Page 57 of GRIND

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And just like that I was out of my apartment, feeling endangered, adrenaline, wonder, fright, and doom all at once. But the most prevalent feeling of them all was elation. We were together again and his hand was in mine.

But suddenly, the adrenaline wore off and I snapped back into reality and out of the James Bond film that was running through my head once the driver had us a few blocks from my apartment.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I looked out the window to see if anyone was following us.


“Can you really be killed right now? I mean, can someone be angry enough with you right now that we are in that grave of danger?”

“My life has always been in danger. People always want to kill me.”

“You know what I mean.”


“Am I safe?” My voice trembled.

“Of course.”

And then I saw the look in his eyes. Something wasn’t right. “Are you…?”

“Stealing you away for some fun and games? Yes. Do I have to make a few business decisions and make a few meetings to personally close down a few misunderstandings in person, yes. And do I have a gala in Paris at the end of all of this to attend, which your mother and my sister are attending as well? Why, yes. But do I want you to be there with me by my side, dressed in a gorgeous gold Givenchy gown I’ve already personally picked out for you? Well, yes.”

By my side.

I’d have to revisit that but right now, a more important life and death situation was thrown my way. Panic surged through me about his life in danger, again.

“So, you’re not about to have a bomb thrown behind you in like one minute if we had waited at my apartment for ten minutes longer?”

“No. Sorry, babe….but it was the only way to get you to come with me.” He sheepishly grinned and placed his hand on my knee. But I wasn’t falling for his charm. In fact, I was downright angry. He just didn’t get it.

“This isn’t a game to me, Bradley! School means everything to me.” His soft, easy-breezy face glazed over and stiffened a bit. God, those eyes. I couldn’t resist him. His lips were on my neck, trailing down to my collarbone and I could barely breathe.

“I can’t. I have this really important oral defense. I thought you knew that?”

“I can let you have an oral defense again all you want. In fact, just the thought of it…feel.” He pulled my hand over him.

I gulped, as my own bubbling desire grew inside. Heat flooded between my legs instantly.

Oh God, I couldn’t breathe when he talked like that while his tongue trailed up my neck and along my collar bone with his sweet kisses.

“I thought you just had to turn in your paper.”

“That’s step one. Step two is the defending it in front of the panel.” I whined.

His warm touch trailed up my arm. “Can’t you please just see if you can Skype your session? You’ve been through a lot this past week. You’ve been imprisoned. Surely they’ll understand if you tell them you need to go somewhere special to get checked in for anxiety or something.”

I retracted my hand like a child touching a hot stove. “I…I can’t lie.”

“Oh, come on, Kate. Live a little. I promise I’ll make the time worthwhile. And didn’t I promise you one thing?”


“That I would be inside of you.” His hot whisper covered my ear. Chills cooled my heated body; I wanted that so bad.

I blushed and hushed him. “The driver!”

“I love how tightly wad your panties are. He can’t hear anything. Come on, aren’t you just a wee tad bit curious as to where I am whisking you away to? A little?”

The little princess in me wanted to know. She jumped up and down with the patience of a three year old. I had never been whisked away before.

His hand slid up my thigh and all I could think about was him being between my legs again.

As if on the same wavelength, his hand dipped between my legs and peeked into my shorts softly swiping over my satin panties. I sucked in a quick breath, surprised and incredibly turned on to his expert touch.

“To the Maldives. Private charter. You. Me. Aqua waters. Days. You. Me. In you. For days.” His searing kisses trailed down my neck again and I couldn’t breathe when he did that, more or less think! His fingers continued to lightly swipe over my thin fabric. I was swelling in need for him to touch me more by the ever growing millisecond. And the truth was, because of him, or should I say lack of him near me, I was having a hell of a hard time practicing my speech because of my focus. It was pure hell trying to focus and seeing my words: ORAL DEFENSE sticky notes every where in my apartment. Every time I saw the word, “oral”, I thought of him between my legs. Me in the shower on my knees.

Our unfinished business of sealing the deal. I mean, the lid was finally off of the matter of us. There was no turning back now.

The passion.

The heat.

All the anger that was bent up in my heart, transmuted into pure fiery hunger that was in eager need of satiating. I was like a hungry animal that hadn’t eaten in weeks. Nothing else mattered but food.

Never in my life had I felt such a need to be filled.

It was like fire ants crawling all over my body, but congregating mostly in my panties. It was passion so intense it burned.

Maybe we could just get it over with here in this limo and then I can go back and turn the car around so I can show up for my defense. I reasoned quickly to myself. After all, this was all happening way too fast.

He was taking me away for days?

“Where we can get to know each other and make up for lost time. Endless pleasure.” His sexy voice rumbled in my ears.

My head spun. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. The way he made me so drunk in reasoning under his spell.

Think. Think. Think. Say something, Kate, fast! You can’t fly off and forget your responsibility. My logic called out to me but its decibel was as loud as a church mouse. My lust was winning, roaring like a lion in a cave. Amplified.

“The best wine. A private, five Michelin star chef.”

Oh my God, that alone sounded amazing. I was a sucker for good food.

His slow fingers trailed over my panties. His touch sending shivers up and down my body as heat soared and my pussy pounded, demanding more attention than my brain and logic.

“The most beautiful beaches. Our naked bodies, contorted in every position possibly imagined.”

The tempting scenes flashed through my mind like the sweetest bait.

It was him.

The boy who plastered my walls when I was a teenage love-struck fan.


The boy who became my stepbrother and roamed the halls of the Rainshaw mansion in his hundred dollar designer underwear, giving me a full on commercial tease of his package.


Everyone woman in America wanted.

The man who confessed to me in the cigar room his love for me.

There was one thing I needed to do. Call my advising professor. It was time to fake an anxiety crisis and pitch the proposition of Skyping my defense.

I bit my lip in worry as he bit my ear in teasing. God

help me. Mary, Joseph, and all the saints. I’m in deep boiling waters. But I can’t wait to dive in deeper.

Chapter 19


* * *

Annie Lennox’s crooning, erotic voice in her sexy rendition of “I’ll Put a Spell on You” dressed the island air and Bradley reached for my hand, lifting me from the table we were dining at for dinner on the private yacht. After landing and refreshing ourselves, we finally made it. I made him promise not to come near me on the jet because I needed to rehearse and study. That was the deal. I would play later if he gave me the space to prepare.

He was a man of his word.

And now it was time to play a little.

“Come here.”

I accepted his hand and he instantly pulled me tight to him as if to signify I was his. Just like Annie’s lyrics, because you’re mine. Because you’re mine.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic