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And maybe in this scenario, Gavin is the parachute.

All that’s left to do now is take the leap and trust him not to let me fall.“YOU OKAY, LEI?” I ask at our last KKB Chapter of the year — of our lives.

Ashlei sniffs, dabbing at the corner of her eyes so she doesn’t mess up her makeup. “I’m trying to be.”

“Is this about giving up your exec position and getting ready to graduate, or about Brandon?”

She visibly shrinks in size, as if just his name took the breath out of her lungs. And when she peeks a glance at me, it’s the most pitiful I’ve ever seen. “Both,” she whispers.

I squeeze her knee. “Hey, you two are going to work it out. Alright? Trust me.”

She nods, but I know from our conversations over the past couple of weeks that she doesn’t believe me. Brandon hasn’t talked to her since the night she came clean about the intern. He’s even been avoiding her at the office in her last two weeks there. And as of this weekend, she’s a free woman.

Free from work.

Free from school.

Free from a relationship.

And though that could be seen as a fresh, new, and exciting step in life, I know right now all she can feel is heartbroken for everything she’s losing.

Honestly, I can’t blame her — especially when Kade and I are getting serious, and Erin is dating Gavin. I’ve been in that position before, when you try everything you can not to look around at everyone else’s happiness and compare your lack thereof.

All I can do now is be there for her, and I nudge her to remind her of that just as Erin invites Skyler and the other presidential candidates back into the room.

We all sit and clap, Cassie yelling out You got this, Big! from her seat across the aisle. I give a hoot of approval, along with half the chapter, because we all know before Erin even announces it who will be the next Kappa Kappa Beta president.

It couldn’t be anyone but Skyler Thorne.

It’s not even because Erin is president now, and her big was before her, and her grand big before that, etc., etc. It’s because no one cares about our sisters and this sorority more than Skyler does. No one else drops whatever they have going on in an instant to be there for their friends the way she does. And no one else could fill Erin’s shoes — and maybe even do the job better.

“I’ve already given my sappy thank you speech,” Erin says when the room has quieted, and I don’t miss her tearing up just like Lei. “But I just have to say one more time that I am truly honored for the privilege you all bestowed upon me this time last year. I hope I made you proud, and I want you to know that I will never forget you — any of you — or this amazing sorority.”

I start my favorite Kappa Kappa Beta chant, and sisters slowly chime in, until the whole room is full of laughter and yelling and crying and far too much emotion for me, personally, but damn it if I don’t love it all the same.

Even I, Jess Vonnegut, am not immune to the sads that come with graduating college and leaving this part of my life behind.

“Okay okay, enough about me,” Erin says, facing Skyler and the two other sisters who were brave enough to run against her for president. “This decision was incredibly tough for all of us. We had to ask ourselves who would be our best leader, who would fight for us, and most of all — who would represent everything we stand for?

“I have nothing but absolute faith that the person who you all chose to place your faith in will far exceed your expectations. This young woman is exciting, fresh, full of ideas and even more — spunk. She’s everyone’s best friend, confidant, and mentor. She’s been through a lot in life, more than most of us will ever face, and she isn’t afraid to own every part of her life that’s made her who she is.”

Erin smiles, and I nearly combust trying to hold in the cheer I know is coming.

“I am proud to announce that the new president of Kappa Kappa Beta is… should I let someone else say it?”

Erin pauses, and I huff, rolling my eyes. But before I can spout off a smart-ass remark, the back doors open, and all my sisters start cheering. I frown at first, standing and cheering along with them as the brothers of Alpha Sigma pour into the room. Half of them are wearing acoustic guitars around their chests, and when Kade slides by the front row and steals a kiss from me, I laugh and bat him away, still confused.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance