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“It’s a noble pursuit and we need to be focused.”

“True. And being in the same space will make that easier. Though I do need to get some work done now and then. I packed my laptop and a couple of knickknacks off my desk so I can set up a little space at the dining table or wherever suits.” I gesture toward one of the boxes and a bag.

His smile is slow and freaking divine. “You’re moving in with me.”

“I’m moving in with you. If you want.” My stomach flip flops from nerves. I am never this brave. Though Evan makes me feel like I can scale mountains. I certainly want to scale him. But first things first.

“Oh, baby, it’s safe to say I can’t even remember ever wanting something as bad as this,” he says. “I’ve been waiting out on the balcony for you since dawn. Got just about no sleep last night, I was so damn excited. Can I touch you now?”

I hold up a hand. “Just a minute. I’m not quite finished with the speech I prepared earlier. Also, we need to get my stuff inside.”

“Step back and let me get that sorted,” he says, reaching for the luggage and dragging it into Jake’s hall. Next he picks up like all of the boxes, including the heavy ones full of books (as if I’d go anywhere without my books). Damn is he strong. “What else did you want to say?”

“Right. I’ve never lived with anyone before and I’m assuming you haven’t either—”

“That would be right.”

“So we’re both going to make mistakes and step on each other’s toes now and then. The important thing is to be open minded, patient, and keep the communication happening, right?”


“Because neither of us know how long this lockdown could go on for. When you need some time to yourself or if you want me to go back to my apartment so we can take a step back from this for however long, you need to tell me. And I’ll do the same if I need some space. Complete honesty, okay?”


“Which brings us to back to the here and now. I had this idea of wearing a slinky dress and heels and looking all fancy for you. But the fact is, moving necessitated these comfortable, boring items of clothing.”

His gaze runs over my body like an actual caress as he grabs the rest of my belongings. I’ve never been moved so fast in my life. The man is on a mission. “Understandable. Though nothing you put on that body could be boring, baby.”

“I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I wanted to make this a special occasion. The truth is, however, I haven’t even washed my hair yet.”

“We can do it in the shower later and I’ll wash your hair for you after. Was that all?” His hands are shaking and the muscles in his forearms are flexing rhythmically.

“You don’t care that I look like a vagrant?” I ask with my heart in my hand.

“Sadie, baby, rest assured that even if I knew what a vagrant was I still wouldn’t care that you apparently look like one.”

I laugh. “A hobo, vagabond, drifter. You know?”

“Cutest hobo I’ve ever seen. I especially dig your fluffy socks.”


“We good now?”

I grin. “Oh. We’re so damn good.”

“Thank fuck for that!” He growls, pulling my body against his much larger one. My toes are barely touching the ground when he sinks his face against the crook of my neck and hugs me.

Not what I expected, but somehow better.

His body is shaking and then I realize it’s me. I’m trembling in his arms.

He runs his hands up and down my back while he holds me. Kisses the side of my neck in featherlight presses of lips to skin.

“Relax, baby. Let me hold you.”

I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and sink further into his embrace. He’s warm and smells of mint, Irish Spring soap, and something unique and manly. I soak in the scent and sigh deeply, feeling his chest against mine, his heart pounding. I expected to be nervous and ever so slightly freaked out in this moment. And I sort of am. But mostly, this feels natural and right. Like I’ve finally found home in human form and it’s Evan.

Life. Altered. Forever.

For what feels like seconds and eternity at the same time, our labored breaths and heartbeats synchronize. His hands rub up and down my back and sides in soothing sweeping caresses that lull me into a dreamy haze that’s filled with nothing but him, this moment. The first time we get to hold one another.

“You are the most perfect creature,” he says. “I feel honored to be holding you close, feeling your breath against my neck. I don’t know how to explain it…”

“Meant to be.” I squeeze him tighter and run my fingers through his hair, allowing the now longer layers to slide through my fingers like water over river rocks in the heat of summer. Good God, this man gets me poetic. Scratch that. He just gets me in general. And that knowledge, that acceptance, moves me like nothing that’s ever come before. My eyes are watery, my throat tight. But I will not cry and make this weird. I won’t. Probably.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance