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She rips open the bag, pulls out an orange square, and puts the entire thing into her mouth. Damn! Wonder what else she can put whole into her mouth.

Once again, my cock takes notice but this time it goes full-out, hardening painfully against the denim of my jeans. For a full minute I think of Gloria scratching my eyes out and killing me in my sleep. Instantly, Mr. Happy takes a breather and settles more comfortably to half-mast.

I sit down, rip open my bag, and suck down a huge swallow of beer. The sun is starting to peek its way through the gray of the morning and my mood is lifting. Having a drink and a snack with a beautiful woman, a little sunshine, a great view… Maybe this quarantine thing will be all right.

At least for today.

“Okay then. Tell me something about yourself that nobody knows.” I crunch on another ranch-coated chip.

“Wow. You go straight for the gusto.”

I shrug. “Only way to play. Live out loud. It’s my motto.” Though fuck if that motto’s done me well this past year.

“Hmm, okay, sparky. I’ll play.”

“Sparky? How do you know my name? Did you hear something about me?” Dread coats my throat as I narrow my gaze on my neighbor who’s sitting cross-legged in her folding chair facing me with a strange expression marring her pretty face.

“Uh, no, dude. Calm down. Why? Should I recognize you?”

“Shit, I’m sorry. That came out wrong. My last name is Sparks. Uh, just figured maybe Jake talked some shit about me.” I attempt to redirect the conversation.

“No way! I’m a freakin’ genius.” She smiles wide and gulps down some beer. “Wonder if I’ve turned psychic overnight? That would be cool.”

I pay close attention to see if she is lying through her teeth, but she seems genuine.

“Honestly, that was completely coincidental, but now you’re never gonna live it down.”

“Back to you. Something no one knows about you. Go.” I sip my beer and lean back while crossing an ankle over my knee.

She chomps on her chips heartily. I’m kind of surprised. The women I’ve dated aren’t so real. They never eat much. Drink prissy fifteen-dollar drinks and never dress comfortably. I can’t remember the last time I saw a beautiful woman in a pair of sweatpants and a simple, albeit sexy as hell, long-sleeve shirt.

“I once had to parachute out of a plane that was about to crash.” She deadpans.

“Shut the fuck up? Seriously?” I’m beyond impressed.

Her eyes widen and she bursts out laughing. “No. That’s Mission Impossible-level theatrics. I just wanted to see if you’d bite. And it’s safe to say, Sparky, you bit. Hard. I got you so good with that one!” She dances in her chair and drinks more of her beer.

“Practical joker, I see. Well you realize this means I’m going to have to get you back when you least expect it.”

She smiles and winks. “I’d like to see you try, buddy.”

For the next couple of hours and three more beers for me—I count two for her—we shoot the shit. Never actually talking about anything of value, just being friendly and taking jabs at one another whenever we can.

As the sun is cresting over the horizon, she stands up and stretches her body. I watch in fascination as her tits rise and I catch a slip of skin at her small, rounded abdomen. The woman isn’t a hard body, but she’s soft in all the right places. Chest. Ass. Hips. Thighs.

My normal type is statuesque—fake tits, lips, and skin tone. This girl, she’s real. Everywhere.

And I fucking like what I see more than I should.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” she teases, smiling. “I’ve had fun but I really do need to get back to work.”

“Okay. Good luck. And Sadie?” I call out while she’s pushing her chair back into her home.

“Yes, Evan?”

“I had a good time. Thanks for keeping me company.”

“You’re welcome.” Her cheeks turn pink as she pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Sadie?” I call out again.

She chuckles and looks my way. “Yes, Evan.” She enunciates my name.

“Same time tomorrow?” I suggest with my own laughter but in reality, I’d like nothing more than having a standing balcony date with the intriguing neighbor.

“We’ll see. Have a good night. Be safe.”

“You too.”

I watch her until I’m left with the sunset, the nice breeze, and my thoughts. I smile out at the view. For the first time since I stepped into Jake’s apartment and this city, I no longer feel quite so alone.CHAPTER 3


EVANI AWKWARDLY MANEUVER THE WEIGHT bench onto the open space on the balcony. Luckily the sun is out and it’s a fine sixty-degree morning in the Bay. I glance over at Sadie’s balcony and see the sheer c[urtains firmly closed. Then I head back inside to get the six weights that go with the bench.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance