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A tiny part of me wanted to be angry with him. How could he doubt how much I loved him? The remainder of me placed the blame where it belonged. With me.

“You think I might be seeing someone else, yet you’re still here…kneeling for me?” I asked, finally finding my voice.

“Always,” he answered. “As long as you’ll have me.”

“As long as I’ll have you,” I repeated softly. “Well, let’s try to figure out how long that will be, shall we?”

His blue eyes shot up toward mine, anger flashing before it quickly dimmed into hurt. My Baker had been there for a split second. The fiery, feisty Baker that ripped my heart right out of my chest when I’d least expected it. Sad, insecure Baker just wouldn’t do. “Kiss my cock, Baker,” I ordered.

Another flash of anger, but it diminished just as quickly as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on the front of my pants. I stepped back and said, “Crawl to the bedroom.”

“What?” he hissed, a remarkably ugly frown knotting his brows.

I bit back a smile, thankful that feisty Baker couldn’t stay hidden for very long. God…I hoped he loved me as much as I loved him.

“I’m sorry; I thought I’d spoken clearly. Crawl down the hall to the bedroom.”

I watched the battle waging within him. He didn’t want to do it, but he didn’t want to disobey either. Silently, I wondered which one would win. My Baker or the Baker I’d created with my lack of proper attention. He started crawling.

Damn it!

Tears threatened to pool in my eyes as I watched him crawl toward the hallway. We’d taken ten steps forward in Miami and a hundred steps back in Colorado, not what I’d dreamed of. He’d made it one fourth of the way down the hall when he paused, sat back on his heels, and muttered something unintelligible. Hope sprang up inside of me as I walked past him.

“Did I tell you to stop, Baker?” I asked.

He took a couple of deep breaths and said, “You know what, Seth. If you want somebody to crawl down the hall, you can do it your fucking self! No, better yet, why don’t you get whoever you’ve been sneaking around on the phone and computer with! Get them to crawl down your fucking hall because I’m not doing it. Fuck that!” He gracefully stood up and glared at me. “That’s something a sub would do and we both know I haven’t been that to you since Miami!”

I continued to look at him, my heart swelling with pride and love. His chest heaved with fury and his eyes flashed defiance. I loved him so fucking much.

“There he is,” I whispered softly, a huge-ass grin on my face. I know I had to look like a total fool but didn’t give a shit. Love was beautiful, regardless of how stupid it made you act at times.

Frowning, he hissed, “What the hell does that mean? I’ve been here all along, Seth. It’s you who’s been absent from this relationship, not me.”

I crossed my arms and faced him. “I don’t believe I’ve been absent, Baker, but I do apologize for my actions over the past few weeks. I’ve been…distracted.”

He snorted. “Yeah, noticed that.”

“I have a present for you in the bedroom, Baker. I’d like for you to go into our room…but don’t touch the gift. There are some things I need to say before you open it.”

Baker straightened his back and stared at me long enough that I nearly squirmed. I had imagined this night hundreds of times over the past several weeks, but in all my fantasies, it was nothing like this. Of course, with Baker, things had never been what I’d expected, and I suspected it would always be that way.

Finally, he said, “If there’s another man in there and this is your way of asking me for a threesome, so help me Jeezus, I’m going to kill you slowly, Seth. I mean it. I don’t share.”

“Neither do I,” I answered.

“Fine,” he snapped.

“Fine,” I answered.

After another two-minute staring contest, he walked past me, toward the bedroom. My heart pounded, and my palms felt sweaty. I was literally dizzy with a mixture of terror and happiness. This could go so right…or so wrong. I followed him into the bedroom, nearly bumping into him when he paused at the doorway.

A large package, wrapped in white with a giant red bow on top, sat in the middle of the bed. I watched as he eyed it like it could be a bomb of some sort. After a few seconds and hopefully concluding that the present wasn’t something dangerous, he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“On the bed or floor?” he asked softly. A cute blush painted his cheekbones.

“Bed,” I answered.

Wondering where to start, I paced back and forth in front of him for a few seconds. He was angry and thought I was cheating on him. That needed to be dealt with straight away. “Why would you think I’m cheating on you, Baker? I committed my heart to you in Arizona.” I smiled. “Hell, I committed my heart to you in Miami, but wasn’t man enough to admit it to you. Why, babe? What have I done?”

Tags: T.S. McKinney Sub Mission Erotic