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Getting dried off in record time, I gathered my clothes and bra. I dashed to my room before any uncomfortable questions could be asked.Chapter Eleven - ChadIt looked like it was going to be a good day. I got my truck back with a minimum amount of razzing. I knew there would be some to come. It was the natural order of things. The irony was just far too deep to not bring about an involuntary laugh reaction. I couldn’t blame them for that any more than I could blame a scorpion for stinging.

The trainees were all there waiting for me to open. Their keener spark was not yet extinguished. I gave them another couple of days before that happened. A bit more surprising was the presence of Will and the other mutineers amongst their number. Maybe what happened the day before put a scare into them. Turns out they weren’t indispensable, and the trainees weren’t completely useless after all — particularly sweet Nina.

I really was coming to like her. I respected her as a skilled mechanic and was trying to get to know her as a person. From what I saw, I really liked her. She was super sexy, of course. But also ambitious, dedicated, focused, and persistent. The fact that I didn’t know much else ironically made me want to learn more.

The dynamics of the training program had changed overnight. Will and his co-conspirators were suddenly happy to get involved, taking on the trainees in groups of two. Will took on Juan as well as Nina. If she was honestly able to win him over so quickly, it spoke very well for her.

Far from a one-off, Nina merged well into the hum of the shop and was working at a near-professional level. At times, Will let her work by herself on some fairly complicated engine problem, focusing most of his attention on Juan. Whether he did this out of respect for her skills or a test to see if the muffler job and fuel pump had been a fluke, the result was the same: Jaw-dropping excellence. Particularly considering her young age. I’d seen mechanics in their 30s who couldn’t work like she did. The other trainees seem to recognize this, all of them asking her about something at least once when their associated pro was busy with something else.

I supervised from my office, making sure all was right but couldn’t keep my eyes from wandering to Nina. Watching her as she worked. My eyes were drawn to her perfect ass as she bent over to work under hoods. I thought about the night before and hoped I hadn't ruined things with her. I was as surprised as she seemed to have been by the kiss, though she didn’t seem to mind either. If I remembered right, while she was the first to pull away, she did open her mouth and let my tongue in. She’d tasted sweet despite the beer we’d been drinking. Her small tongue, soft and nimble as she tried to keep up with me. The warmth of her little, warm hands as she held me.

I really wanted to talk to her. To make sure things were still okay between us, so she would keep working at the garage, her presence a generally positive influence. I also wouldn’t mind a second try at kissing her. See if we couldn’t go somewhere with it. I didn’t want to push her, but if she was open to it, I wouldn’t say no.

Plucking up my courage, I went out to the shop proper, practicing what I would say as I went.


“Hey, boss.”

“May I speak with you privately for a moment.”

“Okay,” she said, starting to look nervous.

No sooner did the office door close when her phone started to ring — a digital version of the Harry Potter theme filling the small room.

“You’d better get that,” I said.


Glancing at the screen for caller ID, she answered the call, leaving me in only mild tension.

“Bonjour? Oh hé ma tante. Ouais, je suis au travail. Non, je n'ai pas. Ouais, la veste est à lui.”

Things continued in that theme, and I tapped my ear a couple of times, just to make sure. Either I was hearing things, or Nina was speaking fluent French. She really was just full of surprises, and I was getting even more curious about her. Not only beautiful and skilled but brilliant as well. I could feel my cock getting hard in my jeans. The sight of her ass as she turned away, not helping much.

“Sorry about that,” she said, ending the call.

“Were you speaking French to avoid me knowing what you were talking about?”

“Um, no, no, I-I forgot to give you your jacket back last night. I brought it in today.”

Her avoidance made me a bit suspicious. Aside from the fluent French, it was the kind of thing my whore of a mother would do to cover her tracks. That was right before she was getting ready to walk out on Dad and me.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance