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Sadie pops up, spins around, and puts her hand to her hip. Her gaze is malicious, but her cheeks are already tinged pink and her mouth is twitching.

“Pervert!” She blasts and then smiles.

“Guilty. And I’m not even sorry.”

She harrumphs and carries on organizing her stuff. “Let’s start with some standing poses I learned recently. The teacher calls this one, Warrior One. Put your left leg out front and the right leg backwards in a scissor-like shape.”

“Oooh, scissoring. Kinky.” I follow along while facing her.

She grins and lifts her arms in the air. I watch fascinated as her full breasts rise up while she puts her hands over her head as if reaching for the sky.

I imagine putting my hands and mouth on those delectable-looking mounds. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter and focus on the position,” she reprimands. But the curtness in her tone and her sexy-as-fuck body have Mr. Happy paying far more attention than he should.

I adjust my cock to a more comfortable position and then raise my hands up but something else starts rising right along with them.

“Jesus, you’re obscene. And sexy as hell. Stop it!” she demands, but I can see the fire and heat in her eyes.

Needing to rile her up, I turn sideways and allow my cock to tent my gym shorts in a graphic display of my desperate need for her. “It’s your fault. Look at him. So ready and willing.”

She scowls. “You’re not playing fair.”

“Who the fuck said anything about being fair? I want to put my hands on the woman I’ve been obsessing over for the last nine days. More so, you want it too.”

“Evan,” she groans and crosses her arms over her chest protectively. Instantly I feel like a shit.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help wanting you. I think it might help if we had a timeframe or end date to this enforced celibacy neither of us want.”

She sighs and rubs at her bare biceps. “The virus is dangerous, and it takes up to fourteen days sometimes for symptoms to show. And I think…”

“We’ve already survived nine days with nothing. Isn’t that close enough to put us out of our misery?”

She frowns and shakes her head. “It wouldn’t feel right.”

“Then when would it?” I stretch my arms over my head and lace my fingers behind my neck, putting my entire body on display.

I watch while her gaze tracks all over my skin as if it were a physical touch. She puts her hands on her hips, and I can see her nipples bead up in tight little points against her tank. I’d give my left nut to put my mouth on those erect tips.

“Maybe another week? If we both don’t have any symptoms whatsoever, I think it would be safe for us to see only each other.”

My heart sinks as my mind starts counting back. “Baby, that’s seventeen days not fourteen. How about ten?”

She laughs. “Tomorrow?”

“Deal!” I chuckle.

“No deal! That’s only ten days. How about Day 15? Then we’ll know for sure.”

I shake my head and palm my hard cock. Her blue eyes sparkle and heat as I rub my dick through my shorts and groan. “Fourteen. Not a day more. I can’t take it. Waiting five more days to touch you… Fuck, Sadie. It’s gonna kill me.”

She licks her lips and frowns. “I know. For me too. But we can do this. For the safety of one another, we can manage. Now scissor your legs, ignore your hard-on, and raise those massive arms over your head.” Sadie does the same as she instructs. “Then lunge forward until you feel a nice stretch through your hips and back leg.”

I follow along and breathe deeply, trying to calm not only my rapidly beating heart, but to chill out my dick. Blue balls are the real deal and Mr. Happy is now Mr. Grumpy due to not getting any action. I’ll be taking care of that later tonight. Maybe I could talk Sadie into another phone sesh. Oooh better yet, a video sexcapade. Now that has some merit.

“Next you want to pinwheel one of your arms out into a T. Stretch the back leg out in a wide stance and focus intently forward.” She scrunches up her face with the effort. No half-assing it for my girl.

I do as she says and enjoy looking at her while getting a good stretch in. “So, tell me. What’s your favorite food.”

“Candy,” she says instantly, and then moves into another pose.

I follow her movements fluidly without being instructed. “Candy is not a food, babe.”

“It is to me. Let’s see, there’s Reese’s Peanut butter cups. Good for breakfast, kind of like peanut butter toast. Then there’s Snickers…all those nuts and nougat. So healthy.” She grins. “Even the commercials confirm that it’s designed as a meal replacement.” Without so much as a stumble she moves into the next pose. Something that has one of her arms pointed up toward the sky and half her body bent over to the side as she rests one elbow on her bent knee.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance