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“Truthfully what?”

“She’s coming back,” I whispered.

He nodded. “Everything okay, Sis?” he said once she’d sat down.

Riley looked a little pale. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

“Good. Anyone up for dessert? I could go for a big slab of cheesecake myself.” Rock smiled.

God, he was so good-looking.

“Nothing for me,” Riley said, a little shakily.

He turned to me. “How about you? Or do I eat by myself?”

“I’ll have a cup of coffee.” I smiled. “And a bite of your cheesecake.”

He gestured to our server, who came over instantly.

“Yes, sir?”

“Do you have any cheesecake tonight?”

“Yes, sir. We have a wonderful New York Cheesecake with raspberry coulis.”

“Perfect. We’ll take two slices, and two cups of coffee.”

“Hey, I don’t want—”

Rock stopped me. “Just bring two. She wants to taste mine, and once she tastes it, she’s going to want her own.”

I couldn’t help smiling. He was probably right, though he had no way of knowing that. He must be used to women eating his dessert. Jealousy speared through me. Of course he was. A man like Rock Wolfe didn’t live a celibate life.

Pissed me off just thinking about all the women he’d most likely been with.

Calm down, Lacey.

Riley looked at her phone. “If you two don’t mind, I need to leave. I have an early shoot in the morning. I feel bad, since I invited you.” She nodded to me. Then she pulled out her wallet and a couple one-hundred-dollar bills.

“Put that away. We’ll just do it again sometime, and then it will be your turn. It’s okay.” Except that she was leaving me here with her gorgeous brother who’d try to lure me back into his bed.

And I’d probably go.

Still, I felt a concern for Riley as she mumbled her thanks and shoved the bills back into her purse. She was so young, and something had clearly been bothering her enough to want to talk to a stranger about it. A stranger who was also a lawyer.

She stood. “I’ll call you.”

“Of course.”

She smiled weakly and left the table.

I doubted she’d call me. She’d gotten up her courage only to lose it. She’d have a hard time scraping it together again.

Rock took about two seconds to pounce on me about his sister. “Why were you having dinner with Riley?”

“I’m not really sure. She said she wanted to talk to me about something, but I guess she changed her mind.”

He stared past me for a moment. I could almost see his mind working, wondering. But then he cleared his throat. “I guess it’s just you and me, then, and here comes our dessert.”

The cheesecake was rich and creamy, as I knew it would be. “Mmm,” I said. “I might as well just paste this onto my waistline.”

“Nothing at all wrong with your waistline.” He eyed me lasciviously.

“Stop it,” I said.

“Stop what?” he asked, wide-eyed.

“Looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

His feigned innocence was getting tedious.

“Like you’d rather eat me for dessert than this cheesecake.”

“Hadn’t thought of it. But it’s a damned good idea, now that you mention it.”

Already I could feel myself caving. But the way he’d walked out on me Friday evening had been obnoxious and rude. I wasn’t about to set myself up for that again.

So I said nothing. Just took a bite of cheesecake.

And he watched me. Watched me place the fork between my lips, watched me chew, watched me swallow, watched me pull my napkin up from my lap and pat my mouth.

I was beginning to feel like I was putting on a show for him.

I took another bite, and he assessed me in the same way, his eyes fiery.

Talk about feeling self-conscious.

“Aren’t you going to eat your dessert?” I asked.

“It’s a lot more fun watching you eat yours.” He licked his lips.

Oh. My. God.

Fine. I’d give him a show if he wanted a show. I sank my fork back down into the creamy cheesecake and then slowly brought it to my lips, never breaking eye contact with him. “It’s so good,” I said, doing my best to sound sultry. “Such a creamy texture on my tongue.” I slid the fork through my lips. “Mmm.”

“You’re killing me here.”

“You wanted to watch.”

“I’ll tell you what I want. I want to smear that cheesecake all over your naked body and lick it off.”

I swallowed the bite of dessert with a gulp.

Already I was throbbing between my legs. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all.

He gestured to our waiter. “I’m going to need a doggie bag for my dessert, garcon. I have other plans for it later.”

“Right away, sir.” The waiter took his dessert plate.

Rock turned to me, his gaze full of lust. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”21Rock“No.”

No? She said no?

“I’m not done with my cheesecake.”

“We’ll wrap yours up too. Take it with us. My hotel is only a few blocks away, baby. I can guarantee you a good time, as you know.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Wolfes of Manhattan Erotic