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My skin heats and I wave a hand in front of my face to help cool me down.

“You just said you work from home. Doesn’t that give you the perfect excuse to play hooky? You’re under quarantine. Come on, live a little.” He waggles his brows before chugging the rest of his bottle.

I purse my lips. “I don’t have any beer.”

This has him grinning wildly and I swear my heart stops. The man is gorgeous when he’s smiling. Bright white teeth. Blue-green eyes. From this distance I still can’t tell exactly what color they are. There’s a good eight feet between our balconies.

“Well it’s a good thing I stocked up. I have plenty of beer. I’ll leave a sixer in front of your door.”

Before I can say no, he disappears through his glass slider.

“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?”* * *

EVANNot even worrying about putting on a shirt, I hit the kitchen and pull out a six-pack for my gorgeous neighbor and an extra bag of Doritos. She’s an interesting one. Doesn’t give away much. Definitely has opinions about Kenny Rogers’s music. I laugh under my breath and tread barefoot to the door. Quickly I set the six pack and Doritos down on the carpet in front of her door and then knock twice before heading back to my current hideout. I’d love nothing more than to stand there with the beer and have her invite me in, but she seems way too smart to let in a stranger, especially when everything on TV and online right now says to avoid all people as best you can.

The city is only allowing its citizens to get food and necessities. Beer is a necessity for me, so I bought two twenty-four packs when I went to the store before I moved in. I had to ensure I had enough to drown my sorrows.

I still haven’t heard anything from the team doctor, or my coach, but it’s only been a couple days. I could call some of my teammates, get the low down on what the word is about me, but frankly, I don’t want to know what people are guessing. I’d rather get the hard-core facts and move on. I just hope to Christ that moving on means going back to my team—and not moving on to an entire new career.

My dad would be crushed. He lives and breathes his son playing the game professionally. Tells all his buddies back home in Indiana about my career. He even roots for the Oakland Marauders while everyone in Indiana bleeds blue and silver for the Mustangs. Still, my dad takes all the heat from his brethren with a smile on his face and his chest puffed up in pride.

Visiting the fridge once again I pull out two cold ones and grab the other bag of Doritos. I gave her the Nacho Cheese variety because it’s the safer choice. Everyone likes the nacho cheese blend, but not everyone loves the Cool Ranch. I’m an equal opportunity Dorito lover myself so I can go either way.

Cradling my loot, I head back onto the patio and set the beers on the side table. Then I rearrange my chair so I’m facing Sadie’s balcony. I ease into my seat and wait.

And wait.

A full ten minutes and one full beer down the hatchet before she finagles her body out the slider, ass-first, dragging something along with her. Aw, a folding chair. It didn’t dawn on me that she didn’t have any seats on her balcony.

“Whatcha doin’ over there?” I stand and lean on the edge of my railing while watching her push and pull a chair, the six pack, and the bag of Doritos all out at once.

And she’s changed her top. She was wearing a hoodie before. Now she’s got on a long-sleeve V-neck purple top that clings to her ample bosom. They’re not huge tits, but definitely a small handful. Just right if the lush expanse of cleavage I’m seeing is anything to go by. My dick stirs in my jeans and I palm it once, then shift it a bit to give the sucker a bit more room. While she’s busy, I unbutton the top button and sigh at the slight centimeter more of space.

Her hair is now pulled into a high messy bun when before she’d had it down, the golden waves falling all over her shoulders. I prefer it down, but beggars can’t be choosers.

Eventually she spins around, sets her beer on the ground, and flops into the chair. “Whew! Okay. And thanks for the Doritos.”

“And the beer,” I add good naturedly because who forgets about free beer?

“Oh yeah, and that. I’m more of a snack type of gal so you win extra neighbor-in-quarantine-points for the chips.”

“So, the way to your heart is through your stomach? Good to know.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance