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“Um, okay?” Mom said, looking confused. “Sure, honey. I can do that.”

I sighed.

“I’ll be going back to school, then, but I’ll see you soon, okay?” There was no way I could spend the night as I planned now.

She still looked confused, but she hugged me back when I threw my arms around her, then walked me to the door.

Even though I’d just thought about avoiding him some minutes ago, I knew it wasn’t possible. Whatever Noah had to tell me, I was ready to listen. My stomach rumbled in protest because I hadn't eaten anything yet, but I ignored it as I once again called for a car to take me back to school.Chapter Sixteen

SaraIt was late in the afternoon by the time arrived back at campus. I wanted to find Noah quickly, but I wasn’t sure where to go and search. Would he be in his room? Or out? I thought about calling him before I decided not to out of shame. It took me two weeks to finally build up the courage to try and call him.

What would I do if he didn’t pick up my call? It had been days since he last tried to contact me.

It was a busy time on the campus. People were walking around, either coming in from activities they’d done outside or going out to have fun. Since it was the weekend, a lot of students did stuff like going to the movies, going out to eat or to sightsee. I noticed a few people look at me as they passed me, but ignored it as I looked around, wondering where I should start to look. Maybe I should start with the dorms, Noah was surprisingly not the kind of guy that liked going out much…

Then, I heard it.

“Hey, isn’t that her? The girl that’s with that Sext Me guy?”

I overheard the two girls that I’d just passed say. I’d noticed the way they watched me, so I knew I was the person they were talking about. I blinked, paying attention even though I didn’t want to. I’d gotten used to people and the way they talked about me behind my back, but this seemed to involve Noah too. I knew not to look right at them, they’d stop their gossip and I wanted to know what this was all about.

As much as I would rather ignore it all, I was worried. Besides, I hadn't been paying attention much, and what if Alicia and Caroline really did spread rumors about me because I didn’t pay them?

“That Sext Me guy, right? I guess she really was paying him? Because nobody has seen them together lately and now it’s suddenly back in action. It wasn’t cheap, to begin with, but now? I heard she’s rich, too.”

“Wow, I’m so jealous…”

My expression blanked out in panic at the first part. Did people really think I paid Noah for his time? Even though it wasn’t all we did, because there were days we met up just to hang around each other, everyone would think Noah was fucking me for money. This wasn’t the kind of rumor that would be easy to kill.


It would be hell if it spread.

Then, the rest of it registered in my mind, and I was confused for a second, then I was angry. Sext Me was back online? Just because our parents were married and I had a hard time with that?

That fucking dog!

I ignored that it was my idea to go our separate ways as anger flooded me . I wasn’t over him, and already he was getting other girls to pay him for sex? I’d only ever paid that first time. If he really did need money, then was he still doing this before I walked away from him?

No way, right?

I didn’t want to believe it, but it was the worst kind of news to hear when I needed to talk to him. I stopped hesitating and headed for his dorm room. If I didn’t find him in there, then I’d keep calling until he picked up.

When I knocked on his door, it was opened up by one of his roommates, a guy I’d only seen a couple times when I was leaving Noah’s dorm room. We’d pretty much stuck to going to my place after that. Since he knew me, he walked back inside, leaving the door open for me. I went in. Noah was there, reclining back on his bed. His roommate sat at the desk, staring at his computer, though he was so still, I knew he was listening in.

I didn’t care.

Noah was reclining in his bed with an arm behind his head, looking relaxed with his other hand holding his phone up to his face.

“Who is it,” he said, looking up, only to freeze.

He blinked, looking at me in surprise.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic