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A rush of heat flushed her body a deep rose. He hadn't moved back, so when she stood, the junction of her legs was level with his mouth. That sent a quiver through her body. She was fairly certain she had a mini orgasm just from the look on his face. Damp heat flooded the little thong so she knew it would be soaked when he went to take it off.

"Walk. Slowly. Around the room."

She did as he directed. She knew how to walk and she wanted him to look. She loved seeing that look in his eyes. He made her feel beautiful and special when he looked at her like that. Like a starving wolf determined to devour her. A predator, and she was his only meal.

She knew he liked her breasts and her butt. She had curves, soft and full, and he paid a lot of attention to both. She made certain to turn and strut, showing him her bare buttocks with that little strip disappearing between her cheeks as she walked away.

His breath hissed out of him, a slow exhale that made her nipples tight. She was already aching for him. Aching. He hadn't touched her. Not physically. Not one hand. He knelt on the floor watching her, his eyes burning with lust. With such fire. All for her. She may have never felt beautiful before, or special, but she did now, walking slowly around the room, showing him her body.

"Mine," he corrected, showing her he was in her mind. "That body belongs to me. You gave it into my keeping."

She should have been upset that he was in her mind without her knowledge, but truthfully, she didn't mind. Not at that moment. She wanted him to know how much she wanted to please him. To give him this. To give this gift to herself.


She stopped right in the middle of the room, her back to him. She felt him. Close to her. Behind her. She shivered, but she stayed very still. Just standing there in the red lace and stockings made her feel sexy. His hand swept her hair from the back of her neck and around to her left shoulder. She felt his breath on her nape and she closed her eyes, drawing in a ragged breath.

She loved that he was so tall and strong. She loved that he exuded such power. Looking at him made her body come alive, but when he was like this, compelling, mesmerizing her, every cell went on alert. She was drenched in her own lust and need. He still hadn't touched her. She ached for him. Wanted to plead with him to put his hands on her breasts, to give her that, but she stayed silent. Waiting. Holding her breath. Needing him. Needing to give herself to him any way he wanted her.

His mouth moved against her neck. A touch. Light. She shivered. Her nipples peaked into twin hard pebbles. Her sex spasmed. A low moan escaped her throat. She couldn't help it. The sting of his teeth had her jumping. He was gone that fast. She bit her lip, upset with herself. She went very still, drawing in a breath. Waiting while her heart pounded and her body coiled tighter.

His mouth came back to the nape of her neck. She felt his tongue glide over the bite. His lips brushed her sensitive skin and then his teeth bit down a second time. She didn't move. Didn't cry out. She let the feeling wash over and through her. The hot fire. It was so beautiful. So perfect. She was afraid her heart might beat out of her chest.

My woman. You please me so much, Gabrielle.

Her entire body went into a meltdown at the intimacy of his praise inside her mind. She couldn't remember why she hadn't wanted him there before. Now it felt like he found every lonely place, every shadow and every memory that hurt, and he filled them with himself. With his strength. With his belief that she was beautiful and special. His hands went to her shoulders. Again, his touch was so light she shouldn't have been able to feel much, but instead it felt as if he were branding her.

I would have to kill any man who saw you in this outfit of seduction.

She swallowed. Hard. He wasn't joking and she knew he was powerful enough to kill a man in many, many ways. She moistened her lips. Prayed for his touch. She needed him.

Would you wear this for any other man?

His fingertips moved down the curve of her back. She felt the heat through the stretchy lace. His palm smoothed over the bare skin of her buttocks, sending another spasm straight through her sex. She knew her thong was soaked. Her legs began to shake, growing weak just from his light touches.

She shook her head. Only for you. I wanted to give you this. She realized that was the truth. She loved standing in the room that had been created for her, knowing his eyes were on her. His. Aleksei. She wanted to belong to him. Somewhere along the line, she had taken in the truth of Trixie's wisdom. She had clung to the familiar. She had needed someone to notice her. To share with her. She would always love Gary, but she had to let him go in order to find her lifemate. In order to be a lifemate.

She was putting herself in Aleksei's hands. All the way. Giving him all of her trust. She realized, standing in front of Aleksei, in her sexy, daring lingerie, waiting for whatever he had in store for her, that he had been demanding her trust. Now, he was asking her for it and she handed it over to him without a single thought of survival.

His palm stroked her bare skin, shaping the firm, rounded cheek of her buttocks, sending more shivers down her spine. Her knees threatened to give out. Without warning, the flat of his hand landed hard. It stung. It sent heat spiraling through her body, straight to her core. She whimpered. She couldn't stop the helpless little sound.

Do not move, he whispered into her mind.

Her channel clutched emptily. In need. She felt like a moth drawn to a flame. A very hot flame she clearly couldn't resist. He pushed her comfort zone, but she went willingly. Trusting him. She knew a great part of that was the lifemate bond, but more, it was the way he made her feel safe. A contradiction when he scared her as well.

She stayed very still, wanting more. Needing more. His hand caressed the heat on her bare cheek. His hand slipped down and around, following the tiny strip of material nestled between the globes of her buttocks. He found her wetness. The extent of her need.

My woman wants me.

Very much.

His large hand smacked her bottom, this time with a little more force. Heat burst through her, every nerve ending alive. Four more rapid, hard smacks sent fire racing through her buttocks, straight to her sex. She cried out, pushing her body back, wanting more fire. More heat. Wanting him.

His hand caressed first one burning cheek and then the other. She held her breath. Needing. Her breath caught in her lungs as she waited. Two more rapid smacks and then he plunged two fingers inside of her and her slick heat drenched him, her sheath clenched tight, trying to pull his fingers deeper. She pushed down against his hand. Grinding. Needing. Instantly he withdrew his fingers. She nearly sobbed.


His mouth was back at her neck. Just his mouth. His palm had gone back to caressing the bare skin of her buttocks. She closed her eyes, holding herself utterly still, not wanting to lose anything else. Not his touch. Not his mouth. Another smack sent hot flames spiraling through her. Once again his hand was there, smoothing away the heat, rubbing caresses in small circles, sending so many sensations crashing through her mind she moaned aloud again.

I don't think I can stand up anymore, Aleksei, she admitted, afraid she would fall at his feet.

Then go to the bed, but walk slowly so I can watch you. Kneel up on it, all fours. Hands and legs, facing me.

She moved, because she knew if she didn't, she would have to crawl. Her legs just wouldn't support her anymore. Shaking with anticipation, with need, she made her way to the bed. Slowly. Loving that he watched her. The burn had gone from smoldering to full-blown heat. She could barely keep from begging for him to take her.

She positioned herself exactly as he'd told her, facing him. She could see him finally. He was completely naked, his body hard, his erection full. His hand loosely circled his cock and it was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen, the casual way he slid his fist over his thick shaft. The lines in his face were deep, his eyes hot with desire--for her. He looked sensual, focused wholly on her. Hungry. Possessive.

Her entire body went hot. She felt the cool

air of the room against her scorching channel and even that felt sexy. Her bottom still felt the heat of his hand, stroking, caressing, smacking, bringing every nerve ending alive.

You look so beautiful.

Her hair hung down in a long fall around her, the ends pooling on the sheets. Her breasts stretched the lacy fabric, feeling full and aching almost painfully. The lace teased her nipples, rubbing at the tight pebbles so that she wanted to squirm, adding to the sensation, but his look held her in place. Her gaze dropped to his hand as it fisted his shaft. She knew what he was going to do and she wanted it. Her mouth watered for the taste of him. Her feminine sheath pulsed and wept.

He stepped closer to her, caught her hair in one hand and used it to lift her head. She could see pearly beads on the broad, flared head of his cock. Her tongue came out, she couldn't stop it. She moistened her lips, her gaze on her prize.

Tags: Christine Feehan Dark Paranormal