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“You are not responsible.” She grabs ahold of my arms, her nails attached, causing me to stop. “I don’t know why horrible things happen to us. I don’t know why some people seem to go through life with no tragedies.” She lets go and snakes her arms around the back of my neck forcing me to connect with her. “You’re not bad or good Jason. You’re human.”

I growl out my pain as I jerk her willing body tighter to mine. Her hands lace into my hair. I blink back all the horrible memories, nightmares I’ve had about what happened that day. But she’s right. I wasn’t there and I have no clue about who blew them up. And since David is gone—last I heard he was a junkie in New York—clearly, he’s not in any condition to find out.

“You have to let the dead rest in peace.” Her voice cracks and my neck is drenched in her tears. Exhaustion mentally and physically is taking me down. I pull back and start to frantically undress her then jerk off my shirt and pants. Reaching for the lights, I turn them off and guide her to our bed. I close my eyes and let her warm body merge into my cold one. I don’t even want to fuck her right now… only hold her like this forever. Maybe for one night, I can be human.EVEI smell coffee, but I’m too tired to open my eyes. My hands feel around for him but the bed is cold. I groan and roll over trying to open my eyes. They feel like small weights have been put on them. A mug of coffee sits on the nightstand along with the knife that belonged to Jason’s grandfather. I reach out and touch the wooden base, the Disciples brand still clear. A little flutter of excitement runs through my chest. Jason gave me his grandfather’s blade. It sounds crazy, but this is the most thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me and I stroke it lovingly. Hearing the shower, my mind travels back to last night. Jason told me things. He confided in me, he…“Shit.” I bolt up. He’s supposed to be taking me to see my dad. Fuck that… he is taking me to see my dad. I throw off the covers and instantly steady myself as a wave of dizziness takes over.

“What the hell?” I groan as I steady myself on the bed. My stomach does not feel good at all. We went to bed without finishing dinner, so the remains of last night’s food fill my nose right now. I close my eyes and breathe through the nausea. Relax, Eve. You need food, I chant in my head over and over. The last thing I need to do is throw up. Jason will never take me to see my dad if he thinks I’m sick.

“Eve?” I jump and look up at the most beautiful man ever. My heart flutters and I have to remind myself not to be too obvious He stands above me in jeans and a gray T-shirt drinking coffee and frowning at me.

“I’m up.” It’s lame, and I cringe at how stupid I sound.

Jason cocks his head, his damn green eyes scanning my face. Perfect. I feel shy today, I don’t want to look at him because if he’s shut down like he usually is, I don’t think I can handle it after last night. A warm gentle hand touches my chin forcing me to look at him.

“You tired, baby? You want to rest and go tomorrow?” It’s caring and intimate and I’m so relieved that he’s not pulling back that I’m almost self-conscious.

My hand goes up to my wild hair and I stand up smiling. “No, I’m fine.” I swallow back the saliva.

He doesn’t look convinced, but I’m saved by modern technology as his phone goes off, though his eyes narrow at me.

“What’s up, Axel?” He walks toward the window, his muscled back rippling in the gray T-shirt.

He hasn’t put on his cut yet and my eyes take in all of him before I enter the bathroom. Grasping the cool counter of the sink, I breathe in and out and feel like absolute shit. Maybe I shouldn’t see my dad. God, what if I have the flu? I would hate to give it to him. Turning on the shower, I step in and sigh as the soothing hot water helps. See? I’m fine. A million times better.

Quickly I throw on some light makeup and look at myself. I’m presentable, but do I look fabulous? No, and I don’t have time to go crazy trying to fix myself up. I switch off the light and scream as I almost plow straight into Jason who is frowning at me again.

“What?” I hate when I can tell he knows, like everything. “Why are you scowling at me?” I go around him and jerk open my underwear drawer and grab a black G-string and matching bra. His eyes are like lasers watching every move I make until I sigh and give in. “What, Jason?”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic