he says.

My eyes meet Blake’s and his gaze is downright cutting. “Then catch an Uber back to the airport,” Blake says. “You’re on your own.”

“Who is this?” he demands.

“This is Blake Walker,” Blake says. “I’m surprised you don’t recognize my voice, considering I’m the one who set-up your protective service. You asked for my personal commitment to your safety.”

“Right,” Ed says awkwardly. “Blake. Of course.”

“Right,” Blake comments dryly. “Of course. Let me tell you something, Ed. Adrian is family to Walker Security. And since I’m not one to force a man to make a decision, perhaps our protective services have become a conflict of interest. You need some space between us and you to allow you to think with a clear mind.”

“I sign your checks,” Ed snaps.

“Walker doesn’t need your money,” Blake says. “I’m sure our references have made it clear how in-demand we are.”

“Pick up the phone, Pri.”

My eyes meet Blake’s, anger in the depths of his stare that I feed off of, but Blake isn’t done. “Ed,” Blake adds, “I’ll have my men get you to the airport when we hang up.” Blake motions to the phone.

Understanding his cue, I punch the speaker button and go private with Ed. “Yes, Ed?” I ask.

“I do not like being cornered. If you want to keep your job—”

“You’re threatening my job now?”

“Respect me. Keep your job. We’ll be replacing Walker.”

“Let me be clear with you, Ed,” I say, “Agent Pitt was murdered in front of me. Someone set him up and planned to kill me right along with him.”

“I heard. I liked Pitt. He was a good man.”

“They will keep killing us off until Waters walks. And if you don’t think you need Walker, then I question you in all kinds of ways.”

“What the hell does that mean, Pri?”

“I don’t need to spell that out. We both know what I meant. Do what is right or I swear to you, I’ll go around you.”

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Walker Security - Adrian's Trilogy Erotic