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Sean rolls his eyes and makes a gagging sound. “Classy.”

“So helpful, honey. Thank you.”

Then he turns to Sean. “You say one thing to upset her in any way and I will destroy you. There will be no discussion. Do we understand one another?”

Sean just blinks again.

“I think he understands,” I say.

Evan disappears inside the apartment and I sigh. “You were brought here under false pretenses by my mother for which I apologize. But hear me now and make no mistake, Sean. I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to hear from you. And I definitely do not need rescuing.”


“I was lonely and I thought having you in my life would fix things. That I’d feel more competent and accomplished or some such shit. Like my career and interests and friends weren’t enough. It’s hard to believe in love when it keeps passing you by. I think it was approaching thirty that made me panic. An image I had in my head of where I’d be by now in life. But I’m over that. And the truth is, being with you made me feel more alone than ever. The constant need to restrain myself, to censor myself, so I wouldn’t be too much or too weird or too something for you. So I wouldn’t be me and embarrass you. That’s the truth of it. It was a messed up and shitty cycle to be caught up in and I’m done with it. Now, as for the other matter.” I slip my cell phone out of my purse and dial up my mother.

“Sadie.” She’s smiling. I can hear it in her voice. And meanwhile my blood is basically boiling. Far the fuck out.

“Listen to me carefully and do not interrupt, Mom. I’m happy with him. Evan makes me happy. Do you get how big that is for me?”

“But, honey—”

“No. Listen. Just listen for once, will you, please? It’s not because I’m having to isolate and am stressed and scared of the virus. Even though I am all of those things. It’s because he’s a good person and he’s good for me. He accepts me as I am. All of my insecurities and quirks and everything.” I take a breath and let it out slow. “So you’re going to delete Sean’s number from your cell and you will never pull this sort of thing again. I’m serious. You have hurt and embarrassed me along with humiliating Sean here. Someone that you apparently have more respect for than me. Then you’re going to go and sit down and have a long think about the kind of relationship you want to have with me. I’ll call you in a couple of days when I’ve cooled down. Please don’t call me in the meantime unless it’s an emergency.” Then I hang up. Go me for getting the last word for once. Victory.

Sean’s brows seem to have inched up into his hairline.

“I’ve made my choice and I regret nothing. I do not want you in my life in any way, shape, or form. We’re over.”


“Over!” I practically screech.

He stares at me for a long time before closing his eyes. I think he finally might actually believe me. “I take it we understand each other now?”

He nods.

“Excellent. Take the fucking basket and go,” I demand.

Finally, for once in the time we’ve known one another, he listens too. He grabs the basket and walks around to the elevator.

Once he’s gone, a wave of exhaustion encompasses me. A moment later, Evan cracks his front door open and peeks out. “Safe to come out yet?”

“For you? Yes.”

His expression is filled with compassion and I think a little pride. “You kicked ass, baby. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

I smile, but my shoulders slump. “I know you said you were cutting back, but can we just go sit out on our balconies and chill with a drink? Talk about the mysteries of the universe?”

His corresponding smile…so dreamy. “Whatever you want. I’m here for you.”CHAPTER 14


SADIEIT’S QUARTER TO EIGHT WHEN I knock on his door in a pair of yoga pants and a tight white tee. Evan opens it approximately two seconds later.

Oh, the fire in his eyes. And baby, am I ready to burn. First he takes in me, from the fluffy socks on my feet to the messy bun in my hair. Then he notices all of the assorted shit surrounding me. A couple of boxes. My luggage. You know…stuff.

“What’s going on?” he asks. “Thought I heard noises out here.”

“Okay, so if we’re doing this right, here’s how things are going to be. Ready?”

He nods.

“So the rules say that if you’re physically involved with someone…and I trust we’re about to get physically involved?”

Another nod.

“Then we need to be self-isolating together, basically. I think that would be safest and make the most sense. If you agree, of course. Now Gloria is used to this apartment and I didn’t want to upset her because she’s a sweet floofy baby. Then there’s your treadmill and all of your training gear to be considered. Hence my choice of this apartment. You also discussed at length that we’re apparently giving up anything besides eating and sleeping in the pursuit of fucking from now on.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance