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“I do still miss Dad,” I agreed. “Even after ten years, but I’m not going to begrudge you being happy. I definitely support you.”

Mom threw her arms around me before I finished speaking, and I hugged her back. I didn’t want to cry, but when I heard Mom sniffle over my shoulder, my own eyes filled with tears until they dripped, and I buried my face in her neck.

We both had a short little cry before we pulled apart. Our gazes met, and we both laughed a little as we wiped away the tears and calmed down.

“I really am sorry,” I murmured, showing an expression full of consternation. “I was just surprised when it was Noah that showed up. I know him, I’ve seen him around campus.”

“That’s fine, honey. You can try and talk to him a little, too. He’s probably having a hard time with this, just like you. He only found out hours before you did.”

My eyebrows jumped up. “He did?”

She nodded. “His dad called him, and we invited him to join us for lunch. But he wasn’t feeling well, so he left without eating.”

I frowned, looking down. So, he really did find out the same day I did.

Mom, as if seeing my dropping mood, grabbed my hand. I looked up, and she smiled.

“It’ll be an adjustment,” she said. “For me and you both. Trust me, we both miss your dad, but I think it’s enough time?”

I pursed my lips. “It’s not just about time, okay? The way you’ve been the past ten years, I wanted you to be happy, but I honestly didn’t think you’d marry again. You and Dad were so in love with each other, I was a kid back then, but I could tell because I never saw any of my friends’ parents be that close. He was amazing, to the both of us, the nicest guy out there to just about anyone. A great man. When he was gone, we both locked ourselves away from the world.”

She nodded. “I remember. Your dad really was a great man, Sara. That hasn’t changed, neither does the fact that I loved him, just because I have a new man in my life now. I’ve found love, Sara. Something I never thought I would have again. It makes me happy.”

I smiled, even though I felt brittle on the inside.

“Then, I’m happy for you, Mom.”

Her hand squeezed around mine as her smile widened.

It’s going to be okay, I told myself. It has to be.

As for the issue with Noah… I’d just have to avoid him. There was no way for the two of us to be together when we were siblings now, even if it was just stepsiblings. There was nothing for Mom to know, either.

Then, someone walked into the room, and I looked up, mood dropping when I saw it was Greg.

Of course, he would be here; I tried to tell myself.

The two of them were now married, and Mom still lived at home, where else would he be?

“Oh, Sara,” he said, looking at me in surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

I smiled and hoped it looked natural. “I just stopped by to talk things out with Mom. She didn’t know, either.”

“Ah.” He nodded. “Well, this is your home after all, so it’s a given that you’re welcome here. Stay as long as you need.”

I nodded back, wondering if I really needed to stay home over the weekend, or if I could just go back earlier…

“Oh, Tina,” he said, turning to Mom. “Have you done the bank transfer yet?”

Mom sniffled, patting the edges of her eyes with her fingers. “Not yet, Greg. I’m sorry. Sara showed up, and I forgot to do it. I’ll do it after lunch.”

“Ah, good,” he said, smiling.

Then, he turned and left.

I blinked at the exchange and turned to Mom.

“What did he mean, bank transfer?” I asked, feeling suspicious.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Mom said dismissively. “Greg just has this new business venture, and he’s been having trouble getting investors, so I offered him the money. I don’t know a lot about business, but the proposal he gave me looked pretty good.”

What the heck?

They only just got married, and he was asking for money from her? That wasn’t something a new husband would do, right? My suspicions grew.

“Mom, when did you get married?” I asked.

She blinked. “Um, not too long ago. Maybe a week before we came to visit you? I really wanted a small wedding, but he thought it would be better if we registered first, then wait for you and Noah to have the time so we could do the wedding.”

I nodded slowly. “Mom, can you do me a favor? Hold off on transferring the money for a bit? Just give me some time, I’d like to talk to Noah first.”

My mind had gotten a lot clearer, Noah told me he had something important to tell me to do with our parents. And the fact that his father had gambled away his college funds.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic