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Amelia watches me, silently waiting for me to continue. “I have only known Jessa for the past twelve months. I met her one night out with the boys, and she was alright. I tolerated her. We had an understanding that it was just convenience. Finding a chick who wanted to fuck has never been a problem for us, but I got tired of going out meeting someone new whenever I need to get laid. I’m getting too old for that shit.

“With Jessa, it was meaningless sex, nothing more. I don’t fucking love her, I can barely even tolerate her. Especially now, after what she’s done and the way she made you feel. She’s never even been to my house until we found her there last weekend. I had no idea she even knew where I lived.”

Amelia takes a sip from her coffee before placing it back down and staring at the cup. “You said her place flooded?”

“Yeah,” I say. “I didn’t want her there, but it’s my baby. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t at least offer a roof over her head for the night? If she didn’t have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, I would have made sure she had another place to stay, but I’m on shift tonight and didn’t think it would be a big deal if she was there when I wasn’t. But I’ve made it clear, especially after what she’s just done, that she better be gone before I get back.”

Amelia raises a brow. “What kind of doctor’s appointment?”

“I’m making her get a paternity test. I don’t even know if this baby is mine,” I tell her. “With someone like her, it’s hard to know, but she insists that it is, but until I have those results, I need to make sure she’s safe. If it’s not mine, she can fuck off, and I’ll happily never see her again.”

“And if it is?”

“Then we’ll co-parent. Just like you and Bryce. There’s no need for Jessa to be involved in my life.”

Amelia looks horrified. “You would really do that to your child? How could you want that for your baby? Haven’t you seen how hard it is on my girls?

“What are you talking about? Your girls are loved. They get more love from the woman at the fucking grocery store than their father. Coming from a broken family is better for them than having you two together and showing them that it’s okay to be in a miserable relationship.”

“It’s not the same, and you know it.”

“Why are you doing this, Angel? Fight for us. Why do this? You can see we both want each other. I know you feel it just like I do. No matter what the outcome of us, I would still never be with Jessa, and if this child ends up being mine, well, then we will deal with that when the time comes.”

“It’s not that simple anymore. As much as I’d love for that to happen, I couldn’t stand it if you ended up regretting that decision. That would kill me. It’s not just us we need to think about anymore. And if I’m being completely honest, I need to be selfish for once in my life. I don’t know if I have it in me to put up with Jessa for the rest of my life. She’s a horrible person.”

“I would never regret my decision to be with you. It’s the easiest decision I’ve ever made. You’re my future, Amelia, and I know that without a doubt. I can’t do this without you. My heart is aching for you,” I beg, getting out of my seat and dropping down to my knees before her. I grab both her hands in mine, bearing my fucking soul. “I need to know one thing, Angel. Do you still love me?”

A single tear breaks free and falls down her cheek. “Of course, I do. I love you so goddamn much that it hurts, but that isn’t the issue.”

Hearing those words coming from her lips is like a balm to my soul.

I drop my head onto our joined hands, take a deep breath, and kiss her hands. “That’s all I need to hear, Angel. Everything else we can deal with. Whatever is thrown our way, we’ll handle it, but please, don’t give up on me.”

Amelia looks down at me, watching me with her heart on her sleeve. “Okay,” she finally whispers with the emotions pouring out of her in waves. “I won’t give up. I don’t know how, but we’ll make this work. You, me, the girls, and this baby. We’ll make it work.”

Relief surges through me as I tug on her hand and pull her down off her chair. Amelia drops down into my lap, and I crush her body against mine as I bury my face into her neck, breathing her in. “I love you so fucking much,” I murmur into her neck. “I promise you, all I want in life is to make you happy. I’m sorry that I’m putting you through all of this.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance