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The two share a glance before the doctor speaks up. “Yes, I see. Well, I don't want to hold you up. I won't take but a moment of your time.”

“Sure, no problem. How can I help you? Though, if it's about Jessa, I'm sure she won't want you discussing it with me.” I say, sensing the tension filling the room.

“Yes, well there's no easy way to do this,” he says, handing me an envelope that he’d been holding as the door to Jessa's room swings open. Preparing myself for the devil herself, I’m surprised to see the social worker I met with earlier in the day. Though, I could have sworn the room was empty just a minute ago.

Instantly on alert, I realize that something is very wrong. These three people standing in this empty room couldn’t be good. I’m sure this won't end well for me. I just know it.

“Sebastian, you remember Mallory Thompson from Social Services?” The nurse says. “I understand that you have spoken on the phone with her, but I'm not sure if you have met her yet.”

“Yes, we met earlier this morning actually,” I say, eyeing the social worker. “That's why I’m here ... to speak with Jessa.”

The nurse nods and continues. “Well, unfortunately, under these circumstances, the legal protocol is to contact Social Services. With Jessa leaving the hospital, she effectively abandoned her child.”

The fuck? Jessa left the hospital? I shake my head, not prepared to think about it as other things have my attention. “Zeke hasn't been abandoned,” I roar. “I haven't left his side! You can’t take him away from me. I won’t fucking let you.”

The social worker shakes her head and reaches out to place a calming hand on my shoulder. “Not you, Sebastian, Jessa. Why don't I start from the beginning? Perhaps you should sit down.”

“Listen Doc,” I say, swiveling my gaze to him, knowing he’ll give it to me straight. “My head is all over the joint at the moment. I’m going to need you to say it real slow for me so my brain can comprehend it. Why did you need to call social services, and where the fuck is Jessa?”

“Hospital Policy requires Social Services to be called in the event of Child Abandonment. In this instance, Jessa deserted her child without any regard for his physical health, safety, or welfare. Which we have all bore witness to over the past couple of days. Mallory is here to help you with any questions you may have. And as far as I’m aware, Jessa has signed over all her parental rights to you.”

“Wait. What do you mean she just left? How does this impact my son? She is completely unstable right now. How can I be sure she won't take my son? I don't want her anywhere near the NICU.”

“It’s over,” Mallory cuts off my tirade. “Your family lawyer should call you shortly. Full custody will be granted to you. We are in the process of fast-tracking the proceedings. Bull, It’s done with.”

Stumbling back towards the bed, I put my hand out so that I don't fall onto my ass. I’m in complete shock. “It can’t be that easy.”

The nurse nods toward the envelope in my hand. “I’m sure you will find more answers to your questions in that note there, son.”

Shaking my head, I shove the letter in the back pocket of my jeans. How could she just give up on him without a fight? With a tight smile on my face, I thank the doctors, and Mallory informs me that she will be in touch shortly.

With that, I walk out of Jessa's room, knowing that I will never have to deal with her ever again.

Strike three motherfucker.CHAPTER 26AMELIAI stand over Zeke’s crib, staring down at his tiny little body and feeling a connection with him that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to feel. He’s not my biological child, but I already love him as my own, which is exactly what he’s going to be. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m going to be his mother. He will never know another. He’s mine, and I don’t care if Jessa decides to come waltzing back. She’ll have to fight me for him.

How could she do this to him? One second, she was lying in her hospital bed, and the next thing we knew, she was gone without a trace.

He’s a defenseless child with no way of protecting himself from the ugliness of the world. She should have protected him like she should have done for herself. She should have ensured the best start for this child. Hell, even if she was having doubts about being his mother, she could have voiced those fears and made arrangements with Bull. She didn’t need to hurt him. No baby ever deserves what she did to him.

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance