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“I actually wanted to talk to you too,” she said, her voice going quiet.

“What’s that?” I asked, my suspicion wavering.

“There’s a car out back that I’ve been trying to figure out. The ford truck? Will gave it to me as a kind of challenge. None of the other trainees was able to figure it out. It’s kind of an extra credit project. I don’t want you to do it for me. I just thought I could use an extra set of eyes.”

Softly she touched my arm. Her eyes burned into mine in a way that let me know she was absolutely fine with our kiss the night before and would very much like another.

“Lead the way.”

I let Nina take the lead, trying to not too obviously look at her ass as we walked through the shop to the door. Will gave her a thumbs up as we passed, Nina returning it. I couldn’t help but wondered if he’d suggested she ask me for help with the mystery problem.

Nina popped the hood like a master, making it almost look like one smooth move, before bending over to look into it.

“At first, I thought it was the distributor cap, but I changed it twice. No dice.”

I could smell her hair and feel her warmth as I got in next to her to look under the hood.

“Did you try the ignition system? Sometimes the connection can fry. It could also be a fuse issue. Once I saw a car where the fuse for the gas indicator broke, and they thought they had gas when they didn’t.”

“Thanks,” she said, looking up at me, her eyes sparkling.

I knew it was wrong. I had to control myself. Be professional. Be her boss. I was a grown man and a business owner. Not a horny teenager in first love. All excellent arguments. None of which seemed to have any weight behind them.

We came together, Nina rubbing herself against me, making it so I could almost feel the warmth of her pussy on my rapidly hardening cock. It was like we were possessed as I pushed her against the car, kissing her hungrily. Wanting to devour her. To possess her. To make her mine forever. Something I’d never felt for any woman before.


Fuck. Barry didn’t call unless it was severe. There was probably an accident with a welding torch or something. I pulled myself away from Nina. The separation physically hurting, and I went to handle business. Knowing I would have to reign in my wild horses or I was going to get into a lot of trouble.Chapter Twelve - NinaI could still feel his lips on mine. Even after he was called away. Separating like that actually hurt like a punch in the heart. I refused to cry, no matter how much I wanted to. Yeah, it hurt, but it was more important for me to fit in. Despite the rough start, it was the first time I really felt like I really belonged. I was able to really be myself and let them get to know me on those terms.

Things started to wind down — first the trainee and then the pro mechanics going home in cribs and drabs. I didn’t care how long it took. I could wait all night if needed. I just needed to be near Chad. Even if he was in his office. I had to have the potential of seeing him, preferably alone. I kept looking for jobs to do, the tasks getting smaller all the time.

Finally, I was down to arranging the tools on the board bolted to the wall as Will got ready.

“Night, Nina,” he said, though not unkindly.

Despite our rough introduction, Will was really growing on me, and I liked to think he was starting to like me too.

“Night, Will.”

The door closed, and my heart skipped a beat. It had finally happened. It was only Chad and me in the building. I just had to wait until he came out of his office, where I suspected he’d gone to try and avoid me.

While I waited, I got out of my overalls and stuffed them into my bag, getting out his bomber jacket to make room. Wearing my usual jeans, I’d opted for a baby doll T-Shirt while my Spurs jersey went through a wash. It was one of the few things I had left of my brother, and would never give it up. I’d worn it the first day as a sort of personal talisman or good luck charm. I didn’t think Daddy knew that I had it, or he would have taken it away years ago.

I’d just fastened the bag when the office door opened. I popped up onto my feet, the jacket folded neatly over my arms.

“I thought everybody already left,” Chad said, not meeting my gaze.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance