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“Okay?” Mia repeated, pausing the episode. “I should be paying you for the opportunity to sit here and watch television gold without worrying about the men in my house spontaneously combusting because I dared to binge reality television. Any time you need to—”

She stopped speaking when she turned her head to look at me. Her eyes flared, and she made a low whistling sound.

“Girl. Wow.”

I smiled. Though I wasn’t usually one to agree with such statements, considering the caliber of women I was always around, I thought I looked pretty wow too.

I figured that Edmond wasn’t the kind of guy who appreciated leather pants and snakeskin boots.

Not that I was about to change myself for a man, but I wanted to try him on, so to speak.

I was wearing a beige skirt that Gwen had leant me then refused to take back, saying it looked better on me. Which was a total lie, but I’d learned after all these years that you couldn’t argue with Gwen. So I’d kept the skirt, thinking I might have use for it on some anniversary or occasion when Ranger and I decided to go fancy. He’d done that for me sometimes. Surprised me with a dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in town, or a hotel, a spa. For no special reason.

I’d never gotten to wear the skirt with Ranger. So I was wearing it for another man. For another life I’d been forced into.

The skirt fit snug around my ass, cupping everything expertly, forcing me to wear the skimpiest underwear I could because according to Amy, ”visible panty lines should be a crime”.

My tank was loose, edged with cream lace, tucked into the skirt. I’d gone with studded, spiked heels and various jewelry. My hair was up in a messy bun, and I was wearing more makeup than I had in a long while.

“Momma, you look beautiful,” Lily said, coming from the hallway. Her wide eyes trailed over my outfit. I already knew that I had a little fashionista on my hands. Especially with Gwen and Amy’s influence.

A smile stretched my lips. “Thank you, baby.”

Jack walked in after his sister, heading for the fridge. “Where are you going again?”

“You know, you should always compliment a woman who’s made an effort with her appearance before asking questions,” I told my son.

He rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically. “You look very pretty,” he retorted.

I smiled wider. “You’re just the sweetest, Jack. Thank you.”

“Where are you going?” he repeated.

“To dinner with a friend,” I replied. No way was I telling my kids I was going on a date. Lily would get the wrong idea, likely getting overly excited. Jack, on the other hand, would not be excited.

As it was, he was already suspicious. “What friend?”

“An old friend from college. Is that okay with you?” I gathered things into my purse, making sure to concentrate on it so I didn’t have to look at my son’s face while I lied to him.

“I guess,” he muttered, pulling a juice box from the refrigerator.

I looked to Mia. “I’ve got lasagna in the fridge, if you want that?”

She waved her hand. “No, the kids have the cool babysitter tonight. So it’s takeout. Loads of it. Whatever they want. And that homework stuff is stopping as soon as your mother leaves, dude,” she winked at Jack.

I just grinned.

Even Jack’s mouth twitched ever so slightly. No one was immune to Mia’s charms.

“I won’t be late,” I said to Mia.

“You can be as late as you want,” she replied. “We’re totally good here. Just let me know if there’s anything on fire when you drive past my house, won’t you?”

“Of course,” I said seriously, such a prospect not actually outside the realm of possibility.Edmond had made reservations at Valentines.

We were meeting there, despite him trying to convince me to let him pick me up. He was very old fashioned, it seemed, because I’d had to be pretty damn firm about driving myself. It irritated me in a way it shouldn’t have. He was only being polite. Chivalrous. But I had said no once. I’d always thought you shouldn’t have to say no to a good man more than once.

Then again, what did I really know about good men?

They didn’t exist.

There were only shades of gray.

I arrived exactly on time, which was only because Mia had arrived at my place early

He was already waiting at the table when the hostess led me to it. It was a good one. Tucked away in the corner, romantic lighting, view of the town below, the ocean beyond that.

“Elizabeth, you look beautiful,” he said, standing as soon as I approached the table. He leaned in to kiss my cheek, lingering just a bit longer than I’d expected. His cologne smelled expensive and not overpowering. But I didn’t like it. My body tensed the second his lips touched my cheek.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic