Page 16 of Beast Brothers

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Brock and Cody are in for most of the game, and my eyes are always drawn to them. Even with them wearing helmets and padding, I find them easily on every play they’re in, without needing to look for their numbers. From the comments my friends make, I know they’re keeping their eyes on the brothers too.

The twins are both intense players, extremely focused — and their gameplay reminds me of what it was like to have their attention focused on me. I squirm a little in my seat, the delicious thought crossing my mind that they’ve all but promised we’ll be together again. I wonder when, and how, and whether it will require me sneaking out my window.

I need to get a job fast, and get my own place.

The Leopards give their fans a lot to cheer about, and I find myself trying to be careful not to cheer too conspicuously for Brock and Cody. All told, Brock makes two touchdowns and Cody is responsible for two interceptions. They are the star players, but we’re in a seating section reserved for team families, and I don’t want to get caught showing favoritism.

Partway through the game, I notice that Vivian is several rows above me, huddled in close to another woman about her age. In the final moments of the game, with the Leopards’ win a foregone conclusion, my stepmother-to-be shows up at my side.

“Enjoying the game, dear?” Her cloying tone nearly ruins my happiness at our win.

“Of course,” I reply, determined to be an adult, to be civil to her. I may never like her, but if she really is going to be with Dad — if she really does make him happy — then I can at least be courteous.

I introduce Tara and Zoe, who masterfully show no sign that they’ve already heard all about Vivian from me. After a few minutes of chitchat, Vivian says, “Your father and I are going out to eat once he’s done with the media. Would you girls like to join us?”

I’m surprised, but pleased, that she includes my friends. I don’t know if the guys will be there, but having my besties at my side will be awesome. Dad knows them both, and they’ll be able to do their own assessments of Vivian. And if the twins do show … even better.

“Sounds great,” I tell her, complete with a genuine smile.

“Wonderful.” She pats me on the shoulder, and I don’t even flinch. “See you there.”

“Okay,” I say cheerfully, and when she moves away I go for my phone. I’m about to text Brock and Cody about lunch when I notice that there’s a new text message from earlier today that I missed.

It’s from a new number, but I don’t have to wonder who it is, because the text says, Hey Megasexy. Can’t wait to show you our moves.

“Which one is that?” Zoe asks, not at all shy about reading over my shoulder.

“Cody,” I tell her. Grinning, I save the new contact as Big Cat Wildlife, then message back. Lunch with Dad and Vivian — you guys coming?

I know he can’t answer me right away. Right now the players are going through their post-game routine of showering, changing, and talking to reporters. It’ll be the better part of an hour before they’re free. I could go to the restaurant early with Zoe and Tara if I knew which one we were eating at, but of course Vivian didn’t mention that little detail.

There’s a nip in the air, so I huddle into my coat and take a deep breath. I love autumn, and not just because it’s football season. There’s a brief, pleasant silence, and then Zoe says, “Megasexy?”

“Shut up,” I say, bumping her shoulder teasingly with mine.

“Do they call you that all the time?” Tara asks, her eyes sparkling.

I blush, but I can’t help smiling. “I think their favorite one is Megalicious.”

“Ooooh!” they both say, and we bust up giggling.

In what feels like no time, my phone signals an incoming message. Wouldn’t miss it. See you there. “They’re coming to lunch,” I whisper to my friends, being instinctively secretive just in case anyone is nearby.

“Hot damn,” Zoe says. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Life’s Too Short to Drive Slow


Riding a post-game high is great. Looking forward to riding Megan is even better.

Brock and I have been wrapped up in the game — preparation and execution — but now that it’s over, I know we both have one thought on our minds. Getting our coach’s sweet, sexy, feisty daughter into bed and blowing her mind with pleasure.

It’ll be our pleasure too, of course, and if Friday night was any indication, she’ll be the hottest thing we’ve ever nailed. But it’s more than that. She deserves to be treated w

ell after what that asshole, Jason whatever-his-name-is, did to her — and my brother and I know how to treat women well, in bed and out.

Maglioni’s is the best Italian place in town. When we get there, I’m surprised to see that Megan has two other women with her, a cute little brunette and a blonde bombshell. They’re both good looking, but I only have eyes for our megalicious lady as we reach their enormous corner booth.

I’m glad to see her spending time with her friends, but I’m a little annoyed that they’re sitting on either side of her, where Brock and I want to be. It’s probably for the best, though — I don’t think we could keep our hands off her.

We slide in on our mom’s side. “Hi Mom — hi, Coach,” I greet them, and Brock does the same before we look across to the other side of the table.

“Guys, these are my friends Tara and Zoe,” Megan says. From the way the two women are smiling and eyeing us, they’re either big football fans or Megan’s been talking about us.

Under other circumstances, Brock and I might test the waters to see if all three of them wanted to join us for some fun times later. But I don’t think that’s Megan’s style … and I find myself not wanting to share her with anyone.

Except Brock, of course. It may seem weird to people, but we’ve always been close, like two parts of one person. Sharing a woman isn’t some kinky thrill; it just comes naturally to us.

“Good game,” Megan says, and I grin at her.

“Thanks, Mega ...n.” Damn, I almost called her one of our nicknames. She widens her eyes at me, and her friends totally lose it, stifling their giggles.

“Something funny?” Coach says. He looks suspicious and grouchy, which is not a mood he should be in after a big victory. I decide it’s time for a quick change of topic.

“I should have had three interceptions today,” I say. It works like a charm; he can’t help launching into a debrief of the game. Brock and I supply him with a stream of comments and questions to keep him going.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic