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I nod, my heart shattering while knowing deep down that it is truly the best option. “I’d like that,” I say, leaning into him only to pull back as a knock sounds on the window.

I glance up to find Christian standing over the car, staring down at us. “It’s time,” he says, nodding back over his shoulder to where the Wolves all stand in a group, their eyes on me.

I watch as the paramedics pack up their ambulances, and within moments, they’re gone, shooting down the street with all of our fallen men. The police are long gone, leaving just the Wolves, anxious to figure out a plan. My eyes trail back to Christian’s, and I nod. “I’m ready.”

With that, he opens the door and offers me his hand as I climb off Colton’s lap. I get both feet down to the ground, and I stand with my shoulders back, and my chin raised, more than ready. Colton climbs out behind me and with his hand on my lower back, we walk toward the group of pissed off, anxious, and broken-hearted men.

“What’s the plan, boss?” one of the guys says, making a rumbling sound through the group as all eyes stare at me.

Colton stands at my side, his hand always on me. “Has anyone gone in?” I ask, nodding back to the burned warehouse. “Where are we at with weapons?”

Christian shakes his head, his lips pressed into a tight line. “All gone,” he says. “All we have left is what we had on us, in our cars, or at home. It’s not looking good. We can’t stand against the Widows like that.”

“Then we won’t,” I tell them, watching as each of them pulls back, ready to start arguing, but I get in before they have a chance. “Dominic needs to be stopped, and not a single one of you can get anywhere near him without your head being blown off. We can’t go to them as a group, so I go alone. I’ll end this on my own.”

They all shake their heads, not liking the idea at all. Colton’s hand moves from my back to clutch onto my elbow, more than ready to grab my ass and shove me into his car, taking me home where he can lock me up and never let me out of his sight. “Nah,” Christian says with a grunt. “You’ll be shot on sight. I’m not risking it.”

“I don’t care what you are, or what you’re not prepared to risk. I'm the only one who could even get remotely close to him. This morning Nic had his guys take me off the street. I spent hours in one of his many warehouses, and after he told me what was going down, I shot him right through the thigh. So, if there’s a chance for me to get at him, it’s now. Nic will be taken out, and Kairo will step into his place, ending it. We’ve already taken his funds, and once I take his life, it’s over.”

The guys shake their heads, not liking it one bit, but when it comes down to it, they don’t have a choice. This is between me and Nic. Besides, they have other things to worry about now.

“As for you guys, while we wait to figure out what’s happened with our home and rebuilding our empire, you’re going on a manhunt.”

“What?” someone grunts. “For who?”

“For a traitor,” I say, raising my chin and taking a step forward. “It was one of your brothers who shot Russo today.”

Christian grabs me, pulling me back into him as he meets my eyes. “Who?” he demands, anger radiating off him and making me feel like a bitch for not having spoken to him about this is in private.

“Look around you,” I say. “Is anyone missing?” The Wolves begin glancing around before Snake’s name is whispered on all of their lips. “That’s right,” I tell them. “Snake did it. The second Russo’s body was brought out here and you all dropped to your knees, he looked right at me, grinned, and then ran. If that's not an admission of guilt, then I don't know what is.”

“You’re only telling us this now?” Christian spits. “You let him get away.”

“No,” I snap, grabbing his hand and forcing it off me. “I allowed you a moment with your brothers to mourn the loss of the man who had led you for the past twenty years, knowing damn well that once I shared this information, you’ll stop at nothing to make it right.”

Christian clenches his jaw, the anger pulsing through him, but as the seconds tick by without breaking his stare, he finally begins to relax. He knows I’m right, and while he’d never admit it, his slight nod is all the thanks that I’ll get.

Christian turns back to the Wolves. “Right,” he says, pointing out a group of guys. “You guys hit up his place. He'll be long gone, but there might be something there.” He turns to another group. “Check the bars, clubs, whore houses, and then join the streets with the rest of us. We do not rest until that fucking Snake is dead in my hands. Got it?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance