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Kay nodded, gauging his mood. He seemed okay, but he had been quiet since everything had happened, introspect. She had felt a bit pushed away, but was trying to understand just how much had happened lately.

“I’ve decided that I want to use some of the money to help Trevor’s wife with her medical needs,” she said, waiting anxiously for his reaction.

Bradley looked at her, his eyebrows raised at first, but then a smile spread across his face.

“She’s a good woman. None of this was her fault and now she’s alone with both her illness and being an outcast from the clan and the town around her. It can’t be easy.”

“Then you are okay with me helping her?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less of you, but you might want to do it anonymously, if possible. I’m not sure that she’ll want to accept anything from us.”

“You’re right. I’ll see if I can’t just pay some bills without her knowing or something.”

Bradley nodded and began making his way up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Kay asked.

“To take a nap. I think all of this chaos has finally gotten to me. I don’t know how Walter dealt with it all the time. It’s exhausting. I feel like an old man.”

“Mind if I join you? I could stand a nap myself.”

“Okay, but keep your hands to yourself. No violating me in my sleep.”

“I’ll try to control myself,” she replied with a huge grin.

Inside their room, they stripped down and slipped between the covers. Bradley kissed her softly and curled up to her back. They were both so tired that they were barely still and had fallen asleep. It was long overdue, with the things going on around them and the worrying about the fallout had caused far too many sleepless nights.

They awoke shortly before dinnertime and made love, taking their time and exploring one another with the kind of familiarity that only made things more perfect. Bradley understood her body perfectly, touching her in all the right places as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm before finally giving in to his own urges and plunging his heavy cock inside her, slowly slipping in and out of her center until he let go of his own powerful climax.

“I thought you weren’t going to take advantage of me?” he said playfully, propped up on one elbow, his fingers making small circles around her bared nipples.

“You said while you were asleep, and you were wide awake when I molested you.”

“Oh, well, that’s fair then,” he laughed, kissing her and springing up out of the bed. “Shower?”

“A good idea,” she replied.

After a long, hot shower, they got dressed to go down for dinner. There were several of the members of the clan down in the community area watching television, but no one spoke. Things had been quiet on the ranch since everything had come out about the happenings with Trevor and his bunch. Bradley surprised her by addressing everyone loudly as they entered the room.

“I think it’s a good night for pizza and beer. What do you all have to say about it?”

“Yeah, man!” a young bear called Halston replied, followed by the others.

“One of you go see who else is still around out there who might want to join us,” Bradley told them before heading to the kitchen with Kay still in tow.

“Do we have pizza and beer?” she asked inside the door.

“No clue. Check the pantry and I’ll check the basement.”

Kay came up empty, but Bradley returned carrying an entire keg of beer. She put her hand to it and saw that it was cold.

“Is it that cool down there in the summer?” she asked, realizing she had never gone to the basement.

“Only in the walk-in cooler,” he replied with a chuckle.

“There’s a whole cooler down there?” she replied in disbelief.

“Sure is. You really have to accept that this place is part yours too now and explore a bit. You still only go to the main rooms. You’ll find that there are all sorts of little hidden places in this house that you’ve yet to see.”

“Sounds ominous,” she replied.

“No, not at all. It’s just a big house and has a lot of places you’ve probably not explored. Nothing is off limits to you here. Spend some time getting to know the place. You’re going to be here a very long time.”

“You seem pretty sure about that.”

“I am. You love me. You couldn’t leave me if you tried,” he said.

“Well, you got me there,” she laughed.

“Come on, let’s go see how many more people Halston came up with so we can order some pizzas.”

They found another twenty or so people in the community room as they stepped back out of the kitchen.

“Someone get some cups and tap this keg while I order you hungry bears some pizza!” Bradley shouted, sitting the keg in the middle of the room.

Tags: Sky Winters Shifter Marriage Service Fantasy