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His stare starts at the top of my head and follows all the way to my bare feet and he looks me straight in the eyes. “Nothing… I’ll be downstairs waiting.”

I roll my eyes as I finish dressing then reach for my black UGGs, blowing my hair out of my face.

Grabbing my bag, I smirk as I wrap my new Disciples knife in one of Jason’s T-shirts. As I roll my neck, I pull on my three-quarter-length jacket trying to shake this crappy feeling.

I don’t even have to walk into the kitchen to know that my stomach is not going to like it at all. I smell rather than see the huge skillet that Amy is cooking bacon and sausages in.

“Shit.” I stop and try to swallow back the bile rising up.

“Eve! You okay?” Amy’s cool hands touch my fevered cheeks. Unfortunately she smells like bacon and I have to turn away as I sit on a barstool and reach for a napkin to cover my nose. Or maybe to help soothe me as I look at the offending pan sizzling and popping with grease.

“My stomach is not happy today,” I say, looking around the room because I don’t want to deal with Amy’s knowing eyes. There’re actually around six or seven bikers waiting for Amy’s cooking. One’s staring at me and I raise an eyebrow at him. He smirks and turns to a buddy to talk shit I’m sure. Asshole. A lot of these guys are creeps.

Blocking them out of my mind along with the massive amount of pork in the pan, I mumble, “Have you seen Jason?”

She says nothing and I have to look at her. Again this woman is rumored to be fiftyish and she looks thirtyish. She eyes me then goes into the refrigerator and pulls out a smartwater and a bottle of C Monster. “Hydrate.” She hands me a banana too, and I want to hug her.

“Thank you.”

Nodding, she and turns back to the disgusting bacon.

“And Jason’s outside, Eve.” It feels like I’m twelve and going off to school as I slink off the barstool, throwing all the beverages into my bag. I walk out toward the sunny porch where a group of guys are talking to Jason. They all get quiet as soon as I approach. I straighten my shoulders and peel my banana.

Axel looks like he wants to strangle me, so I flash him a big smile. His blue eyes narrow. Jason doesn’t even stop talking and snakes his muscled arm around my shoulder while barking orders. Sighing, I nibble on my banana and glance around. The yard might as well be a motorcycle shop. There’re parts strewn all over the gravel, and the smell of gasoline makes me gag. I turn my nose into Jason’s spicy, clean smell. It seems to calm me.

“You ready, Angel?” his gravelly voice startles me.

“Yes.” I clear my voice and toss the banana peel over on an old picnic table littered with trash, wiping my hands on my jeans. Holy shit! I’m going to see my father. The butterflies take over. Jason clasps our hands together as he guides me toward his bike. Crystal shoots me a horrible look as she breezes past us, her awful perfume making me want to puke. And for the first time since I heard about that woman, I don’t feel threatened. Jason doesn’t want her; he wants me and I intend to get him.

I smile as he completely ignores her. I’m not as nice. She’s been giving me crap from day one. So I wave and have to bite my lip not to laugh at her reddening face and the loud slam of the door behind her.

“Stop it.” He shakes his head.

I can’t help it and start laughing. “It’s not my fault you have horrible taste in girlfriends.”

This time, he laughs. “Don’t talk that way about yourself,” he says and kisses me in front of everyone. There are snickers and whistling behind us.

“I wasn’t talking about me,” I speak into his mouth. It comes out breathless instead of sarcastic. He pulls away and shakes his head as he reaches for a shiny silver helmet hanging on the handlebar. A bright red Disciples logo is on the back. He moves to put it on my head and stops as our eyes connect. God, I’m hot, flushed. What is wrong with me?

“Who shares my bed?”


He smiles and I blink back my tears… I don’t even know why. Maybe because he’s so hot and he wants me. And just like that I feel so much better. I move my purse to the back and climb on. He plops the helmet on and settles in his seat. Excitement tingles down my spine as his bike rumbles to life. I scoot as close to him as I can. He reaches back and his hand rests casually on my thigh as I wrap my arms around his waist. We take off, stirring up gravel and dust and causing the guys behind us to yell. I close my eyes and lay my helmet against his back as he maneuvers his bike. It seems as though we left seconds ago when we stop out of nowhere. I open my eyes as Jason turns on his right turn signal. I lift my head, trying to see exactly where we are. It’s a nice neighborhood and the bike rumbles past a couple of houses with large green yards. We pull into a small parking lot. I take off my helmet and observe a large white building with a beautiful lawn. Roses and flowerpots are all over. An ambulance is parked in front with an oxygen tank truck behind it.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic