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He inspects the heaped contents of his basket with a frown. “It’ll do for the first week.”

“Good God. Do you anticipate us ever sleeping or indeed doing anything other than having sex in the near future?”

He lifts a shoulder. “Meh. If you really want to. We could watch a little TV, I guess. And I’ll cook meals for you. Got to keep your energy up, baby.”

“I’m getting that. I can see me icing my vagina at this rate.”

“Is that a problem?” And he’s serious. The man is actually serious.

We finish up our purchases with the cashier giving Evan the bro-code version of a thumbs-up when he says, “Niiiiccceeee,” at the sheer amount of sexual paraphernalia he’s purchasing. I look around and notice one of the other cashiers giving me the side-eye.

She just wishes she had a hunk-a-licious like Evan stocking up to fuck her stupid. Too bad he’s all mine.

“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll get more next week,” I say loud enough for side-eye jealous girl to hear. Petty, but fun.

Evan follows me out the door and back to our place. Staying six feet behind me until I stop cold after exiting the elevator at our floor.

“Sean, what are you doing here?” I glare at the most unwelcome of visitors standing outside my front door. Also, I desperately need to change the code for my personal entrance to the building. Pronto.

Behind me, I can just feel Evan bristling. Unfortunate after our lovely outing. We’ve been smiling and laughing, the day a success. Now this.

Wearing a gray pinstripe suit, a mask, and gloves, Sean just blinks at me, his black hair neatly slicked back. Then his gaze goes to the much bigger man standing behind me. It’s wrong the way I objectify Evan and his large hot body. I know this. I’m a shallow and wanton creature. But right now, I can’t bring myself to care. I’ve moved onto bigger and better things. Literally. And I’m more than happy for my ex to see that for himself—the asshat.

“I bought you a care basket,” he says, gesturing to the flashy gift box of wine, fruit, and flowers sitting at his feet.

“You did? Why?”

“Well…because I care.” He even sounds haughty wearing a facemask and gloves.

Instantly the idea of a gentleman serial killer coming after Eamon and Katie in my novel prods at my sleeping muse before I shake it off to pay attention to the situation.

“No you don’t.” I frown remembering all the times he didn’t care. Book releases. When I hit the New York Times, when I sold my first book to another country. He’s never actually given two shits about me and my life. Just how I fit into his.

“He pretending he cares because he’s trying to get back in,” growls Evan. “Dude, no matter what you say, it’s not going to work. That ship has sailed.”

Sean sniffs. “You’re the drug dealing baller, I take it.”

And then it all clicks into place with horrible, blood-boiling clarity. “Oh my fucking God! My mother called you. I don’t believe this. Evan, baby, I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault,” my man says through clenched teeth, staring Sean down as though if he so much as flinches he’s jumping him like a hungry Rottweiler protecting its food. Only in this scenario, I’m the food.

“You can’t be serious, Sadie. What the hell are you thinking? He’s an over-hyped, panty-chasing, drug-taking baller with a tiny dick and an even smaller IQ. Grow up and choose better.”

Evan’s jaw is set, his gaze ablaze with fury. I can see him clenching and unclenching his strong hands into fists. “Do not insult her or I will end you.”

“And don’t insult him either,” I add, stepping further into the open hallway. “Evan, I really am sorry about this.”

He doesn’t so much as look my way, blazing gaze set on the douchenozzle. “Not your fault. I already told you that.”

“I know this is going to be very hard for you, and likely goes against everything you believe in, but would you mind going into your apartment and letting me deal with this? Pretty please? It’ll only take a minute and it’s something I feel I have to do on my own.”

His brows draw down into one fierce and pissed line. “I’d rather hit him.”

“Yes, but then you’d break social distancing rules and need to do another fourteen days of isolation to make sure you haven’t caught anything. What do you want more, a piece of me or a piece of him?”

Sean scoffs. The idiot. As if he’d stand a chance against an enraged Evan. And my new boyfriend is beyond furious.

“He’s not worth that. And you come first. Always.” Frown still in place, Evan fishes out the keys to Jake’s apartment from his jeans pocket and unlocks the door. “I’ll be right on the other side organizing our condoms if you need anything. Quarantine or no quarantine.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance