Page 15 of Beast Brothers

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I pause for a moment, staring, and I know Zoe expects me to protest. Instead, I decide to embrace the wild side. “Those will be perfect to wear to the stable,” I say. “When I go get back on the horse … or the Beasts!” We all dissolve into laughter.

As I’m driving us back to the restaurant parking lot, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I’ve learned my lesson from the accident, so I wait to answer it. I find myself hoping it’s Brock and Cody contacting me. Sure enough, when I arrive I see a text from the Rockin’ Ride Service.

Save All the Bad For Us


How are you doing today? the message reads.

I can’t help but smile as I reply: I’m great. Spending the day with friends. How’re you? Ready for the game?

I’m not sure if I’m texting Brock or Cody, or both of them.

We’re ready. Will you be there?

Wouldn’t miss it for anything.

Until tomorrow, Megalicious, comes the reply.

Tara and Zoe see me grinning like a fool. “Message from your new friends?” Tara asks.

I nod my head and feel a big bubble of happiness rising within me.

I stop to get tequila, mixers and snacks on the way home, and Tara and Zoe meet me there around dinnertime. We order a pizza, make popcorn, and settle in for a Die Hard double feature — the original with the best movie villain ever, and then the most recent movie in the franchise. It’s a great evening spent on Dad’s comfy furniture, watching his ginormous flat screen, enjoying the company of my two best friends in the world. For a few hours, I forget all my cares.

After Tara and Zoe leave, I’m feeling a warm glow both from their company and the margaritas I drank. I can’t resist messaging the twins as I sit cross-legged on my bed before I go to sleep. I know b

y now the players are all holed up in a hotel; even though this is a home game, it’s better logistically and psychologically for everyone to be together the night before, and leave for the game from a single location in the morning.

I’ll be thinking about you both tomorrow, I send.

The answer comes in seconds. We’ll be thinking about you too — every time we push through a tight hole or give someone a pounding.

It makes me grin and shake my head, but I get a tingling sensation between my legs. Sleep well.

I’d sleep a lot better if you were here … once we got done not sleeping at all, that is.

I get a funny feeling in my chest, even as I get more tingly. Is this Brock or Cody? I ask. Not that it matters, really, but I find myself wanting to know.

It’s Brock.

I’m never quite sure, I write.

I’ll add you to Cody’s phone, but I like keeping you off balance. Off balance, bent over, spread wide …


Go to sleep now, and dream about us.

The tingly feelings intensify even more and spread to multiple specific areas, making me crave what I can’t have. Time for my battery-operated boyfriend, I tell him, and I’m not really kidding — he’s got me so worked up now I don’t see how I’ll sleep.

Don’t you dare, comes the immediate answer. We’re going to take care of you, Megalicious.

He wants me to store up all my erotic energy for them? I don’t blame him, but I hope we’re all prepared for the consequences. Fine. I’m going to bed now. Needy and unsatisfied.

One more text like that and we’re going to bust out of this hotel and come to get you.

He means it; I know he does. It sends a thrill through me, but if I push him too far and he and Cody follow through, they’ll be exhausted during the game. It would be very gratifying on a personal level, but I can’t do that to the team. I’ll be good.

Save all the bad for us, babe. See you tomorrow.

Good night.


I don’t want to stop texting. I’m like an infatuated teenager. No, strike that: I am infatuated, full stop. With both of them.

I could fall for these guys if I’m not careful. Which is stupid, because all they’re doing is helping me get over Jason. It’s way too soon for me to be having feelings for anyone, and it’s completely ridiculous even apart from that.

This is just a fling, and then they’re going to go on with their NFL lives and sleep with a gazillion more women. Eventually, they’ll find wives and settle down and have families, and I’ll do … whatever I do.

I hope someday I’ll meet someone I can love, and trust, and spend a lifetime with. But it can’t be Brock or Cody.

Ignoring the pang in my heart, and how sharp it is, I turn off the lamp on my nightstand, settle down under the covers, and will myself to sleep.

Hey Megasexy


Game days start extremely early at a head coach’s house. I rise at the crack of dawn and ride to the stadium with my dad. Once there, he disappears into pre-game preparations, and I wander around to see what’s changed since the last time I was here.

I run into a lot of people involved with the team that I haven’t seen in a few years, and the hours pass quickly. Before long, the stands are packed. Tara and Zoe join me before the kickoff, and we settle in to enjoy the game. The Leopards are favored to win, the fans are in a frenzy, and it’s a beautiful day for football.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic