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There was the possibility that Travis and his pack had killed the bears responsible and that no one else would come looking, but if their pack was like hers, there was personal business and there was pack business. If the Diamondbacks were into everything Travis had said they might be, that sounded like pack business, and more of them would come. This time, not only for their money but also for blood.

Then, there was the rut. It had been pushed down, but it was still there. Lying so close to Travis and not touching him had been akin to torture. It helped that he was in his wolf form, but not much. It only limited how much she could touch him; it didn’t take away her desire for the man within.

It seemed like she had only just fallen asleep when the phone was ringing. She debated whether to answer it, but Travis was already on it, shifting back into human form and pushing a button on it as he sat up on the edge of the bed. She admired how beautiful he was naked as she crawled across the bed toward him and examined his side.

The large, angry-looking scar was all that was left behind to tell the tale. It didn’t look great and would heal more over the coming days, but at least it was closed up. He glanced back at her through tired eyes.

“How does it feel?” she asked.

“Like I fought a bear,” he laughed.

“I’m glad you can find some humor in it.”

“Levity is always a good thing,” he told her, pulling her closer to kiss her.

It had an immediate effect, sending a tingling through her veins and into her toes. It apparently had the same effect on him; he pulled her closer and kissed her. His mouth was hungry on hers, and they were quickly lost in one another, taking their time to explore each other’s bodies in a way they hadn’t taken time for during their first night together.

A knock on the door jarred them from their cuddling afterward. Travis groaned and climbed out of bed, cracking open the door only a hair and speaking to whoever was outside.

“I’m going to skip breakfast this morning. Give me a heads up when she’s headed down, and I’ll come down then.”

“Okay. You alright? You look like you had a rough night.”

“You have no idea, man. Thanks,” Travis told him, pushing the door shut and coming back into the room. “I’ve got to shower and change. You’ll be fine here. There’s some cash in the bedside table if you need it. I think you’re fine to go out if you want. No reason for them to look for you here or in the city, if they are looking at all yet.”

“I’ve got to go out. I have to go to the bank.”

“Maybe you should just wait until we see what’s going to happen with that.”

“I’d rather have the money and not need it than end up in the situation we were in yesterday.”

“I’ll leave that up to you. I just hate for you to put yourself in an unpleasant situation financially because of something your brother did.”

“I’ll be okay.”

“I hope so,” he told her. “As much as I’d like to be able to help, I really can’t.”

“You already have. You got my brother back. Can I see him today?”

“Maybe. Let’s just see what happens today, and if it is clear, I’ll take you to him tonight when I get done.”

Kat nodded, feeling the pull toward him permeate her being as he grew closer and kissed her again.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“Alright, I have to shower and get going. Call me if you need anything or if anything happens. I’ll just have to tell the princess I have to go.”

Kat nodded and got out of bed to put on her robe. She wanted to shower with him but knew it would only lead to more sex and keep him from getting out the door to his job. Besides, she needed to get dressed after he did so she could get started. There should be a branch of her bank somewhere nearby.

Pulling her phone from her purse, she noticed it was dead and put it on the charger to juice up while Travis was in the shower. She pulled her clothes from the suitcase and hung them up so they wouldn’t wrinkle any worse than they already had. She should have pulled them out last night, but she’d been focused on Travis.

“There’s an iron in the cupboard if you need it. It had a built-in steamer if you just need that.”

“You’re surprisingly domestic for an Alpha,” she laughed.

“Yeah, well, I’ve learned to be,” he told her.

“How so?”

There was a flicker of something in his eyes, some truth that he wasn’t ready to share. She could see it and wondered what it might be, but knew it was something for another time. Somehow, she could already read him like a book. Travis had his secrets, and he held them close, but she wanted to know them all.

Tags: Sky Winters Alpha Meets Omega Fantasy