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I’m a typical Virgo in that sense, I suppose.

I’m tired, should sleep while Lucas is sleeping, but just can’t turn off my brain. I roll over, keeping the blood against me, and reach for my phone on the nightstand, only to remember it’s still downstairs, where I left it before shit hit the fan.

“Callie,” Lucas breathes.

I spin back again, heart jumping into my throat. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He pulls the blankets up over his shoulders and runs his hand down my thigh. “Though I’m starting to second-guess you saying you’re not in the mood. Why else would you come to bed naked?”

I cock an eyebrow and resist shivering from his touch. It feels so good to have his hands on me. “Because my clothes were covered in blood so I took a shower then had nothing to change into.” I push up on the mattress and conjure a string of magic. Light from the hall spills into the room, but it’s not enough to fully look at Lucas. “Are you really okay?”

“I don’t feel normal,” he says, brows pinching. His hand goes to his stomach, and he winces. “And I’m still not healing.”

“Eliza brought you more blood. Eat, rest again if you need to, and we’ll go home. I’ll start working on finding a way to break the curse then.”

“You’re going to bed when we get home,” he tells me and brings his hand up, taking my chin and cupping it in his large hand. “Sometimes I wish I could hold you spellbound. I’d make you sleep for at least eight hours.”

“Sometimes I wish you could, too.” I let out a sigh and debate on telling Lucas about my dream. Now that we know the dreams aren’t dreams at all, but some weird, astral way I’m communicating with my uncle, it’s important to share what’s going on with Lucas.

But I don’t want to worry him any more than necessary right now.

“Is O-positive okay?” I pull the blood from under the blanket. I don’t think it’s warmed up to my temperature yet, but it’s not quite as cold as it was when Eliza handed it to me.

“It’ll do,” he tells me. “You need to eat, too. Order something, or I can have Monica bring you whatever you want.”

“It’s kind of late to be calling her, isn’t it?”

“Maybe, though I don’t care. And she’s usually with vampires so she’s up at night.”

“Right. Is she still with Dominic? Man, it seems like forever ago I walked in on Eliza and Dominic in the office—”

“I don’t want that visual,” Lucas interrupts, and I laugh. “I still want to push a stake through that fucker’s heart.”

“Maybe you could make an attempt not to hate everyone Eliza dates,” I try, also remembering Eliza complaining how overprotective Lucas is of her and how it makes dating hard. I can’t imagine what would happen if Lucas actually could father our children. Those poor kids would never be allowed to leave the house without a bodyguard, let alone date.

“I don’t hate everyone,” he counters but doesn’t even attempt to hide the fact that he knows he’s lying.

“And there’s food downstairs. Eliza stocked the wine drawer and freezer for me.”

Lucas smiles. “Good. Get something to eat, and then we’ll leave.”

“I kind of need clothes.”

“Do you really?”

I smile, lean in and kiss him, and then get out of bed, grabbing the towel from the floor. I wrap it around myself and find Eliza in the guinea pig room. She’s sitting cross-legged on the floor, breaking apart treats.

“Hey,” I say softly. “Do you have any clothes I can borrow?”

“I’m skinnier than you.”

“I’m aware,” I shoot back flatly, though I don’t think she meant it as an insult. And I’m in rather good shape and wouldn’t want to lose a pound. “Maybe some leggings or sweatpants.”

“Do you actually think I’d ever wear sweatpants?”

“They’re comfy.”

She wrinkles her nose and gets up. “Follow me.” We go into the master bedroom. It’s completely different than how it was when Lucas slept in here. Instead of being stark and modern, the decor is super girly and chic.

“Wow, it’s like a different room.” I look up, seeing that the ceiling fan has been replaced with a fancy chandelier. “I made a lot of good memories in this room.”

Eliza sneers and rolls her eyes but keeps walking into the large closet. She gives me a pair of Lululemon yoga pants and a matching crop top.

“Thanks. But can I get a sweater, too? It’s chilly outside.”

“Humans are so needy.”

“We are. Maybe I’ll get my wings someday and they’ll keep me warm.”

She stops, arm in the air, and turns to look at me. “Do you really think you will?”

I shrug. “I have no idea. There are so many questions I need answered about that side of me, and honestly, it’s really frustrating not to be able to sit down with anyone and have them talk to me.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy